Chapter 10 - Greetings

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Matias POV

The second my hand was on his arm, my wolf was growling possessively. He turned to look at me with wide eyes, fear clouding his features, yet the underlying excitement was still there. My eyes went gold as my wolf once again took over.

"Got you." I snarled. It wasn't in a menacing way, though. I watched him as he very clearly fought with his wolf, then his eyes clouded over, and he collapsed right into my arms. I held him tight to me as his small body sagged, my wolf practically purring with how close he was now. I held the beast back though as I stared down at him.

His hair was almost to his shoulders, and it was still the beautiful dirty blonde I remembered. His cheeks and nose were flushed, his small, delicate hands, limp at his side. His eyelashes were long and almost feminine, not that I cared. He was beautiful either way.

I hooked an arm around his legs and picked him up bridal style, walking back over to the car waiting for me. I stared at him the entire way, his head leaning against my chest, hair falling over his soft features. I could stare at him like this all day.

My driver opened the door and I climbed into the car, carefully placing him on the seat next to me, and laying his head on my lap after I'd buckled up. I ran my large hands through his hair, the contrast being the first thing I noticed, then noticing that it was slightly dirty and he probably needed to shower. Once again, not like I cared.

The drive back to my hotel to grab my things was quiet, the only noise being my mates' soft breathing. I played with his hair the entire drive, my fingers sometimes coming down to brush against his cheeks of soft lips. I had to hold myself and my wolf back from leaning down and kissing him. His head seemed to turn into my light caresses, and my wolf was beaming at the movement. I knew it was probably his wolf influencing it, but I didn't care. Goddess, I didn't even know what to say. My mate was finally in my arms, and I wasn't going to let him out of my sight. If I knew anything, he would run the second he got the chance to. If I had to lock him in my room, I would.

We'd finally retrieved my things, me staying in the car as my driver went up to grab them, before heading off for the private airport where my jet was. I climbed out of the car, reluctantly moving Daemon's head from my lap, before pulling him towards me again and carrying him onto the plane.

Ok, so I know this seems like kidnapping, but I have a right too, ya know?

And finally, after almost an hour, we were in the air and going home.


Daemon POV

I didn't remember anything. All I know was I passed out and was now floating in some dark abyss. My wolf was overjoyed from what I could tell, and I hated it. This isn't what I wanted. I couldn't do this.

I don't know how long I floated in nothingness before I finally started to open my eyes. It was still dark out, or at least when I opened my eyes it was, and I groaned as I tried to turn over and sit up. It was then, that with wide eyes and a racing heart, I realized where I was sitting. My head had been on his lap.

I bolted up and scrambled away, falling off the seat and landing harshly on my ass. I stayed there, a few feet on the floor away from him, as I stared up at his amused face with wide eyes. He raised his arm and turned the overhead light on, and I blinked as the harsh light invaded my eyes.

His dark, full lips were pulled up in an amused smirk, his eyes gleaming in amusement. His skin was slightly darker from three years ago, but still the same deep amber shade. His arms seemed to be bursting out of his t-shirt, muscles that were probably three times the size of my thigh. His obnoxiously large hands sat folded in his lap, his left ankle resting on his right knee. His face was sculpted, a sharp jawline and a nose that was a perfectly straight line, and eyebrows shaped to perfection. What the Hell? Dammit, why was he so perfect?!

My wolf was purring at his gaze, and my face was starting to turn an embarrassing shade of red.

"Hello." His voice was deep and smooth, sending tingles through my entire body. I tried to suppress a shiver and failed, and he noticed, smirking at my reaction to him.

"Why," I started, but my throat protested, as it was extremely dry and rough. I coughed, rubbing my throat with my hand as if that'd help. I glanced up at him again from under my lashes, and I watched as his eyes flashed gold. I dropped my gaze back to the floor, shuffling away from him slightly. A low growl vibrated through the air, and I froze in my attempt to discreetly scoot away. But when he reached his hand out to grab me, I very quickly scrambled out of his reach. He didn't like that though, and his eyes grew dark as another growl escaped from his throat. Shit. My brain went into overdrive as he went to grab me again with a speed I couldn't even process, and I swear I had a seizure when his large hand gripped my small arm. The sparks and tingles were too much for me to handle again, and my body decided it would be a good time to faint again.

And as I lost consciousness, once again the last thing I saw was him pulling me to his chest and his burning gold eyes.


Matias POV

My mate seemed to be very good at passing out. It was comical to a degree but was going to be a problem if he passed out every time I touched him. I lifted his small body to my lap, hugging his limp frame into my chest. I buried my nose in his hair and inhaled, the scent that filled my nostrils is one of the best things I've ever smelled, despite the fact that it was still a little dirty. I sighed, resting my forehead on his head, before carefully shifting him so he was laying down on the seat next to me. I left his head in my lap again though, twirling his hair around my fingers. I leaned my head back against the headrest and looked out the window, watching the clouds. We'd be home in less than 12 hours. All I wanted to do was talk to my mate, make him love me, and settle down with me. And I would. With everything it took, he was not going to get away from me again, and he was going to see me the way I saw him.

I looked back down and studied his sleeping face. He looked peaceful, not full of fear of what would happen to him.

It killed me a little inside that he didn't want me. That he would run from me. Yet, I still wanted him with everything in me and more.

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