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We sat in Brandon's car as we watched police search around Jesse's house.

"They are like Jehovah's witnesses; they don't give up." Brandon snickered, "I don't get it. Why don't they just kick your door down?"

"They need probable cause," Jesse told him.

"Probable cause." Brandon laughed, turning to look at me in the backseat, "What did you guys do, yo, rob a bank?"

"Brandon, I'm telling you now." I said through gritted teeth, "Shut the fuck up."

"I told you it's serious shit," Jesse said.

"Okay," Brandon mumbled.

We waited until the cops gave up and left.

The 3 of us got out of the car and ran to Jesse's house, packing up the meth lab in his basement.

Brandon was having a field day, "You're like Willy Wonka and I just won the golden ticket. Put me on a magical boat, man. Sail me down your chocolaty river."

Stress and worry were eating at me and I couldn't handle Brandon right now, he was so naive sometimes.

I got up swiftly grabbing his shirt, "Brandon stop, just FUCKING STOP!"

I screamed at him, practically hyperventilating. Was he this stupid? 

He gulped, "I'm sorry—"

Tears welled in my eyes, "I can't do this right now."

He pulled me into a hug, feeling bad now. "Hails—"

I pulled away from him and went back to packing. This wasn't the time to stall. 

"Just help us get it out, man," Jesse instructed.

Brandon started begging Jesse to cook one last batch causing Jesse to flip his shit on him.

"Don't fucking mess with me right now, got it?" He yelled.

"Yeah, I got it. You two are really on—"

"Finish that sentence, see what happens." I challenged him.

We put everything into the RV silently. 

Brandon's cousin came to take the RV, the problem was the price.

Jesse only had $560 and his cousin wanted 1000 dollars to move it.

He began lowering it to the ground, all 3 of us protesting.

"He'll pay later," Brandon told him.


I couldn't do this, not when Jesse's ass was on the line.

I went inside and grabbed the baseball bat Jesse kept in the house and walked out with it.

"Woah, Hailey." Brandon began saying, putting his hands up. 

I dragged it on the ground, walking up to Brandon's cousin.

"I've had a shitty fucking day and I promise you if you don't take this goddamn RV, you'll leave here in an ambulance and I'll be the one in handcuffs."

The guy eyed me as I raised the bat.

"Hailey, don't do it," Jesse warned, pulling me back.

"You a stand-up dude?" The guy asked Jesse. Still eyeing the bat.

"I will get you the other 500," Jesse told him.

"You words your bond, right?"

"Right," Jesse replied.

"I saved your skinny ass, I totally vouched for you," Brandon said as we watched his cousin drive the RV away. 

"No Brandon the 5'6 girl holding the baseball bat did." Jesse scoffed, rolling his eyes.


Jesse had to get an alibi and so he went to that sleazy motel and told the DEA he was on a bender, I didn't like that idea, of course. Especially because I didn't know if I could trust that meth head, but Jesse needed to get out of this mess.

I went back home, my mom practically hounded me the second I got in the door, I had to think of some lame excuse that I broke my phone and was just spending a few days at Jesse's. That story had so many holes to it but I was here, safe and if that wasn't good enough then sucks it be her.

It's not like I could casually tell her, 'hey mom, sorry I was actually kidnapped but an insane fucking drug lord because my boyfriend and high school chemistry teacher sell crystal.'

My dad was still at home and he got her off my back about the whole situation although he was upset with me.

I realized that I missed class and that I had work today so I made Brandon go pick up Jesse from being interrogated.

I had to go to work and then back home, if I didn't stay the night my mom would have a hissy fit.

Natalie still wouldn't talk to me, she was still upset about the dinner incident, it's not like I was going to apologize. I didn't do anything wrong. 

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