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"A kid Hailey— he killed a kid!" Jesse exclaimed as we sat on my bed, Onyx sleeping on my lap.

"Shhh," I told him, "My mom's downstairs."

Jesse came over after work and he was telling me all about somebody named Todd and how a kid was waving at them from his bike and he killed him. Kids were a soft spot for Jesse— he was telling me before about how children were working the street and that ended in Walter and I using two humans as target practice for his car.

"Jess, kids are innocent and I think it's horrible that they're sucked into shit like this but babe.... you can't save them all."

He rubbed his face with both his hands groaning, "They shouldn't need saving in the first place! They should be kids... I mean he was just riding his bike, he didn't know what he saw."

I was petting Nix as I looked up at him, "I really don't want to have this discussion with you since we have two very different opinions on this."

"Share them."

I sighed, "I swear to god if you make my mother come up here I'll personally throw you out my window, yeah?"

That made him smirk, "Got it."

"As I said, I don't think kids should be involved in anything to do with drugs but it's not that easy, some of them grow up in that environment. Shooting that kid was horrible but he was thinking quickly to save all of your asses— you can't say for sure that he wouldn't mention seeing three dudes by the train tracks."

"He was waving!" Jesse said loudly.

"Great, you woke up the dog," I said as Onyx lifted his head up to look at Jesse.

"Sorry buddy," Jesse muttered, petting his head.

"When Gustavo died you were set free and now you're back in these stupid fucking situations whether you like them or not unless you quit, leave, or find a normal job."

"Minimum wage won't pay for a house," Jesse pointed out.

"Never said it did— why don't you stick to weed? I mean it's so much more low-key."

"You really think I should like up and leave it all behind?" Jesse asked me.

I nodded, "The DEA has been up your ass for a while now, not to mention almost dying more than once, savour whatever money you have and job hunt— but do what you need to do, if it's not the right time to leave, don't."


Jesse and I have been spending much more time together and he asked me to come with him to talk to Walter. We all know I can hold my own around that man  — I won't let him walk all over Jesse. 

"Hey." Jesse greeted him as I shut the door.

"Hailey, Jesse," Walter said and ushered us to sit on his couch.

"Yo, you sure this is okay?" Jesse questioned, looking around his house.

"She's not here. Nobody is... both of you have a seat." 

"So uhh somethings come up," Jesse said as I sat down beside him, crossing one leg over the other. "Mike wanted to come here to give you the hard sell but I figured I'd be better coming from me."

"This connection won't buy mine and Mike's shares of Methylamine unless he gets your shares too," Jesse added, nervously playing with his fingers. "He wants the entire thousand gallons."

"Absolutely not," Walter replied calmly.

Jesse looked at me before continuing, "Yeah I figured you'd say that. I've been thinking about it and it really makes sense. Kinda."

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