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I had spent my night driving around, fuelled by coffee and loud music blasting from my stereo. I silenced my phone so nobody would bother me and I pulled into the parking lot of a playground and fell asleep in my car for a few hours.

I could have paid for a hotel but I hated the thought of how gross those mattresses are.

"Wakey, Wakey." I sang into the phone at 6 in the morning.

"Hailey Michelle Damarias why are you of all people up this early?" Carmen mumbled into the phone. This was karma for all the times she'd wake up me.

"I needed to leave my house, I honestly don't think I can live with my mother anymore."

"Got into a fight?" She asked, her phone crackling like she was sitting up.

"Yeah... I need to start looking for a place to rent." I sighed, "Any way we'll talk in class, just wanted to ruin your sleep."

She laughed, "How about we grab breakfast at my parents' place, it's sunny and we'll eat outside." Carmen's parents owned their own family diner and that's where Carmen worked.


I looked through my messages while I waited for Carmen at the diner, there were multiple messages from Natalie and my mom that I didn't bother to answer. I put my sweater down on the table for Onyx to sit while we ate.

"You know I've been looking at places to rent and they've all been way out of my price range but maybe— now you have every right to tell me to fuck off but maybe we could split and be roommates?"

"That— that sounds ideal actually." I said with a smile. I only spent my checks on gas, food and insurance and the rest I'd been saving, plus with me working, Carmen and I would be able to afford it collectively.

After class, Carmen invited me back to her place and I spent two nights there, still ignoring all my phone calls. We hung out with Brandon for a bit and clearly, Carmen and he had been forming a connection.

We were going to look at a few places for rent and so I was dropping off Nix with Natalie and I was hoping my mom wouldn't be home but she was.

The moment I opened the door she was standing in the foyer. "Thank the lord." She breathed, opening her arms to give me a hug.

"Don't. I'm only here to drop off the dog." I said sharply.

Her face dropped, "And where do you plan on going?"

"Elsewhere." I said, "Natalie, I'm here."

She came down the stairs, I hadn't told her I was looking for places just that I was going to work and didn't want to leave him at Carmen's.

"Hailey I am sorry, come back home." My mom begged, her eyes becoming glossy with tears.

"Mom, don't cry, alright?" I told her, "Just let me have some space, I'll be back later."


"And why am I getting call after call from your frantic mother about our middle child leaving our house?" My father asked over the phone.

"Dad, a friend and I are moving in together—"

"Is this friend a boy? Jesse?" He asked me.

I pursed my lips together, "No not Jesse, Carmen... the tall blonde one at my birthday dinner."

"The one that got you all those funny gifts, right?" He chuckled, "Your mom said that the both of you got into a fight, what was that about?"

I took a deep breath, "About her thinking that she always knows what's best for me, don't get me wrong I love the woman but sometimes I want to smack her."

"I hear you hails, I really do." He said, "I think it's great you're moving out and starting a new chapter in your life... I'll be home in a few days, I better see you."

"Call me and I'll be over."

We said goodbyes and hung up. Carmen and I ended up finding a great apartment that welcomed pets, has two bedrooms and its own pool. I bought one of those small moving trunks and loaded everything from my bedroom into it. We were allowed to move in right away and so we did.

Carmen took her love seat from her basement and I took Cecilia's old tv and tv stand so that we'd have a little something for our living room. My mom was crying but everything was on good terms, she was all Natalie's to deal with now.

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