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*Let's pretend that the legal drinking age in Albuquerque is 18*

*And remember this is set in the 2010's*


After my shift that night I went to a random bar just to pass the time and forget about Jesse.

After I ordered my second drink of the night a cute boy with messy brown hair sat beside me.

"Seat taken?" He asked, pointing to the barstool beside me.

"No." I told him as I took a sip of my drink, smirking at him.

I had to admit this dude was really hot and we talked throughout the entire night.

"I never caught your name."

"I never told you my name but it's Hailey."

"My name's Dylan." He told me smirking. Both of us have the same intentions. 

The night ended with us doing it in the guy washroom and let me tell you, it was great.

He walked me out of the bar, both of us confident and carefree with the help of the alcohol.

"This is my car." He told me as we walked towards a 2010 Mercedes E350.

"Sweet ride." I said in surprise, nobody I hung around with could afford a Mercedes (myself included) and it was the newest model that just came out.

"This is my college present... maybe if I see you again you can take it for a spin."

"Well, your parents must really love you," I commented. "A Mercedes as a fucking present, wow."

Dylan laughed at me. "Dad was born rich."

"Shit... I'll definitely make sure we see each other again then."

Dylan and I began to hang out and eventually we started dating after just a week of knowing each other, it was very fast paced but maybe that's what I needed - something different from what I'm used to.

Dylan and I were driving one night when my phone started buzzing

Incoming call from Brandon Mayhew

"Brandon whatsup?"

"You busy?" He asked me.

"Sorta why?"

"Spin by Jesse's house we gotta show you something wicked!"

"Alright be there soon." I said and hung up the call.

I didn't feel the need to ignore Jesse anymore since I had Dylan now.

I showed Dylan the way to Jesse's house and we pulled up, they were in the driveway.

"Yo, nice benz!" Pete called out, Brandon and Jesse's jaws were practically dropped.

I looked back at it, "Wish it were mine."

Dylan soon stepped out of the car and stood beside me, his arm slung around me.

"Everyone, this is my boyfriend Dylan."

"Shit, yo when did you start dating?" Pete asked us.

"Yeah when?" Jesse asked, grilling Dylan. It was weird seeing him like that. 

"What's it been now... a week?" Questioned Dylan, staring at me dreamily.

I nodded with a smile. "Yeah, a week."

Jesse snorted. I just glared at him but didn't say anything. 

"Right on Hailey!" Brandon said, smiling.

The boys introduced themselves and then ushered us to the back.

"You came to show me an RV?" I said, confused.

"Yeah isn't it sweet?" Asked Brandon proudly.

I glanced at Dylan who looked just as confused as me.

"I-I guess so... why do you need an RV?"

"Well-" Pete began saying but Jesse cleared this throat. "It's just an investment, you know."

I raised my eyebrow. "Sure?"

They 'showed us around' the RV which confused me even more as to why they really bought it.

"We figured you'd be more excited." Brandon said as we stood in the driveway ready to leave.

I lit a cigarette. "I am but I guess I just don't get the point."

"You don't get the point because you'd rather be with this.... bitch." Jesse snapped.

Pete placed his hand on Jesse's shoulder. "Chill man."

"Woah, dude... I just met you." Dylan said, putting his hands up in defeat.

"What the fuck are you talking about Jesse?" I snapped at him.

"You only come along when you have a-a rich fucking boyfriend." He said.

"Jesse-" Brandon began saying but Dylan caught him off. 

"I really didn't mean to cause anything between you guys."

I grabbed his hand. "It's not you Dylan, it's him."

"Do you want to know the real reason I didn't come around, Jesse?"

"Yeah, I would and don't blame it on the day at the motel," Jesse shouted.

"It wasn't because of the motel... it was because of YOU you're an asshole Jesse and you don't even see it!"

He just stood there, actually, we all stood there silently.

"I think we should go, babe." Dylan said. "uhh nice meeting you guys."

"Yeah, you too?" Brandon said awkwardly. "We'll talk soon Hailey."

I took another drag of my cigarette and threw it on the ground, stomping on it.

"Call me when you aren't around this asshole." I said and pulled Dylan to his car.

I told him about how I used to like Jesse and how he ruined anything before it even started.

"It's good that nothing worked out though because we never would have met." I told him.

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