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I was just finishing my shift at the grocery store when I got a call from Pete, I thought it was a big odd considering we rarely talk and if we do it's over text message.

Incoming call: Pete

"Yo Hailey I need you to meet me at the hospital."

I felt my heartbeat out of my chest... hospital! 

"W-why, what happened?"

"I'll explain when you get here, i'll meet you outside."

"Okay, I'm on my way."

I sped to the hospital, I still had my name tag on my shirt from work. I didn't care though I was worried and knew it had to be about Jesse... possibly Brandon? Pete never clarified who.

I messaged him when I was almost there and I ran to Pete who was standing outside.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked, frantically. I was surprised I didn't get pulled over considering I ran at least 3 red lights.

"It's Jesse—"

I grabbed his hand, I didn't need to hear anymore. "Show me the way now."

Pete very quickly & very quietly explained Jesse going to see this Tuco guy. Jesse told me that Walter wanted to make another batch with him and I didn't think much of it.

But now I was fuming... What did he make Jesse do? And why are they working again?

Pete informed me that he called Mr.White and him and I waited for him to arrive, I was shaking my leg waiting for him to come — he was going to hear it from me!

Jesse wasn't awake so I just watched him lay there in the cot, his neck in a cast.

I held his hand as he lay there unresponsive.

Mr.White came in and his face dropped when he saw Jesse.

"Glad you made him your fucking guinea pig." I snapped.

"Woah Hailey—" Mr.White began saying, putting his hands up.

"No fuck you!" I spat, standing up. "This is your fault, You just had to push the limits didn't you!"

"Yo Hailey, sit down... you don't want to draw attention," Pete said and pulled me to sit back down. Why did everyone always try and stop me?  

"Maybe I should make a big deal out of it Pete... my boyfriend has a fucking neck brace right now because of him."

"S-so you're the guy?" Questioned Pete, he didn't think Mr.White was really an old man.

Walter sighed, "Yeah I'm the guy."

"So uhh how is he?" Asked Walter, I sat there glaring at him with my arms crossed.

"He's got some busted ribs... got messed up pretty good," Pete told him.

"I was all like damn Tuco, chill, ese. I don't know what got into him, seriously."

Then Pete touched my shoulder. "I'm sorry Hailey."

"Don't fucking touch me," I told him and he quickly moved his hand away.

Walter leaned forward to get a better look at Jesse.

"He's out, like way out. They got him doped up big time." Pete told him.

I couldn't read Walter's expression as he looked away from Jesse.

"So you're the cook, huh? I didn't catch your name." Pete said, fishing for answers.

Walter sat down on the chair farthest from us, "So tell me about this Tuco, Tell me everything about him." He didn't even answer Pete's question.

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