Chapter 30 - Panic

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Matias POV

I had to go get food myself, despite the fact I could have linked someone. As much as I didn't want to leave him alone, I had to go talk to my pack. I set two warriors up outside his door before I left though, there were more outside the window by my room, before quickly making my way downstairs to talk to my pack. I barely made it to the glass doors that led to the porch before one of the warriors linked me.

"Alpha, somethings wrong. He's freaking out," His voice was a little shaky like he was scared to tell me what was happening. I swore, before immediately turning back around and rushing back to my room. I linked for the pack doctor as I bolted for the stairs, knowing I could use them quicker than the elevator.

When I reached my door, it was already open as the warriors looked in. They moved out of my way as I hurried into my room for my mate, who was thrashing in the bed, eyes wide open and darting around as thick tears flowed down his cheeks. I skidded to a halt right by the bed, hands fluttering around his body. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how he would react if I touched him and tried to pin him to the bed to stop his thrashing. His head was turned towards me, looking right at me but not at the same time. It was like he couldn't see me.

"Don't touch him!" Mandy, the pack doctor, rushed in. I didn't back away from Daemon but I held my hands in the air to show that I wasn't touching him. My wolf growled in my head though, not liking the idea of someone telling him, us, that we couldn't touch our mate. The second Mandy got close to Daemon though, he freaked out even more. Mandy looked like even she didn't know what to do.

"He's panicking, I don't think he can see us, or smell us, either. If he could, he would have calmed down when you came in." Just as she finished her sentence, Daemon went still. His eyes flashed those colors again, the colors of his wolf. It was a brief second, but they still took my breath away. Swirling purple and a blue so cold it looked like it could freeze stared up at me, capturing my own eyes. It was only a second before his eyes fluttered shut again, but it took my breath away all the same. Daemon went completely still, relaxing back into the bed as if nothing had ever happened. I sighed heavily, running a hand through my hair. I heard Mandy release a breath of relief too before her small hand landed softly on my shoulder.

"I think it's best if you stay up here. I'll bring you up some food and let the pack know." She patted my shoulder before she turned and left. I didn't move, but I turned my head to watch her go. After she had left, one of the guards poked his head in, giving me a questioning look. I just shook my head slightly, and he nodded before his head disappeared from the doorway. I turned back to look at my mate, raising a hand to brush some hair out of his face. I rested my head on the side of the bed like you'd picture a child to do, just watching him. I definitely wasn't leaving his side now. Not after whatever the Hell that was. His breathing was evened out, chest rising and falling slowly. His lips were parted slightly, small breaths falling out of them.

I dropped my head on the bed, closing my eyes with another short sigh. I hated not knowing what was happening to him. I hated not knowing what was going through his head right now, and not being able to help soothe any fears he had. But I couldn't because he was once again passed out. How many times had he passed out around me, or because of me? Four, five times? Isn't that special.

I turned my head to look at him, raising an arm to brush it against his hand. His hands were small. Smaller than mine, at least. Slowly, I threaded them together, rubbing my thumb lightly against his. I raised my head and gently kissed the back of his hand, before standing. I didn't let go of his hand though, instead just standing there and watching him sleep, his hand limply hanging from mine, only still connected because I was holding onto his fingers for dear life. I brought his hand back to the bed, letting it go and watching his fingers relax back into the soft material. Walking around the bed, I climbed in on the other side, curling up, facing him. Grabbing his other hand this time, I tangled our fingers together again, before closing my eyes. I curled up closer to him, breathing in his scent. My head was practically laying on his arm, but I didn't really care. I just wanted, needed, to be close to him.

So I laid there, not really asleep but with my eyes closed as I thought of all the things we would do when he woke up. All the things I would say to him and give to him and do for him. I thought of our future together, of any possible kids we would have.



I should probably tell Jamie he's back.

Hey, Sam? I opened our link.

Yeah? What's up? She responded immediately.

Grab my food from Mandy, and bring it to me. Grab Jamie too, I don't want to keep the poor kid away from him any longer. I requested.

Yea, no problem, be right up. She replied before the link closed off and I opened my eyes. I didn't move though, instead just listening for the footsteps of my sister.

After a few minutes, I heard her. Then I heard the small footsteps of someone following close behind her. I watched the door, waiting for it to open. I knew the second that Jamie's small nose detected Daemon's scent too because the smaller of the footsteps got louder very quickly.

Until the door burst open, and there stood the boy himself, with tears in his eyes. A small sob escaped his mouth as he rushed forward in a blur, flinging himself into the bed on top of Daemon.

Sitting up, I pulled Jamie over Daemon and into my lap, brushing his curls out of his face. He let me move him, turning into me crying into my chest. One of his hands grabbed Daemons, squeezing to a point I was scared the small boy might actually break it.

"He's going to be ok, Jamie," I whispered into his hair, letting him slip out of my grip. He slid down next to Daemon, cuddling into him, his arm thrown across my mate's stomach. He sniffed, watery eyes turning to look at me.

"You p-promise?" He asked, his voice quiet and soft. I could hear the relief in it, and I smiled, ruffling his hair. With a quiet giggle, he swatted at my hands.

"I promise."

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