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I woke up on Saturday to a text from Brandon.

Brandon: Party still on tonight, be there!

Hailey: At Jesse's right?

Brandon: Ya 10 pm

Hailey: Ok I'll b there.

I walked downstairs and my mom and sister were in the kitchen, eating breakfast.

"Morning sweetheart." My mom said in a way too cheerful voice.

"Morning," I mumbled as I opened my fridge looking for something to eat. 

"You look tired, what time did you go to bed?" Questioned my mom.  

"Late," I answered shortly as I grabbed the milk, my mom always found something to pick at when it comes to my sisters and I and I have come to find out that the less she knows the better. 

My oldest sister Cecilia, who is a year older than me moved out at 16 and I used to always wonder why but now I realized she didn't want to deal with mom anymore - unfortunate but true.

My sister sitting in the kitchen with my mom is Natalie who is 2 years younger than me, she's in her last year of high school.

"You shouldn't be staying up late Hailey." My mom told me, "It's bad for your health."

I shut the fridge and turned around to face her. "Mom... get off my dick."

Natalie snickered, looking at her bowl of cereal.

"Don't use that term with me Hailey and Natalie don't laugh at her behaviour."

I rolled my eyes but she didn't take notice. "Mom, I'm 19 years old I can say the word dick."

"It's not a nice word Hailey, okay?" She said getting all worked up.

I began making myself cereal and I sat beside Natalie at our kitchen Island.

"So do you have any weekend plans?" Natalie asked me curiously.

"Seeing some old friends."

"Ouu like who... Andre?"

I furrowed my brows, giving her a dirty look. "No Jesse and Brandon."

"Jesse Pinkman?" She said right away. 

I took a bite of my cereal, surprised she remembered him. "Yeah, why?"

She grinned. "He's so hot, are you like dating him?"

I found myself thinking about Jesse all week. I think I was beginning to fall for him and I definitely didn't need Natalie in the way of that.

Everybody's known for something at school, Cecilia was always super smart and made friends easily, I was known to party and Natalie.... well she was known as being passed around. 

I caught her staring at me waiting for my answer.

"We're not dating," I admitted.

"Maybe I should have a go at him." She said smiling at her own idea.

I felt myself getting mad at her stupid little comment, "Did you fuck him before?" I asked her.

"No... but I'd like to." 

I picked up my bowl and began leaving the room.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"Don't wanna be near a whore right now," I said, leaving the kitchen completely.

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