Chapter 24 - Sick of it

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Daemon POV

I'd lost track of time by now. I didn't know how long I had been here, I didn't know what the date was or even what time in the day it was. I hated this. I hated not knowing what was happening. I hated not knowing whatever the hell it was they were injecting me in, the only thing that doctor was giving away was that it wasn't really good for me, but whatever it was, was doing what it was supposed to be doing. I knew that, obviously. Whenever he came in and gave me that stupid shot my body felt like it was going up in flames, and then everything just went dark. And then the shots switched. They changed colors, and the side effects were worse. I was hot, then I was cold, and I was stuck awake the whole fucking time. I couldn't pass out, not until my body had finally settled down a bit. And that stupid doctor, sometimes it was more than him, watched the whole process. They watched me scream in pain as my muscles contracted and pulled apart, as my spine felt like it was shifting and re-arranging itself. This wasn't the pleasant burn of a shift, no, this was worse. I hadn't shifted in a while though, so I guess maybe I wouldn't know.

I didn't know what to do. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't get out of this myself. My body hurt too much, I was still restrained, and I wasn't strong enough to even stand. I'd learned that the hard way when they had moved me to a new, dull room, and I'd attempted to escape. I'd been uncuffed and they quickly tried to shift me to the gurney, but I'd made my first, and only, attempt to run, and had fallen flat on my face with a scream of pain when my legs gave out. I didn't try again.

So here I was, not even able to move and slowly slipping further into what felt like insanity. I couldn't keep doing this. I was stuck in my head, I couldn't stop thinking, and everything was just driving me crazy. I couldn't even tell when tears started to pour down my face anymore.

I stared at the ceiling as of right now, not that I had anything better to do. I had been trying to start wiggling my fingers and toes, and it had slowly become bearable. I didn't want to try and risk moving full limbs though. I wasn't ready for that. Just as I started wiggling my index finger on my left hand again, the door to my room opened. I shifted my dry eyes over, watching as that stupid doctor walked in with his goddamn table to instruments. I could already see the syringe, and I sighed as he reached my side, looking back up at the ceiling. I heard him snort, then the rustling of him putting on gloves.

"You know, I think you'll like what this will do to you." He murmured. I snorted, laughing drily. I didn't bother to look at him only staring at the ceiling with dead eyes.

"Because I enjoy the pain, totally," I replied, my voice dead and scratchy. He hummed in acknowledgment, smiling at me as he leaned over my face. I shifted my gaze again as to not have to look at him. He grabbed my chin though, and my eyes met his. His mouth was turned down in a weird frown, his eyes flashing with surprise. I scowled at him, baring my teeth in what was probably a non-threatening growl. He snorted, lips quirking up every so slightly. He pulled away, releasing my chin from his grip. He turned to his cart and picked up the damn syringe, pulling off the cap and flicking the top. I closed my eyes with a sigh, listening as he came closer. I felt the prick, and then not even a second later the burning started.

It rushed through my body, forcing my mouth open in a gasp as my limbs set on fire. It rushed down to my feet, to the tip of every one of my toes, then back up my body before being replaced by a searing cold. I couldn't scream, couldn't even cry as the pain burned itself through my body.

So I had to suffer like that, my head tilted back in pain as the fire was replaced by ice, then fire, then ice, and so on. I don't even know how long it was until it had finally faded, probably a good hour or two. The "doctor" was still in the room, watching me and writing something down. When the pain slowly started to subside, he stood up. Just as my eyes started to dip closed in exhaustion and pain, he reached for my face. I felt his finger push my lip up, running over my teeth, then his other hand pries my eye open. I watched lazily, my eye rolled back slightly, as his face lit up and he smiled. Oh great, that couldn't be good.

"It's fully working now. This is fantastic." He laughed, his hands removing themself from my face before he rushed back over to his stupid clipboard on that stupid rolley table. He quickly pushed it out of the room, disappearing behind the door that swung closed behind him. I watched the door for no more than second before my eyes dropped closed, my limbs feeling like jelly.

I sat there, not really asleep, thinking about all the things that could have possibly led up to this. Who the Hell did I upset to be kidnapped and tortured like this? I don't remember upsetting anyone, other than my parents and my mate, but I highly doubt Matias would have had this done to me, even if he was upset by me. And we had made up, we were finally getting somewhere as I became comfortable around him. More ready to be loved by him to love him. Yet here I was, in pain on a medical bed being injected by an unknown substance, my wolf silent, and my head constantly pounding. I hated this, I was so sick of it. Whoever these people were obviously had this planned, and hadn't just barged in and taken a random person. I'd been targeted, and I'm really starting to re-think my life's choices.

If I hadn't run from Matias, would this have happened? If I hadn't fled to another country all because of my stupid insecurities and the fear that he'd turn out like my mom, would I still be strapped to this table, injected with a strange liquid, and in pain all the time? If I had gone with him that first moment I saw him, if he had caught me before I ran, would we be happily mated by now with kids running around the house? I let myself fall into my mind, thinking about all the different outcomes, all the different ways this could have come out. All the ways my future could have changed if I had gone with him three years ago.

But I didn't. So now I have to suffer the consequences of my stupidity, strapped to a table that I'm too weak to even think about breaking out of.


I don't know when I fell asleep, all I know is I woke up to unbelievable pain, worse than normal. I could hear every machine in the room going crazy, the sound only increasing my splitting headache. I could hear footsteps rushing down the hallway before my door slammed open and that man rushed in. Several others followed him, quickly making their way to different machines to monitor them, shut them off, or try and get them to regulate whatever the Hell was going on.

Without warning, I felt myself jerk, a bone in my arm snapping in the process. I screamed, my eyes flying open as tears started to burn their way down my cheeks. I heard muffled curses over the ringing that had started in my head, then jumbled words as I felt multiple hands pin me back to the bed. That didn't really stop my jerking though, and I felt another bone snap, this time in my leg, screaming as I heard a shout particularly close to my head. I sobbed, my body starting to convulse as I felt my conscious slipping, the pain only getting worse as another bone snapped, right before I blacked out.

Early update because why not. :)
There will still be an on schedule update next week too.
Thanks for reading!

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