Chapter 16 - Awkward Tour Guide

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Daemon POV

I don't know why I asked to see around the house. Maybe I was just that bored, sitting in his room and trying not to go crazy from the potent scent that surrounded me. I think he was trying to torture me by putting me in his room. So instead of sitting there, I had gotten up and walked over the door, ready to leave the room for the first time and just wander around. Anything but having to sit there and suffer. And then, just to my luck, the door swung open, and there stood my wide-eyed mate, staring at me with a question in his eyes.

I'd held his gaze for maybe a second, before dropping my head and staring at my feet. I could feel that stupid blush coating my cheeks, my wolf once again happily wagging his tail in the presence of our mate. I swear, this stupid dog was going to be the end of me. Yes, technically I'm insulting myself by saying that, but I really didn't care.

Me stuttering my way through a simple sentence is how I ended up being led around an obnoxiously large house with a grinning and overjoyed behemoth of a man. He was babbling on about something as we walked down to the main floor. Apparently, the building had four floors, the first floor with bedrooms belonging to more important members, the top floor with bedrooms belonging to the lower-ranked wolves. The halls were long, from what I've seen so far, and as we walked to the staircase that would take us to the main floor, I noticed how almost all the doors looked exactly the same. The same heavy-looking, mahogany wood. Some had decorations on the outside as I could very clearly tell which one was Sams. She had her name spelled out in big bold letters, and a random poster of what I assumed was a video game character. That, and the rainbow painted at the top of the door. I smiled slightly as we passed her door, and Matias just gave it a look.

"We told her she shouldn't do it, but she doesn't listen very well." His low voice rumbled throughout the hallway, a light chuckle following it. The noise immediately caused me to blush again, and I hated it. I hated that he had this freaking effect on me. Just give him a chance. You'll be fine. The hopeful side of me whispered. The other side of me though, the one that decided I wasn't worth anything, told me that he was going to dump me any second here. That he would walk away from me and have someone else deal with me. The thought made me immediately stop blushing, folding my hands together in front of me as I dropped my gaze to the floor and kept walking. Matias seemed confused, but snapped out of it and caught up to me quickly, continuing his ramble about the people that lived on this floor. I silently listened, not really caring, considering I'd probably never meet these people.

I was lost in my own head when Matias stopped in front of me, causing me to run into him. I immediately snapped out of my thoughts. I scrambled back away from him just as he held his hands out to steady me. I watched him as his eyes grew soft, concern etched into them. I flinched away from his look, dropping my head to look at my feet once again.

"I-I'm sorry," I whispered timidly, not looking up at him.

"It's ok, you don't need to be sorry. It was an accident. It happens to all of us." He whispered back, his voice soft and sincere. My eyes darted around the floor until they found his feet, and I kept my gaze there. To show that I heard him, I nodded slightly, and then we just stood there in silence. My brain raced as the quiet overtook us, and I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what he was doing either, considering I refused to look up at him. I heard a heavy sigh before the creaking of the floorboards.

"We should keep going. we'll head downstairs since the other upstairs floor looks basically the same." He mumbled out, I glanced up briefly to see his eyes averted, hand scratching back behind his head. His eyes darted back to me though, and our eyes locked. Mine went wide as his softened, and for some reason, I couldn't look away. So we just stood there, staring into each other's eyes like some cliche love scene. I watched as his dark eyes swam with emotions I couldn't place, yet seemed so familiar. When his eyes finally darted down to my lips, I managed to turn my head and look away, my cheeks heating up ever so slightly. I saw him turn away too from the corner of my eye, clearing his throat and rubbing awkwardly at his chest.

"Anyways," he breathed out. He turned on his heel, mumbling something about the house that I couldn't hear.

Walking down the stairs and into the living room was defiantly different. It looked a lot different from what my pack house had looked like too.

Animals skins lay on the hardwood floor, chairs and tables arranged neatly throughout the spacious room. A whole wall off to the left was made of windows, a glass sliding door that led out onto a porch that was covered in chairs and cushions. A wide, green field layout past the porch, a few kids playing in it while their parents watched from the chairs. The forest was a little ways off, but you could still see the towering green of the trees. Looking over towards the right, away from the windows, was the entertainment system. An insanely large TV was mounted on the wall, and a large wrap-around couch sat in front of it, once again covered in fuzzy and soft-looking blankets. A glass coffee table sat in between the two wings of the couch, and a few magazines and the remote were on it. Smaller tables also sat at the end of the wings, empty glasses sat on those. Overall, the living room had this homey, rustic feeling to it. It was big, but it wasn't overbearingly big.

"Do you like it?" I jumped at the sound of Matias's voice, which just so happened to be directly behind me. Not going to lie, I kind of forgot he was even there. I nodded curtly, continuing to scan the room. A few paintings were hung on the walls, a couple of animals and one or two of people I didn't know.

"The kitchen is through there," he pointed towards an open door over in the corner, "and the den, which is basically where all the gaming stuff is, is down there." He said, directing his finger towards another open door, where I could see a staircase that apparently leads down to the "den." I nodded again, not really knowing what to say. Matias also stood there awkwardly, glancing around the living room like he was looking for something. Honestly, at this point, it would have made more sense to just sneak out and see the place myself. It's not like there was anything else he could tell me.

"Do you want to go outside?" He asked, and I could see him turn to look at me. I glanced over to the windows that showed outside, and immediately scratched the idea in my head, shaking my head no to convey that message to my mate. There were way too many people. Too many possible interactions. And kids, kids like to pry and ask questions. I don't hate them, but it's just annoying.

"Ok, um," He started again before someone barged into the house and cut him off, a gruff voice shouting for my "tour guide."

"Matias! We have a problem."

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