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I hadn't spoken to Walter or Jesse since the whole 'hey let's run some people over' thing.

I managed to get a taxi but I didn't have enough money for it to drop me off in front of my house so I walked the rest of the 10 minutes home — threw up twice in the process.

"Hey, you seem off?" Carmen whispered as we sat in class, a few weeks after the whole ordeal.

"Just tired." I sighed, Jesse told me he had been lying low after the entire thing but he's been MIA for 2 weeks now, Brandon, Pete, and I hung out once this week but it felt off without Jesse and they didn't know where he was either.

Once I managed to sit throw that entire class I got in my car and decided to call Saul (declining Carmen's invite to hang out). 

"Do you know where he is?" I asked him. I couldn't take not knowing anymore. 

"I'm sure he's fine, Hailey," Saul said.

"You're sure?" I questioned. "As in you know where he is?"

"Well, I'm not that man's keeper, but Jesse's a big boy. He'll turn up." 

"Give me some fucking answers here, one minute he's complaining about some gang letting children work for them the next— well you know what the fuck happened and now he's not answering... if he relapsed just tell me, Saul."

"Look Jesse is fine, okay? I guarantee that, hundred percent." Saul confirmed. 

"You lie for a living— you expect me to believe that bullshit?" I snapped. "Fuck you."

With that, I hung up the call pissed off.


"Hey, doesn't Jesse live at 322 16th St SW?"

"Girl it's 9 in the morning, who cares?" I groaned, I had woken up to Carmen's phone call which was way too early for my liking. I declined it the first time but the unbearable ringing continued until I picked up. 

"Hailey! Is that his addy or not?"

I sighed and sat up. "Yes, that's his address, why?"

"He's throwing a party... we should go."

"He's back?" I questioned before I could stop myself, fuck me and my half-asleep self.

"Where did he go?" She chuckled.

"He uh went to see his parents out of town or something like that."

"Right, right so when am I picking you up? or would you rather just meet up at his place?" She asked me. 

"Carmen, I'm not going."

"Don't be a Debbie downer!" She teased, "Get up, Get dressed and I'll meet you outside your house in say... half an hour."

"I hate you—"

"Love you too!" She sang and hung up. Great now I had to get up and pretend I want to party. 

Saying Jesse pissed me off would have been an understatement, I had to harass Saul for way too long, and here he was partying after I had been worrying for weeks.

My fault for caring I guess, but maybe he just didn't want me around and I should respect that. 

I got up and as I was brushing my teeth I got a text from Brandon telling me to come over to Jesse's.

At least now I could use Brandon as an excuse to be there — instead of saying my friend somehow came across you having a party. 

Carmen met me at my house and we took my car. I hadn't driven in yesterday and didn't want it to sit again today as well. 

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