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I was just driving back from my closing shift at our local grocery store in Albuquerque.

The moon was out casting a blue tint on my windshield as I drove home in my 2006 Chrysler 300c. 

'Love the Way You Lie' by Eminem and Rihanna blared out of the speaker in my car, it was just released not long ago and it was already taking over the top charts on the radio.

I slowed at the stop sign which was just a few blocks away from my parent's house where I still lived. The road I was on was completely deserted except for one person. 

They stood in baggy clothing right beside the stop sign where I was currently stopped at. 

The person began walking towards the driver's side of my car. My heart rate spiked up and I turned down my radio and put down my window about halfway in case this person was a crackhead or shady.

"Yo!" was all the dude said as he put his hands inside the pocket of his long hoodie.

I had to do a double-take as I looked at the guy, his face looked too skinny and he had big bags under his eyes like he hadn't had a good night's rest in a while. But that voice... those gorgeous blue eyes, who is this person? why was he coming to my car? and why was he so damn familiar?

I rolled down my window all the way which may have not been the smartest move on my part.

"Hailey fucking Damaris is that you?" He asked with a tiny smile.

"Uhh yeah?" I replied, shocked this person knows my full name. But thank god it was late and nobody was behind me at this stop sign.

Then we made eye contact as he pulled down his hood.

"Jesse Pinkman!" It instantly clicked. "Holy fuck, I haven't seen you since high school!"

"Yeah, it's uhh been awhile."

Then he looked at me with a little smirk. "I'm guessing you aren't here to see me."

I shook my head. "No... I'm actually on my way home, I had a stop sign."

He leaned away from the car and looked at the sign. "Right."

"If you pull over on that street right there we can talk for a minute." He said pointing at the street just to my right. "I mean, if you want to or whatever."

I nodded and pulled my car over and unlocked the door, Jesse sat in my passenger seat.

"So how's life been, Hailey?" He asked me. As I said, it's been a long time since we've seen each other.

"Same shit different day... you know how it is," I replied shrugging. "But what's up with you... why are you actually out here at 11:30 at night?"

"Just, uh, meeting a friend."

"And you don't know your own friend's car? or does this friend also drive a Chrysler 300?" I questioned with a little laugh. He was never good at lying. 

"It was always like you to be so - what's the word?" He asked as he snapped his fingers.


"Yeah, English." He replied with a smile, "Bitch."

Oh, how could I have forgotten Jesse's favourite work... bitch.

Him saying that reminded me of that one time we were in Mr.White's Chem class and about halfway through the boring lesson Jesse and I decided to leave and smoke a J. We grabbed our shit and headed for the door, everyone watching us. 

"Where do you both think you're going?" Mr. White questioned.

"We're ditching... bitch." Jesse replied and led me out of the classroom.

Jesse glanced at my rearview mirror, a car pulled up to where my car was just moments ago - it was not in fact a Chrysler. 

He opened my door. "I'll be back in a minute, wait here."

I nodded as he shut my door. I watched him walk up to the car and hand them something in exchange for what I'm guessing to be money.

Jesse and I would sometimes skip class together and get high, or we'd end up at the same party and hang out together. But once I left high school the drugs and the partying stopped, but I guess I couldn't say the same for him.

He walked back to my car and sat back down.

We made eye contact and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing... just didn't you'd still be selling that shit," 

He shrugged indifferently. "It's just weed Hailey, no biggie."

"So this is like what... your job? Selling weed?"

"Yeah, I mean I had a job but- I just figured this is easier... you know."

Jesse had to be smoking more than just weed, weed never fucked up your face or made you look like a walking zombie or maybe I should say corpse. 

He cleared his throat. "I kinda missed us hanging out... back in high school."

"Skipping chemistry was always a good time."

"Fucking Mr.White... and his boring science."

I chuckled, looking out of my windshield. "I don't know how we ever managed to pass his class."

"I don't know how I graduated high school." 

"Do you need a ride home?" I asked him.

"Uhh sure."

"Do you still live with your parents?" I asked him.

"No... I- uh don't really talk to them anymore, I live at my aunt's old house."

"That's sweet."

"Yeah, she uhh gave me to me after she passed away."

My face dropped, I felt like an asshole for unknowingly bringing it up. "Shit, I'm sorry Jesse."

"It's really no biggie, I mean I got a house out of it at least."

I put my car into drive. "True."

We talked about random little things as I drove him home, talking to him made me really miss him which was odd considering we weren't that close.

"You should call me sometime," Jesse said as he got out of my car.

"You still have the same number?" I asked him.

"Yeah, do you?"

"No, I changed mine... but I think I still have your contact saved somewhere."

He nodded. "Well then I'll see you around, thanks for the ride, Hailey."

"Of course Jesse!" I replied as I put my car in reverse and began backing out of his driveway.

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