Chapter 33 - Comfort

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Daemon POV

After we had finished eating, Sam left us to be alone. She took the empty plates, and with a smile gently shut the door as she left. The second the door was closed, Matias had climbed up into the bed, snuggling into my chest. I could feel his soft breaths through my shirt as I raised my hand to run it through his hair. We sat like that in silence for a few minutes, me running my fingers through his hair, his arms wrapped around my waist to the best of his ability, and Jamie peacefully sleeping on my other side. The only problem I had with this silence, despite it being comfortable, as I knew I was going to have to talk about what happened. What happened at that place, what happened when I was younger probably too. We never really discussed my...parents. I didn't really wasn't too, but once again, I knew I would have to eventually.

"Daemon?" Matias's voice broke my thoughts, quiet and calming. I hummed, looking down at him. His eyes met mine, and he leaned up to gently peck my lips. I smiled when he pulled away and sat himself up next to me, leaning back against the headboard. I proceeded to lean against him, dropping my head onto his shoulder. Hair fell in my face, but I ignored it, staring straight ahead at the TV and couch.

"What...what happened? While you were...there?" He asked softly. I could hear the pain in his voice, the fear of what I was going to tell him. Looking down at my lap, I reached for his hand and laced our fingers together again. He squeezed, and I squeezed back.

"I..." Opening my mouth to speak, the words got caught in my throat as I thought about it. The pain, the burning sensation as it felt like my body was going up in flames, the days on end where I was stuck just floating, that damn doctor and his friends. The day where I shifted. The day when I killed them all.

"I killed them all," I whispered, the thought processing in my head. Matias squeezed my hand again as I felt tears well in my eyes. I didn't care that I had killed them specifically, no, they deserved to die. But just the fact that I had killed someone.

"It's ok, Daemon. It's ok," Matias pulled my head to his chest, a hand coming to support the back of my head as I let the silent tears fall. He stroked my hair, pressing small kisses onto my head.

"They...I..." I mumbled against his shirt, the words stuck in my throat. I squeezed my eyes shut, a shaky breath escaping my lips as another tear rolled down my cheek.

"You don't need to talk if you don't want to, love," Matias whispered, his hand continuing to stroke my head. The touch was calming, despite the fact that it didn't stop all the emotions from catching up to me. Everything was rushing back now. The pain, the killing, the new wolf, escaping. It was all so much right now, and I didn't know how to deal with it.

"You're ok, you're ok." Matias's voice broke through my thoughts again, his hand running through my hair came to a stop, slipping around to grip my chin and tilt my head up to look at him.

"You're safe now. You're ok." His voice was soft and kind, loving and warm. It made my heart flutter, and my breathing slowly even out. My soft sobs slowly came to a stop, no more tears rolling down my cheeks, just the tracks the remained from the older ones. I nodded carefully, and his hand moved from my chin to cup my cheek. I leaned into his hand, closing my eyes with a shaky sigh.

"We don't need to talk about it now. But we will eventually, ok?" He suggested and I nodded again, his thumb slowly starting to rub circles on my cheek. I felt his lips press against my forehead, and when they were gone his hand was back on the back of my head, pulling me into his chest again. It was a weird position to be in; my head pressed into his chest, one of my hands gripping his shirt, and the other handheld captive by a still sleeping Jamie. Jeez, this kid could sleep through anything.

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