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The car ride was awkward, to say the least. I had no interest in him and by the looks of it, the feeling was mutual. 

I figured Walter was just going to drive me to Jesse's and explain some stupid plan for his crystal and most likely hand me another gun. That is why I was always needed before. 

"I need to tell you something and I need you to stay calm," Walter said breaking the silence in the car.


"You promise not to freak out?"

"I won't freak, Mr. White," I assured him, worried about what he might say.

"Last night I went over to Jesse's. It was late he was sleeping with that girl—"

"I really don't need to hear about their hook-up." I snapped, I still wasn't over him but I was glad to hear Jesse moved on so quickly.

"I'm not saying they actually slept together—"

"It's Jesse, Mr.White, they definitely fucked."

"ANYWAYS!" He scoffed and his hand gripped the steering wheel tightly, "I— Well I watched that girl choke on her own vomit last night... and she died, Hailey."

"What?" I exclaimed, my head whipping to look at him. "You didn't do anything to stop it?"

"I-I wasn't quick enough to stop it." He said but his voice was laced with guilt, "Jesse's in some crack den now, you need to come with me and find him, get him out of there."

I couldn't grasp my head around this, sure I didn't like the girl but I wouldn't have wished death upon her.

But why was Walter there while they were asleep? Did Jesse even want to see me after everything? He must be a fucking wreck and I didn't want to hurt him anymore. 

"Jesse's too fragile for this lifestyle." I said, wanting to break the awkward silence in the car again, "I love him but... why did you have to rope me into this?"

"He loves you. I think you're the only thing that's ever saved him. When you left it broke him and you— you're the only thing that's going to put him back together."

"How do you know he'll want to see me? He was with Jane you know, they probably started dating right after we broke up." 

"They never dated... not from what I saw. He only used her as a way to forget about you which clearly didn't work. I think he only did that crap with her... apart from that he'd sit in his house in the dark."


"APD's been known to sit on this place, look at the comings and goings." Some guy who I didn't know said, Walter and him were talking while I stood beside them. I'm not sure why this guy was here with us. 

"Are they here now?" Asked Walter.

"I don't see any sign—"

"Well, that's the point." I chimed in, kicking the rocks from the gravel with my shoe.

"Exactly... police could be the least of it. You could get mugged or shot." The guy continued. "How about you go on home... the both of you."

"I was forced to come here. I'm not leaving without him." I said, looking up at the older man.

"Let me handle this then." The guy offered, his eyes darting from Walter to myself.

"Hailey and I will be just fine, let's go," Walter said and with that, we climbed over the fence towards the crack house. 

When we entered the house if you'd even call it that, a crackhead greeted us.

Walter put his arm around me and pulled me away from the guy who looked like a walking corpse. I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise, what were these people doing to themselves?

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