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"Hailey... let's go out and do something!" Cecilla said as she sat on my bed which I was laying in. She's been trying to get me out of bed for the past few days but lost every time. 

"No," I said shortly, turning so I wouldn't have to face her.

"I get you're upset about your break up but you can't mope around forever, you still need to live. We'll have a blast!" 

I sighed, "I'm not bothering anyone by being antisocial. You don't know how it feels — you and Mike have been together for years."

She rubbed my leg from overtop of my blanket, "We've had enough problems, Jesse was a good guy it just seemed he didn't have his priorities straight... maybe he'll mature after this."

A bitter laugh escaped my lips, "Jesse being mature? Yeah, I don't think so, Cecilla."

"Just come out with me — we'll go shopping."

I knew she wasn't going to leave until I caved in so I sluggishly got myself ready and we headed out to the mall. I put no effort into my physical appearance and kept my hoodie up the entire time we were there. 

I wasn't in the mood to shop but she dragged me into every store. After spending 2 hours in the mall, I came out with a candle. One fucking candle. I only got it because she claimed that 'retail therapy always makes her feel better' and It'd do the same for me. For me to feel a tiny bit better, I'd have to spend at least $150 on shoes which I would not actually be doing. So instead of Jordans or Old Skool Vans, I settled for a 'crisp fall night' from Yankee Candle. 

On our way back home I got a text from Andre, my ex from high school. I thought my eyes deceived me at first when I saw his name pop up.

Andre: Hey Hailey, is this still your number? It's me Andre Lowe. 

Hailey: Yo, Andre. You still have the right number. 

Andre: Right on. 

Andre: I'm actually in town this week... if you are free we should link. 

Hailey: I'll have to see when I'm free. With school and work, I've been busy. 

If I'm being quite honest I didn't want to see Andre, not that our breakup was bad... I just felt pretty lonely after he left. I should have known that he'd choose basketball over me. It had always been that way.

Post-secondary education was important and I would never make him choose but I'd figure we could have made it work since his college wasn't too far from here. Seeing him would have been awkward but it was also something to do.


After a few days of Andre blowing up my phone to meet up, I agreed. I made it clear it was just to catch up and grab something after dinner.

I threw on Jeans, a white top, and a plaid sweater. I hope he'd get the hint that I was not in 'date' attire and I wasn't treating it like one either. Two friends catching up, that's it — who the fuck am I kidding? Obviously, his intent is different from mine but I went anyway. 

He messaged me when he was parked outside my house and I walked outside and took a seat beside him.

"Hailey... Hey!" Andre said as I shut his passenger door. He was driving a white 08 Mazda 3.

"Andre, it's been a while," I said, taking a good look at him. Fuck, he was still as handsome as ever. 

He looked the exact same as when I saw him 2 years ago. His dark brown hair still has its natural curls, his skin still acne-free and glowing. His African-American genes had treated him well. 

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