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Jesse on the phone: They're selling my house Hailey

Hailey: I thought you already put it on the market though?

Jesse: My mom took my shit... putting it in storage apparently

Hailey: It's fucking 8 in the morning... Do you have a place to stay?

Jesse: No but I-

Hailey: Let me talk to my parents... see what I can do

Jesse: You can't keep changing your life for me Hailey

Hailey: And why not? Seems a bit late for that, don't you think?

Jesse: It's never too late, but I'm pretty lucky to have you-

Hailey: I'll call you back soon, okay babe?


"Yo, Jess! Hey, calm down." I shouted as I walked up to his driveway to him screaming at some movers in his driveway.

"They're taking everything." He snapped, his face all red.

"I'm fucking homeless."

"No you're not, I talked to my parents... you can stay at my house for a bit," I told him.

He pulled me into a hug, muffled sobs coming from his mouth. He was stressed to his max.

I hugged him tightly, "You are going to be okay, Jess."

I explained to my parents how Jesse's parents told him to leave his house with no notice, both my mom and dad only met Jesse a few times but they agreed to let him stay 'until he gets on his feet again'.

I know my father would be leaving soon for work and it would be more of my mother's call, she agreed because that meant we'd be home all the time and she'd have a 'full house'.

Jesse grabbed the bag with his clothing in it and we got into my car so that we could drive to my house, the car ride was silent as I drove.

Jesse leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes as he tried to steady his breathing. You could see a million emotions he was battling within himself as he sat there.


Jesse thanked my parents multiple times for letting him stay.

After dinner, I told him to take a shower before we go to bed.

After we watched a bit of tv in my room we both decided to go to sleep, Jesse wrapped his arms around me as we both laid down.

"You know I'll never be able to thank you enough, for everything you've ever done for me." He said in a hushed tone.

"You don't need to thank me for anything," I told him as I buried my face into his chest.

Just as sleep was about to take me I heard Jesse whisper, "I love you."

He actually said it, the L word.

I felt like a giddy school girl and for a moment I thought maybe I was dreaming, but I wasn't. I was wrapped in his embrace and there's no place I'd rather be.

"I love you too, Jesse," I said before I fell into a deep sleep.



This was just a really short filler chapter

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