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Outgoing text message:

Hailey: So what you're just going to ghost me now?

Jesse: Shits been happening sorry

I quickly shoved my phone back in my pocket, it's been 2 days since I last talked to Jesse, and the last time I saw him was when I was Walter and his getaway driver.

I get that they were 'busy' and that they were meeting that Tuco guy but I felt a bit hurt that Jesse hasn't bothered to reach out to me.


"Hey, have you talked to Jesse at all recently?" I asked Brandon as we were hanging out at his place.

"No, he hasn't reached out to me in a bit." He replied as he lit a joint.

"That's the problem, he's been fucking ghosting me."

He handed me the joint, "I wouldn't sweat it... he's probably on some bender."

I took a drag.

"What the fuck Brandon... some bender?"

"Well yeah." He just shrugged, shit like this didn't bother him. 

I passed it back to him, "I don't want to seem clingy but he's not acting right."

"Maybe we should stop by at his house." He suggested.

"I've got to head to work soon," I replied. "I'll go another time." 

We hung out for a bit and I did my afternoon shift at work, once I was done I actually received a text from Jesse.

I know shits been crazy right but can you stop by?

Of course, I wanted to stop by but this relationship was starting to feel very one-sided. I was always there when he needed me but when I needed him where was he? He is actually on some bender right now?

"I don't know Jesse, you seem busy." I replied.

"I'm sorry alright, I'll explain everything when you get here."

Just as always I dropped whatever I was doing or planning to do for Jesse.

Walter's car was parked in his driveway, great he can hang out with his meth buddy but can't even call his own girlfriend.

I just got to the front door when Jesse pulled me in, shutting the door at lightning speed.

"What the fuck?" I said surprised at his action.

He pulled me into a hug, "Everything's so fucked right now Hailey!"

He went on to explain how Tuco killed some dude that works for him and apparently some black car was following him and he's been getting anonymous phone calls but when he answers it's dead air. This is why he was distant, he didn't want me getting involved that was until he passed me a gun.

"Another one?" I questioned, holding it carelessly.

Walter nodded and Jesse rubbed his face looking panicked.

"Open it..." Jesse said.


"Open it Hailey." He repeated himself.

I glanced at the gun in my hand. I wasn't very familiar with a revolver.

"Before I do anything what's your plan?" I asked, "Which one of you is going to pull the trigger?"

They both glanced at each other — they didn't fucking know.

"We don't—" Walter began saying but I cut him off.

"You see this is your problem, you want to act like some fucking drug lord but you can't open a goddamn revolver."

Jesse and Walter stood there dumbfounded. I felt angry, I told Jesse I thought this was a bad idea and the last time I had the blood on my hands, I had to kill a man.


"Don't babe me." I sighed, "I'm going to ask one more time who is going to pull the trigger?"

They stood there silently, they didn't have an answer.

"Can you please just open it and tell us how many bullets it holds." Walter asked.

I gritted my teeth and opened the gun, they watched my every movement.

"Holds 5 bullets." I said and chucked it back on the table.

"If you're upset that I haven't been around it's because of this—I don't want you in this mess." Jesse said as he sat down at the island.

"You don't want me in this mess?" I scoffed, "Who the fuck killed that man in your basement-"

"ME!" I snapped but either of them could answer.

"Hailey I get you're stressed but this, this is on us now." Walter explained.

"I've got 2 words for you aiding and abetting." I said angrily, "I'm a fucking accomplice."

"I didn't want you in this Hailey! I told you not to do it." Jesse snapped.

"Oh yeah well do you want to just revive the dead then? I'll start the seance."

"Hailey just listen okay? Sit down." Walter instructed.

I sat down on the chair next to Jesse.

"This Tuco guy is crazy... we know that but we need to get to him before he gets to us, we have to kill him." Walter informed me.

"I get that, that goes back to my question from before. Who's going to do it?" I said, "Neither of you have pulled the trigger before. I was fully aware that I committed to doing it but it still haunts me... I try so hard to block that out of my head but I can't, you don't know how much that weighs on a person."

Jesse placed his hand on my back, "You came to our rescue... and we thank you for that but now this, it's different babe. We have to do it."

Walter left soon after and so did I. I needed to get home. I had a class in the morning but I promised Jesse I'd be back tomorrow.

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