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Jesse and Walt did end up meeting Tuco and I went to Jesse's once they came back.

"Four pounds— Four pounds! Two pounds wasn't bad enough!" Jesse said as he started pacing.

I walked in with a pizza and set it down on the island where they were.

"Hey babe," Jesse said when he saw me, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Nice to see you're still in one piece," I commented with a wink.

"Yeah well not for long." He mumbled.

"It's fine Jesse," Walter said as he was writing something down.

"Mr.White, yo, I swear to god if you keep putting him in these situations I'll—"

"You'll what?" Walter asked as he stopped writing to look up at me.

"Kill you," I said and lucky for me, he won't take it as an idle threat. 

Jesse began opening the pizza box and grabbing a slice — he's a stress eater. 

"We're going to make phenylacetone in a tube furnace." Walter said to Jesse, "We're going to use reductive amination to yield methamphetamine.... 4 pounds."

"So no pseudo?" Asked Jesse.

"No pseudo."

"So you do have a plan... yeah Mr.White! Yeah science!" Jesse said happily, taking a bite. 

I went into Jesse's fridge and grabbed myself a drink.

"What's this?" Jesse asked, holding the list.

"A shopping list... getting some of those items may be challenging."

Jesse started reading the list out as I opened my drink.

"Yo, Mr.White I can't even pronounce half this shit." Jesse said scoffing, "You know what count me out, okay?"

"I'm leaving town. I'm moving to like Oregon or something... Hailey you can move with me." Jesse added, getting up out of his seat.

I put my drink down. "I have classes here... remember?"

"Jesse listen to me... this is the first day of the rest of your life—"

"Mr.White save the pep talks... he doesn't need it." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"This is the first day of the rest of your life, but what kind of life will it be? Huh? Will it be a life of fear, of 'oh no no no no no I can't do this' Of never once believing in yourself?"

"I don't know man... I mean my girlfriend knows how to like use a gun. I think I'll be fine." Jesse replied.

I just shook my head, grinning.

"Listen these things—" Walter said, picking up the list, "We need them alright and only you can get them for us."

After Walter left Jesse and I sat in his living room watching tv.

He had his arm wrapped around me while I laid my head on his chest.

"Jesse... I really think you should start cutting ties with Mr.White."

He hugged me tighter. "Yeah I know but I just— the money is good, you know?"

"I-I know... it's just I think it's a bad idea. It's not my place to make your decisions or anything." I said as I lifted my head up to look at him. I wanted him to know how I am feeling about all of this.

He smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, "I'll be okay babe. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Jess."

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "You don't have to worry about me... after this job I'll call it quits, okay?"

I was hesitant but I shot him a smile.



"So how's your schooling been going Hails?" My father asked as he sat down beside me on the couch.

I looked up from my binder, "Oh it's been... alright."

He chuckled, "Just alright?"

I shrugged, "You know I was never a school person."

He threw his arm on the back of the couch, "That's because you're too creative for school."

I tilted my head, "You don't have to lie dad."

"I'm not lying!" He said grinning, "Let me guess these classes were your mothers doing?"

"Lucky guess," I said, sighing. "They're not bad... it's just—"

"Boring? Not for you?"

"Yeah... but life isn't always about doing shit you want, sometimes you just have to deal with it."

"That's how I feel about work sometimes... you know how much you mean to me right? You're my little girl."

I smiled. "I know dad." He was one of my favourite people in this world! 

"Just making sure you don't forget."

My phone lit up.

"Who is it?" My dad asked.

"Jesse." I replied, "I need to take this... I'll be back."

"Hey, babe are you busy?" He asked me.

"I was doing some school shit but what's up?"

"I can't really explain right now... can you come over?"

I knew this was going to be a long night but he needed me, "I-I guess so."

"I hate always bothering you like this."

I couldn't help but smile.

"I'll come whenever you need me Jesse... I'll leave now."

I walked back into the living room.

"Hey dad, I'm going to Jesse's for a bit."

He furrowed his brow, "But it's already pretty late."

"I know but— I just need to see him."

He nodded, "Why don't you bring him over here more?"

"It's just easier to go to his place," I replied, he had no idea about the whole Natalie situation. My mom made sure we didn't talk about it again. 

"He seems like a good kid."

I smiled, "He is."

and just as always I drop whatever I'm doing for Jesse.

When I got there I was basically asked to be a getaway driver, Walter and Jesse were breaking into some place to get something, I didn't ask questions I just agreed — like always. 

"Hailey sit in the driver's seat and the second we get in the car drive," Walter instructed.

"You want me to drive your car?"

"Yes, Hailey... you need to," Walter replied.

I rolled my eyes, "You two are going to get me killed one day." 

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