Chapter 25 - Massacre

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Outside POV

The doctors knew what was happening. The subject was shifting, and that wasn't really good. He wasn't technically supposed to shift yet, because a shift could not only be dangerous for them, but it could mess with all their work. It could make things worse, or it could greatly benefit them. The only way it would benefit them would be if the shift, who had been suppressed up until now to complete their work, wouldn't kill them all. The doctors knew that chance was slim too because it was too early for a shift. The shift would surely be angry, and not in its right mind, and they would all be doomed. Yet, like idiots, they stayed in the room with the false hope they wouldn't all be killed.

The main doctor, whose name was Jonathon, was ecstatic though. Yes, this could be very bad, but this was the first time a subject had made it to this stage. This was the first time his subject hadn't died yet, hadn't succumbed to the deadly toxins that were in the drug. His subject screamed again, another bone snapping as the shift started, his legs already taking the form of a wolfs. Jonathon watched fascinated, yelling to his doctors to leave the machines alone, to let the boy shift.

He'd noticed early today when he had come to give the boy his dose, that it was working. It was working really well. The boy's eyes were slowly turning a deep shade of purple, his canines slightly pointed. Even his ears looked like they might have been starting to point, which wasn't really supposed to happen, but Jonathon could care less. It was working, that's all he cared about. Jonathon had thought that maybe the transformation would be completed in a week or two, but it was early. Maybe a little too early.

The boy screamed again, his back arching up off the table. Jonathon bounced on his feet, instructing his fellow doctors to take the restraints off so he wouldn't injure himself while he shifted. They did so, very carefully and warily, watching the boy as his eyes snapped open, two wild purple eyes meeting the eyes of the frightened doctors. They quickly jumped away once the boy was freed, and he howled again in pain, this time more animalistic as his face started to shift into that of a wolf. His body jerked, nearly falling off the table, as he turned on his side and arched into himself, clothes ripping and coarse hair starting to sprout on his body.

The doctors slowly shifted to the back of the room, standing against the far wall, and Jonathon continued to watch amazed as the boy shifted. While the other doctors were still amazed, they were also terrified. Because once again, this could go extremely badly.

After only a few more minutes, Jonathon shouted in victory; the boy had fully shifted.

In place of the blonde-haired, thin boy, now stood a massive, pitch-black wolf. It was panting, eyes closed as it tried to stand, legs as wobbly as a foal. When the creature finally got its footing, its eyes opened. One eye was bright purple, while the other was a stunning, icy blue. Jonathon gasped as the wolf met his gaze, a low growl forming in the wolf's chest. Jonathon let out a nervous chuckle, raising his hands like you would when approaching a wild animal. Because that's exactly what this thing was, a wild animal; as of right now at least.

"Hey there boy," He whispered gently, taking a small step forward. The wolf's eyes darted around the room, surveying its surroundings, and taking note of the doctors lined up on the back wall, whose eyes have all widened in both fear and surprise. When the wolf saw Jonathon approach though, its eyes snapped back to his, and the wolf bared his teeth. Long, sharp, lethal teeth.

"It's alright, everything is alright, we're here to help you," Jonathon tried to soothe the animal, who was steadily growing angry. Little did Jonathon and his panel of doctors know, Daemon had remembered every single thing they had done to him. He remembered all the needles and the pain, and the fact he was taken away from his mate. The fact that his first shift in who knows how long wasn't to that of his original wolf. Because his wolf was grey, a very light grey with silver strands here and there. And this wolf? This wolf wasn't his. It may have had the same consciousness as his original wolf, but this wasn't his wolf. It wasn't him.

Slowly, Jonathon reached a hand out to touch the wolf, unaware that the second that hand would get near him it would be removed. So Jonathon continued to ignorantly approach the wolf with his hand, and in the blink of an eye, that hand was gone.

Jonathon screamed, the doctors screamed, and Daemon attacked. His first victim; Jonathon. Daemon was on top of the man in a second, his muzzle buried in the man's throat, clamping down with finality, and Jonathon screamed bloody murder before an audible snap echoed through the room, and his body went limp. Jonathon was dead. The wolf raised its head, eyes burning as blood dripped from its maw. The doctors froze in fear, barely able to breathe as the wolf seemed to make eye contact with every single one of them. No more than a minute did the doctors stare down the wolf, and the wolf stares down the doctors.

And then, Daemon pounced again. The closest doctor to him, a middle-aged female whose name he didn't know, nor did he really care, was his next victim. She screamed as she went down, her screams mixing in with that of the other doctors, who scrambled, pushing each other to get out the door. Daemon ripped her throat out too, with no mercy, before advancing on the next man, a bigger built man who looked to be in his later years, maybe over 50. Once again, Daemon did not care as he tackled the man from behind, ripping into the back of his neck and tearing, killing the man. The rest of the doctors had managed to get out of the room, and he could hear their running footsteps, could smell their fear and could hear their cries.

The wolf dashed from the room, skidding into a long hallway. His ears perked, the closest person was running down the hallway to his left, so he turned and took off after them. Nobody was getting out of this alive.

He was finally strong enough, and this would be his revenge for all the shit they had done to him, and who knows how many others. And then, he would return to his mate.

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