Chapter 41 - Decision

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Daemon POV

Waking up tangled in bed with Matias was never going to get old. His warmth soothed the small headache that came with all the tears from last night, and his arms were a comforting weight dropped over my waist. The sun that leaked in through the curtains wasn't too bright, so it didn't hurt to blink my eyes open and wake up. I slowly turned myself so I could face Matias, and he wasn't spooning me anymore, and gently brought one of my hands up to run along his jawline. I let my hand drift along his face, gently lining his features. His perfect nose, full lips, the gentle arch of his eyebrows, everything. I was so enraptured in my exploration of his face, and the way the sun slowly made him glow golden as it filled the room, I didn't notice when he woke up. One second my hand was tracing across his lips again, and the next he had my wrist in his hand, holding my palm flat to his face. I met his gaze with a surprised gasp, his eyes sparkling in the sun with love. I smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

"Good morning," I whispered, gently placing my forehead against his. He smiled, pulling my hand away from his face, and kissing my palm.

"Please always wake me up like that," he whispered, smiling as he wrapped his arms around me again, pulling me tighter to his chest. I smiled and let myself be embraced by even more of his warmth, wanting to just stay like this for the rest of the day. One of his hands was tangled in my hair, and I was currently using to other arm as my pillow. I closed my eyes, letting myself imagine that I wouldn't have to deal with...certain things today.

"Love," Matias's voice was soft and quiet, and I groaned and buried my face further into his neck, not wanting to deal with today. He laughed softly, continuing to run his hand down my hair, untangling the knots with his fingers.

"You know we have to get up," He whispered, placing a kiss on the top of my head. I grumbled into his neck, shaking my head no. He laughed again before I was effortlessly being moved. I groaned, throwing my head back as he moved me off him, placing me on the bed as he stood up. I stretched, and I oogled him in all his glory, muscles flexing and his dark skin shining in the sun. I continued to stare until his hearty laugh broke me out of my trance, my face flushing bright red. I rolled over and buried my face in a pillow, one that smelled beautifully of him, and kicked my legs on the bed like a child.

"Babe, we have to get up and do things," He laughed, gently shaking my shoulder. I just groaned again, mumbling curse words of disapproval into the pillow. He laughed again, and the next thing I knew I was once again being picked up, but this time he threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey!" I shouted, wiggling to try and escape him. It didn't work though, surprise surprise, and he only set me down when we had reached the bathroom. I shot him a glare, sticking my tongue out at him. He just laughed, leaning down to place a kiss on my forehead. I rolled my eyes but kissed his cheek back, before turning on my heel into the bathroom to begin my morning routine.


Matias was sitting on the bed when I exited the bathroom, a towel in my hands as I patted my hair down. He had popped in while I was in the shower to brush his teeth, but that was it. He looked up, smiling when he saw me, and I smiled back. He sat up and walked over to me, stopping down to place a kiss on my lips. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me and keeping the kiss alive. He chuckled against my mouth, going along with it.

We stayed like that for only a minute before he pulled back, face slightly flushed, and I'm sure mine mirrored his. He laughed when I whined, trying to tug him closer.

"Love, we have things to do," He whispered, bringing a hand up to move a piece of hair from my face. I frowned, sighing and letting my arms fall from his neck.

"Yea," I looked at our door like if I opened it every monster on the planet would pop out and attack us. I guess that could happen. Maybe not right now though.

Matias pulled on my hand, lacing his fingers together with mine. He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it, before pulling me towards the door. I sighed but follow him out, our hands never parting as we made our way downstairs.

Sam was already waiting for us, an angry expression plastered on her face that turned to sympathy as soon as her eyes met mine. I offered her a smile, silently conveying that I was ok.

"We're going to have some breakfast first," Matias said squeezing my hand, "and then we'll go over what to do." Sam nodded, turning on her heel and walking away, offering me a smile and a nod, but no words. Matias pulled me towards the kitchen eagerly, and I couldn't help the bubble of laughter that spilled from my lips at his excitement of food.


Breakfast could not have gone faster. I swear, by the time we had sat down, we were already standing up with cleared plates and full bellies. It's not like I was trying to avoid what was to come, I knew I didn't have to deal with it if I didn't want to, but maybe this would be beneficial to me. Maybe I could finally move past it all, and not have to worry about her anymore.

I followed Matias into his office, Sam already there waiting for us. She was sitting on his desk, filling through something, and when we walked in, she immediately jumped off of it.

"How many times have I told you not to sit on my desk?" Matias grumbled, walking around to the other side and sitting in his chair. Sam just shrugged, a small smile playing at her lips. Matias sighed, and Sam let out a short laugh before business began.

"This is what we've got. The Alpha of her pack has been notified, and he is allowing us to do as we see fit with her before she goes back. When she returns there, she will also be punished, and under strict surveillance." Sam handed Matias the papers she had been thumbing through before we walked in, and he took them with a grim look on his face. I sighed, slumping down into one of the chairs, and Sam flashed me a pitiful look. We sat in silence for a few minutes as Matias looked through the papers, which I could only assume were about the woman who birthed me. He put them down eventually before his gaze landed on me.

"You have total control over this situation, Daemon. If you would like to talk to her, you can. She will be behind bars and chained up so she can't reach you, and you have no obligation to talk to her." Matias stated, his eyes locked with mine the whole time. I nodded, fiddling with my fingers in my lap. I had made my decision on what I wanted to do, what I needed to do. I had cried my heart out last night, letting out all the pent-up emotion that I could never release, all because of her. I wanted to know what the hell she could gain from coming here, and why she even thought I would want to see her. She never loved me, so I could ensure she wasn't here to congratulate me.

"I want to speak with her," I whispered, clasping my hands together tightly. I looked up at Matias and he nodded, reassurance in his eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up at Sam, who had a small smile on her face, and she squeezed my shoulder as I met her gaze.

"We'll be there with you the whole time." I nodded, standing from the chair as Matias walked around the desk. He stopped by my side and pulled me into a tight hug, and I gladly let myself embrace it, wrapping my arms around his waist. I breathed in his scent, letting it calm me.

"I love you," Matias whispered, pulling away, put keeping his arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up at him, and smiled softly, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips.

"I love you more," I said back before he pulled me into his chest once more.

And when we pulled away, he held my hand the entire way down to the cellars where I would finally face the woman who I had to call my mother.

Guys if I didn't have Grammarly I don't know what I would do.

Anywho, enjoy! What do you think is going to happen? Will Daemon chicken out? Stay tuned to find out!! :)

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