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Jesse drove me to his new house so he could finally show me, we pulled up to a duplex.

He assured me that the girl, Jane, would be fine with cash payments as long as he didn't smoke or have pets inside. So one of those promises he could keep. 

"It's a really nice place, Jess," I told him after he showed me around. We only planned to stop by quickly so I could see the place because I had work to get to.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. "You can live here with me, you know."

I wasn't sure how great of an idea that would be, sure I loved him but I've never left my parent's house. I always had that to fall back on, was I ready for such a big step?

"You sure you wouldn't get tired of me?" I questioned with a laugh.

I didn't want him to take my hesitation as me disagreeing completely.

"Course not babe."

"Let's worry about you furnishing this place first, Okay?" I said as we broke away from our hug.

We walked outside so I could have a smoke and so Jesse could drive me back to my house as I needed to head to work.

A pretty black-haired girl was standing on the porch next door, I assumed that was the owner's daughter Jane. He mentioned that she lived next door. 

"Hey, strangers." The girl said as she smirked at Jesse and didn't even look in my direction.

He shut the door behind him, "Sup Jane."

So I was correct.

"Hey, I'm Jane." She said with a little wave once she noticed Jesse wasn't alone.

I pulled the cigarette away from my mouth and flicked the ashes on the ground, "Hailey."

"You to a couple?" She asked, I was a bit surprised by her forwardness. Usually, when you see two people together you internally try and put the pieces together or it's obvious. 

"Yeah," I answered, smiling at Jess. 

"Wow, how did you manage to pull that, Jesse?" Jane asked him, grinning at him.

I laughed and so did Jesse, "Luck... I guess." He replied with a shrug.

I pass Jesse the cigarette, "I'm going to be late if we don't leave now."

"Okay, babe lets go."

"Nice meeting you Jane," I called out as I walked down the steps of the porch.

"Pleasures all mine." She yelled back. 

I turned back around with a grin.

She seemed cool.

"Seems like you two could be friends or something," Jesse said as we drove away from his house.

"I just met her," I told him, running my hands through my hair.

"Yeah I know but she wasn't that friendly with me." Jesse said, "All I'm saying is that I'd be cool for you to have girl friends— uhh friends that are girls."

I rolled my eyes, "I know what you meant. In case you may have forgotten I have friends they just all left this shitty town and took school seriously."


The more I went over to Jesse's the more I seemed to see Jane, she was mostly on her porch. A few times just sitting in her car.

I tried not to read too much into it since it could just be nothing. My guts never failed me before though, and I had a gut feeling that there was something up with her. Maybe I really am just too judgmental... it's hard to tell.

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