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"Ayo pull into this motel I think I see Jesse." Brandon pointed out as he and I were in my car together. I had just picked him up from work because his Pontiac Fiero is fucked right now. I didn't ask questions I just agreed to give him a ride.

I flicked my signal on and turned into a ghetto-looking motel. "Why would Jesse be at a motel?" 

Brandon just shrugged. "Jesse does weird things sometimes." 

Sure enough, Jesse was standing in the parking lot with what looked to be a prostitute. 

"What the fuck." I whispered to Brandon, looking at the bleach-blonde tramp.

"Guess he was horny." Was all Brandon said. I gripped my steering wheel angrily. 

"Yo, Jesse," Brandon called out once he rolled down the window.

Jesse wobbled towards the car, the prostitute following behind him like a stray dog.

Jesse was definitely on something right now.

"Yo Brandon... Hailey?" 

The prostitute leaned against my car and my nose scrunched up.

"Yo get the fuck away from my car!" I said, leaning over Brandon to yell out his window.

The girl listened and backed away. "I'll see you later, Jesse."

"So what are you doing here?" Jesse asked us. I could smell the weed lingering on him.

"Could ask you the same thing."  I snapped, jealously was coursing through me.

I really liked Jesse and I felt annoyed and most of all jealous that he was here with her. I didn't have any right to act like that because we weren't dating but I couldn't help it. 

"Yo chill Hailey... it's not what you think." Jesse said.

I scoffed. "Oh yeah enlighten me then."  

He scratched the back of his head, unaware of what to say. "I- we didn't like do anything wrong."

Brandon put his hand on my hand that was sitting on the clutch. "Maybe we should just dip."

I put my car in drive angrily, refusing to look at Jesse. "Good idea Brandon."

"Wait Hailey why are you mad?" Jesse asked.

"Why am I mad? Figure it the fuck out." I yelled and sped off, cutting off a few people in the process and having them honk at me.

"Hails are you okay?"  Brandon finally asked.

"I'm fine."

"Well uh you just ran a red light and you snapped at Jesse so-"

"I just don't get why Jesse does the shit he does."

"What with the prostitute?" He questioned. 

I sighed. "With everything, he probably won't even remember this conversation tomorrow."


I hadn't spoken to or seen Jesse in 2 weeks, I was glad but that didn't stop Brandon from trying to get us to be chill again. 

Outgoing text from Brandon Mayhew: 

Brandon: Come hang at my place 

Hailey: Who's all there?

Brandon: Pete

Hailey: Is Jesse there?

Brandon: Maybe

Hailey: Count me out.

Brandon: Hailey just come, Jesse is sorry

Hailey: Don't care, why does he need my forgiveness when he has a prostitute?

Brandon: Just talk to him

Hailey: I'm busy rn, link me when Jesse is MIA.


The day after my conversation with Brandon, Jesse showed up at my work.

"Sorry, this register is closed," I told him as he set down his items. 

"Hailey just let me talk to you!" He pleaded, wanting to make amends. 

"Sorry sir  but my till is currently closed, number 5 will gladly ring you up."

He didn't move. "Hailey I'm sorry okay! I didn't think you'd be so mad at me."

"Are you stupid Jesse?" I snapped, spit flying out of my mouth.

"No- maybe Idunno?"

"I liked you... but it doesn't matter now." I told him. "It's over."

"I thought you only made a move on me because of the whole vibe of the party," Jesse admitted. "I didn't think it was real."

"You fuck whatever walks so it's probably best nothing happened."

"I didn't know you liked me! I like you, fuck me... I fuck up everything." 

I scoffed. "Yeah, you do."

I decided to just ring up his stuff so he could leave the store.

"That'll be $10.40," I told him, looking anywhere but at him. 

He pulled out a twenty from his pocket.

"Please forgive me, Hailey, I'm sorry okay that bitch means nothing to me."

Someone began putting their groceries on the conveyor belt and I was glad they did. 

"Cool there are other people in line... please exit the store."

He sighed. "Call me later."

I rolled my eyes and turned to the person. "Do you need any bags today?"

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