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My community college course started a few days ago, since then I've been super busy attending classes and going to work.

After my morning classes, I decided to drive by Jesse's and see what he was doing, sure enough, his car was in the driveway so I parked and got out of the car, lighting a cigarette.

I knocked on the door a few times but no answer, I was prepared to leave when the moving of curtain's caught my eye so I walked over to peek in. I couldn't see anything.

I said 'fuck it' and decided to get back into my car, I saw someone running behind the RV. I put my cigarette in my mouth and followed the person, sure enough I saw Jesse running away from me. What the actual fuck is going on?

I began running and he turned around to see me and a look of panic struck his face.

I started running towards him as he began running again and I tackled him to the ground, my cigarette still dangling in my mouth.

"D-don't hurt me, you want money?" He said, clearly startled and his hands were up in defeat.

"Jesse, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked as I sat on his lap, looking down and then quickly scrambling to get off of him. 

Something seemed to click in his brain as a smile appeared on his face, "Hailey."

I brushed off the hoodie and sweatpants that I was wearing and then gave Jesse a hand up. I was confused about what just happened to say the least. 

"Why the hell were you running from me?" I asked, taking a drag from my cigarette that was still intact.

He rubbed his finger under his nose. "I-I took some of that shit Mr. White and I made, makes me paranoid. I-I thought you were someone trying to get me."

"You've got to get off that shit Jess, It's too fucking much... clearly."

He looked at me awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck — a nervous tendency. "Yeah I know it's just—"

"And before you start saying it, no I'm not trying to mother you." I said grinning, wanting to keep the mood light. "I just care for you."

I took another drag from my cigarette and held it out to Jesse.

"Thanks." He said putting it to his lips.

I hated still seeing him on different drugs — that and the fact that I've seen him on practically all of them. Smoking weed is one thing but everything else should have been left in the past. That shits going to be the death of him and the thought of that breaks my heart.


Incoming call: Jesse Pinkman

What the fuck? I was just about to go into class but I stood outside the classroom door taking the call.

"Jesse, what's up?"

"Yo Hailey, you busy?" He asked me.

"I—uh—" I glanced at the classroom door, I'd do anything not to be there. "No what's up?"

"I need a ride." He said, sighing and I could hear the gush of wind from the speaker of the phone.

"Send me the addy."

I pulled up to what Jesse said was his parents' house and noted that it was a really nice place.

I saw him talking to his little brother on their front lawn and then crushing something to the ground and he walked to my car, sitting down beside me.

"Everything good?" I asked as I began driving away from his parents' house.

"Yeah uhh my parents thought I brought a joint into their house... turns out it was my brothers. They kicked me out again."

"Bro's a bit young to smoke, don't you think?"

He scoffed, looking out the window. "Yeah, I didn't snitch on him or anything but they just like assumed it was me."

"Well Jess, of course they'd assume it's yours."

"Yeah well thanks for picking me up." He said, not wanting to press on the matter. "You were probably busy. doing other things"

"Don't worry about it, got me out of a class."

"Hailey, what the hell? I would have paid for a taxi." He said, turning to face me.

I just shrugged. "Didn't feel like going anyways."

Soon Jesse placed his hand on my thigh and I took a quick glance at him.


He ran his hand along my leg, "—I really like you Hailey, more than I've liked anyone before."

I looked at him for a moment before looking back at the road in front of me. "You sure you like me? Not that idea of me being your personal bitch." I said with a chuckle.

"Bitch isn't the word I'd use—"

"For once." 

He snorted, his hand comfortable on me. "Yeah for once. But do—do you think you'd ever give me a chance? We don't have to move quickly... or whatever." 

Just thinking back to high school Jesse was never the type to take things slow. It was a quick fuck and then go your separate ways. He was like that with every girl. Does he really like me enough to make such a change to his habits? 

"You want to take things slow?" I questioned, accentuating every word.

"Yeah for you I would."

I couldn't help but smile. He really had me wrapped around his finger. "Why go slow? It's not like we haven't been intimate."

"I was saying that in case you didn't want to move quick— You deserve that option, you know?"

"I'm just busting your balls." I told him.

He licked his bottom lip, his hand still on my thigh. "We can save that for later."

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