Chapter 37 - Living Again

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Daemon POV

The next week

"Babe! Where's my toothbrush?" I yelled from the bathroom, where the object had mysteriously disappeared. How do I lose a toothbrush?

"What?" Matias called back. I sighed, glancing at the counter once again. I opened another drawer, that I had already looked through twice, before shutting it when I didn't find it. After a few more seconds of searching, Matias wandered in.

"What are you looking for?" He asked, glancing around as if he were looking for it too, despite not knowing what I was looking for.

"My toothbrush," I grumbled as I opened another drawer. Matias snorted.

"How do you lose a toothbrush?" He asked me, walking further into the bathroom, stopping beside me. He grabbed me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me back against him.

"I have no clue." I sighed, letting my head fall back against his shoulder. He chuckled, pressing a small kiss to my neck. I hummed, lifting my head off his shoulder and continuing my search for the stupid freaking toothbrush.

"We can just get you a new one, you know that right?" He said, leaning against a wall with his arms crossed. I looked up at him in the mirror and shrugged.

"Fine, you've got five minutes." I smiled at him, and his eyes widened.

"Go," I whispered, and he bolted. I laughed as I heard him sprint from the room and slam the door open.

"SAM!" I heard his voice distant in the hallway, and I looked up at the clock and watched.

I liked to do this to him, and him to me. We'd time each other on how long it would take the other to get something we wanted. In return, they would get a reward or something. Usually a kiss or cuddles, or even a day out in town. It wasn't really a reward when we kissed and cuddled and whatnot anyway, but it was still nice.

Three minutes passed before he was sprinting back into the room, panting only a little. He held a package in his hand, but I couldn't see if it was a toothbrush or not. He smiled when I rolled my eyes.

"You made it. Now give me the toothbrush." I motioned for the brush and he smirked as he held it out. I cocked my eyebrow, confused on why he looked so smug and grabbed the package.

It was a pink brush, with My Little Pony characters all over it. My jaw dropped as Matias burst out laughing.

"You prick!" I shouted as I threw the toothbrush at him. It hit him square in the chest, but he just continued laughing. I crossed my arms and stood up, prepared to walk out of the room and ignore him all day.

"Wait, wait, baby, I'm joking." He laughed, grabbing my shoulder and turning me around. He reached back into the back pocket of his jeans and produced an adult, grey toothbrush. I huffed, snatching it and walking back towards the bathroom, not saying anything to him.

"Babbbbyyyy," He whined, following me. I didn't say anything as I began the process of tearing the toothbrush out of its package. Matias walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist again, and leaning down to place his head on my shoulder. He looked at me with his best puppy dog eyes, lips pouty. I kept my face neutral, despite the laughter bubbling up in me. I held his gaze as he slowly became more and more worried that he had actually pissed me off. It came to a point where I couldn't hold it in anymore, and slowly let my lips curl up into a smile. He released a sigh, and I burst out in laughter. He squeezed me, burying his face in my neck. I kept laughing though, happy with my "revenge."

"You're a jerk." He mumbled into my neck, kissing it softly. I put the toothbrush on the counter, twisting myself so I was facing him. He loosened his grip on me, letting me turn, before resting his hands on my hips. I brought mine up to his cheeks, pressing them together.

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