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3 years later

It had been 3 years since we left our old life behind and became Dakota and Aaron.

About a year after we moved to Hawaii Jesse proposed and I became Dakota West. We still called each other by our real names when nobody was around. God knows we prefer Jesse and Hailey. 

Jesse got a job at a car repair shop and I was able to become a medical assistant. That vacuum shop guy made me my own diploma which I used to get my job. We still had money remaining that we brought here but we wanted a normal life — we had to blend in as much as possible 

"Jesse... come here!" I shouted from the kitchen window.

He hurried inside, he was sitting by our pool. "What is it? Is Leilani okay?"

"Yes babe, I just fed her and she's sleeping. Onyx is laying on the floor beside her." I told him and he looked relieved.

Our daughter Leilani was born 7 months ago and it's been the best thing that's ever happened to us. Onyx was always watching over her and Jesse was already overprotective so I could only imagine what'll happen when she gets older. Good luck sweetheart.

"It's Cecilia." I said and showed him my phone, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I hugged him back. Cecilia posted an ultrasound photo meaning she was pregnant with her second child.

"Holy shit she's pregnant again!" Jesse said with a smile, "They're going to have two boys... she's going to be busy."

"How about Brandon and Carmen?" Jesse asked, scrolling to find their name.

"They're still dating... and moved in together." I replied, "Do you want a smoothie?"

"Yeah sure, thanks, babe." He said, "And what's new with Natalie?"

"She still always posts little updates for me." I said which was true, she'll post life updates and then sign off with 'your favourite sister' and I'm so grateful that she does it— she doesn't even know if I actually view them but she still continues to post.

"Seems here like she's enjoying her university life— still partying."

I laughed, beginning to cut up some bananas. "That child giving up partying would be like cutting off a limb, as long as she's enjoying herself."

"Your parents look really good— look at this picture of the three of them." Jesse said, showing me my phone. All three of them were sitting in my parents' backyard porch swing smiling happily together.

Jesse and I didn't go on social media very often, maybe once or two a month. After living in a place as beautiful as this you realize that living in the moment is so much better than that fake phone world we used to live in. We have a shared private Instagram account where we post pictures of our little family. I wish everyone back in Albuquerque could see us but I can't put any of us in danger again. The law wants us and so do those men that killed Hank. 


Leilani was now just over 3 years old. Jesse and I took her to the beach late at night for some fresh air.

I was holding her and I set her down, letting her dip her feet in the water.

She started giggling, splashing around, "Mommy! Daddy! Feel the water!" She said and Jesse and I smirked at each other before we dipped our feet in. Leilani was dipping her hand in the water, Jesse's genes really took over from her light brown hair and blue eyes to the way she smiles— I loved seeing them together.

Jesse picked Leilani up and spun her around, placing tiny kisses on her cheek. "You're so cute, you know that?"

"Dad, stop." She said but she was grinning from ear to ear. She was always a smiley baby.

She wanted to play in the sand so we went and sat down, Jesse and I helped her build a sandcastle with the little bucket and shovel we brought.

The waves were lapping over each other and the moon shone over the water, emitting a faint light over the beach.

I went and placed a kiss on Jesse's lips, making him drop the tiny bucket he was holding. He pushed me onto the sand, hovering over me with a smile.

"My hair is all sandy now... Aaron."

We tried our best to say our new names around Leilani, maybe when she's old enough we'll tell her how we ended up here. It's scary to think that one day she'll be living her own life without us— I don't know how my parents are coping right now... the thought of her leaving broke my heart and she's still here with me.

"Then we'll have to take a shower, Dakota."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and our lips crashed together.

I tilted my head to look at Leilani. She was still happily playing in the sand with all her toys.

"Do you ever regret coming here?" He asked me, and he still wonders that all the time. There was nothing to regret, I was the happiest I've ever been... I have a perfect little family, house and dog.

I sighed and pursed my lips together. "No, I don't."

"And why is that?"

"Because like I've said before, it's all for you, and that was the best decision I've ever made."


I just wanted to thank everyone that read, commented and/or voted on this fanfic!
I enjoyed writing this and I hope that you enjoyed reading it! This definitely fuelled my love for Jesse lmao.
This has ended at 3.1k reads and counting <3

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