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Dylan had to go back to college and so we decided to call it quits because neither of us wanted a long-distance relationship.

"Hailey hunny I think it would be a good idea for you to take some classes again, maybe at the community college." Said my mom during dinner one night.

"Idunno mom."

"Well, you can't expect to work at the grocery store for the rest of your life."

I sighed, not making eye contact with her. "Obviously."

"What about business management?" 

"That could be alright, I guess," I said lying.

"I've already looked there's also Medical Office Assistant or Accounting & Payroll Administration classes going."

"Yeah uhh they sound alright," I replied with a shrug. None of those sounded appealing.

"Mom just let her be," Natalie said.

"I am hunny... it's just maybe if I can lead you into the right direction—"

"You know what, sign me up for whatever," I told her, at this point, I was bored of my life anyways and again anything to shut her up.

"Really!!" She said, excitedly.

"Yeah, whatever."

The next morning I was signed up for the Medical office assistant course that was starting in 2 months.


"So tell me again why you're going to community college?" Brandon asked as we ate breakfast at some waffle house he wanted to go to.

"Mom wants me to... can't be worse than working at a grocery store, at least I can say I've tried other things with my life." 

"I kinda invite Jesse here," Brandon told me awkwardly, refusing to make eye contact.

I stopped cutting my food. "What, why?"

"Because I'm tired of both of you being childish."

"I know Brandon Mayhew did not just call me childish," I said, basically laughing.

"It had to be said."

I looked to my right and sure enough, Jesse was walking up to our table with his hands stuffed inside his pockets.


I didn't say a word, if Brandon called me childish I'd show him childish.

He sat down beside Brandon.

"Listen before you like stab me with your fork or something just hear me out," Jesse said.

I held my fork tightly. "Fine... what do you want to say?"

"J-just that I didn't mean to piss you off or make you upset before."

I nodded. "Nothing else?"

"I'm not sorry for anything I said to your boyfriend though." He admitted honestly.

I shot him a half-smile. "I'm just busting your balls, let's just put this shit behind us."

"Really?" Said Jesse surprised at how easy this all really was.

"Yeah really?" Brandon questioned. He figured we would be getting into another fight.

"Yeah I shouldn't have been so jealous... and for that I'm sorry," I said, apologizing for my own wrongdoings. As much as I hate to admit it, I am not Mrs. Perfect.

He smiled at me. "You still hadn't even given me your new number."

"I'm surprised Brandon didn't give it to you but pass me your phone."

He dug through his pocket and handed me his phone, I put my digits in and handed it back to him.

"Brandon wouldn't give it to me," Jesse stated.

"It's true." Brando chimed in.

"Good to know," I said, smirking at Brandon. He really was a true friend. "Oh and for your information I'm not dating Dylan anymore." Brandon already knew about this but I was sure Jesse would be happy to hear the news.

"Good he looked like a total rich—"

"Bitch?" I said, finishing his sentence for him.

"Yeah bitch."

"He was definitely rich but I dunno about a bitch." I said with a little laugh.


Jesse and I began hanging out again like nothing happened and honestly, I was glad.

I did realize that he was 'busy' quite a bit when anyone would ask him to hang. He wouldn't tell me what he was doing either. I wasn't going to pry on his life but I was a curious girl and had questions but I kept it to myself. 

My school would be starting soon so I tried to spend all of my free time doing something with either Brandon or Jesse — I felt like I wouldn't be having a social life very soon and I hated it.

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