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It had been a few days since I saw Jesse that one night. I hadn't bothered to contact him... I mean what would I even say? I feel like it might be awkward between us. 

I've been working like normal at the grocery store when my old friend Brandon came to my checkout line.

Pete (one of his best friends) was also there, but I never talked to him very much in high school. Brandon was basically my best friend and he was the reason I even talked to Jesse in the first place.

I still kept in touch with Brandon after we graduated from high school 2 years ago but that was about it for my friends - sad I know.

"Hey, Hailey!" Brandon said with a friendly smile. He had a specialty of not making it feel like any time has passed between us - like we still are best friends that see each other all the time. 

"It's been awhile Brandon, how's everything?" I said as I wrung up 3 monster cans and a bag of chips.

"Just been working, you know how it is?" He replied.

"Unfortunately I do, where do you work?" I asked him.

"He's a walking billboard yo," Pete said chuckling.

I laughed. "That's different, how's everything with you Pete?"

I took a good look at Pete, he definitely does some hardcore drugs you could tell by his sunken in face. Did he and Jesse do all that shit together? No - it's none of my business. 

"Not much... just been around." He said.

"Hey, do you sell bongs here?" Asked Brandon, looking around the store as if they were just casually on display. 

"Brandon... this is a grocery store?" I said grinning at him. "No, we don't sell bongs or zig-zags or anything involving smoking."

Him and Pete shared a disbelief look. "Right just making sure," Brandon said.

"Jesse told me he saw you not long ago," Pete commented, taking the bag with their stuff in it.

"Oh yeah... us meeting was really random."

"So... uhh when's your shift over?" Asked Brandon.

"In about half an hour."

"Cool.... cool wanna grab lunch with us then?" Brandon asked me.

I had no plans after my shift so I agreed and the boys left. Once I got home, I took a quick shower and Brandon messaged me the location of the diner we'd be meeting at.


"Long time no see." Brandon grinned as I took a seat across from him and Pete. 

"Hope I didn't keep you both waiting too long."

"It's no problem, yo, Jesse isn't here yet," Pete said.

"Oh, I didn't know Jesse was coming."

"It's cool we invited Jesse right?" Questioned Brandon.

I nodded indifferently. "I just figured he'd be busy, but I don't have a problem with it." I mean why would I? It's not like we hate each other. 

After waiting for a few minutes Jesse showed up and the only seat left in our booth was beside me so I moved over to make room for him.

He shot me a quick smile. "Yo."

We all greeted him and ordered from the menu.

"Isn't it like nostalgic all of us here, together again." Jesse pointed out.

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