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The 3 of us got stuffed into Jesse's trunk — as if life couldn't get worse.

I couldn't even keep my eyes open as the heat and emotions were taking over, Jesse's arm wrapped around me as we just laid there, none of us having the energy or room to move.

Soon Walter and I got thrown out of the trunk by Tuco, Jesse tried to fight him but Tuco hit him with a crowbar and slammed him back into his trunk.

"Settle down bitch." Tuco shouted as he cocked his gun. I was hoping he'd listen. 

Walter began crawling away but I just laid on my back staring at the bright blue sky above me, this was how I was going to die — with my old chemistry teacher and my boyfriend.

Jesse yelling slurs broke me out of my trans. It was like he wanted to get killed.

Tuco held his gun to Jesse's face telling him to get out of the car, he obeyed and hopped out.

"GET UP!" Tuco yelled at us.

I just laid there, how was I going to get up? I had no energy.

"GET UP!" He demanded again, spit flying.

Jesse and Walter got up, both of them grabbing my arms and pulled me up.

I began brushing my clothing off while Tuco pointed his gun at us.

"Don't—don't do this Tuco." Walter pleaded, "please Tuco."

Tuco grabbed me by my arm, pulling me close to him.

"Get in the house or chica over here dies."

"Don't hurt her... please." Jesse begged, I was again biting my lip to stop my tears.

"We'll walk... just don't do anything to her." Walter said.

Tuco chuckled as he brushed the hair out of my face with his gun, "walk and she doesn't get hurt."

The 2 of them walked in front of us as Tuco had a tight grip on my arm, leading me inside the house.

We all sat on the couch, a Spanish show playing on the black and white tv.

Who I believe to be Tuco's grandfather sat watching the show, a bell just inches away from his finger — he creeped me out.

I laid my head on Jesse's shoulder as I sat in the middle of both him and Walter.

Tuco gave us all a water bottle to share, each of us choking as we chugged the ice-cold liquid.

"Empty your pockets." Tuco demanded.

I dug into my pockets, a lighter, my almost empty pack of cigarettes, and a 10 dollar bill were all I had.

I threw them all onto the table and leaned my head back on the couch.

Walter and Jesse stood up, putting their stuff on the table.

Tuco began looking through both Jesse & Walter's wallets.

I felt horrible as I watched him look at the photo of Walters family, knowing that Tuco would have leverage on him.

When it came to Jesse's wallet and the only thing he pulled was a condom, my eyes dropped to the ground in embarrassment. 

Tuco laughed like a maniac and he threw it on the table.

He walked to our side of the table and grabbed Walters face, making my whole body tense.

A million thoughts ran through my mind, all those times I took for granted.

"Answer me one thing," Tuco said, "Can I trust you?"

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