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I came home to Cecilia and Mike still here, they were staying for dinner.

"Hey didn't know you guys would still be here," I said as I set my bag down.

"Yeah well, mom begged us to stay.... something about all of us needing to bond after the stuff that happened with you and Natalie," Cecilia said, rolling her eyes as she cut tomatoes.

"Natalie needed to get her shit rocked a few times, we don't need bonding we need Natalie to know her place." 

"Natalie started crying and stomped upstairs — been there since you left." Mike told me as he cut some lettuce beside Natalie.

"Where's mom?" I asked as I sat on one of the stools by our island.

"Buying buns and patties." Replied Cecilia. "Oh yeah, and she told mom about some guy you're seeing."

I looked up at them a bit shocked. "She talked about Jesse to mom?"

Cecilia and Mike nodded, neither of them looking at me.

I got up, feeling angry. "Maybe I should give her round 2."

"Sit down Hailey, it was nothing bad just that you're seeing someone new and that's what you got into a fight about," Cecilia told me.

I scoffed, "I bet she played the victim, didn't she?"

"She told your mom that you didn't want to bring this dude around and Natalie was pressuring you to invite him over," Mike explained. 

It took all my willpower not to walk upstairs and break down her door.

"That's definitely not what happened. She was talking about how hot Jesse was and if he was just my pass time, who says that about their sister's boyfriend?"

Cecilia looked surprised. "You know she loves having the attention on her."

"Yeah, I fucking do."

After a few moments of silence I spoke up again, "It's not that I don't want him to meet mom, I don't want him around Natalie. You might actually remember Jesse from high school."

"The name sounds familiar... was he the tall dude that had the deep voice?"

I laughed, "No that's Brandon... but Jesse was in that uhhh crowd."

When my mom came home not too long ago she asked me to invite Jesse over to meet him properly — I wanted to pull a Natalie and stomp upstairs after hearing that.

"I don't want him around," I told her honestly. 

"Stop being so rude Hailey... I want to meet the boy you're spending all your time with. Natalie-"

"—Natalie didn't tell you the truth mom."

"Of course she wasn't telling the truth. I know you wouldn't get so mad over something so silly."

I wanted to roll my eyes, my mom refused to swear in any giving circumstance, out of all the words she could have used: silly

"Yeah well..."

"Please Hailey... let me meet him." She begged me, pleading with her eyes.

I sighed, "Fine I'll see if he's busy."

Calling Jesse Pinkman

"Hey, Jess!"

"Hey, babe."

"Are you busy right now?" I asked him. 

"Nah just chilling... you should come over, we can—"

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