Chapter 14 - Watching out a window

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Daemon POV

It had been two days since our first encounter. He'd visited the next morning, and stood in the doorway as he tried to get me to talk. I'd been staring out the window at the time, watching the trees sway with the wind, avoiding his gaze that burned into my back. Would it even be considered visiting when it was his own room and his own house? Probably not. Did I care? No.

I avoided the bed the most, choosing to sit by the window or on the futon. Why did I avoid the bed? It smelled like him. It made it harder and harder to ignore him, and the fact that I knew he was right downstairs, or outside that door that was locked all the time. So I sat by the large window, watching the birds play in the trees and call out to their friends, singing their lovely tune that I could only faintly hear. That, or I stared at the TV and sometimes the controllers that sat on the TV stand. But in the end, I always ended up just staring, lost in my depressing thoughts.

It was the third day that I was in solitude, willingly might I add, when someone new showed up at the door. It wasn't my mate, but this person sure looked very similar.

I was a girl this time, with the same dark skin as Matias and eyes just a few shades lighter. She was tall, really tall for a female being maybe only a few inches shorter than Matias, and she was really toned, her biceps showing because of the cut-off tank top she wore. She was leaning against the door frame, watching me with this look in her eye. I didn't like it. I stared at her for a minute, seeing something flash in her eyes that I couldn't recognize before I turned away again and continued to watch a small group of birds jumping around in the trees.

"You can't hide here forever." She finally spoke, her voice smooth and low, yet still with a feminine touch. I ignored her.

"He didn't bring you back here to humiliate you, you do realize that? If he didn't care, he would have never even looked for you." She stated. I processed the words, but I could still hear that voice in my head that told me I was useless, that he would never love me, and that he would see how worthless I was and reject me. I heard a shuffling noise, then silence. About three minutes later, the woman finally spoke again.

"We're here to talk to you if you need us. Whatever it takes to get you to get to know him. Because I know him, and I know that he has never cared for anything as much as how much he already cares for you." My heart felt heavy with her words, my gaze dropping to my hands clenched in my lap. I could feel her gaze on me, pitiful eyes watching me.

I hated it. I hated that I was this useless. I hated that everything in me screamed to go to my mate, to apologize and promise to be better, but I can't. I can't get the thoughts out of my head that I'm not worth it. That my mate deserves someone better.

I didn't notice the lonely tear that cascaded down my cheek until the woman was in front of me, wiping it away. I looked up into her eyes that shined with the bright sun, filled with understanding and sadness. She gave me a soft smile, and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Tears burst out of my eyes as she pulled my head into her chest, soothingly rubbing my head as she whispered words I couldn't hear. I let everything out, hating that I was this weak for a random stranger.

My sobs slowly died down, sniffling as I limply leaned into her. Her hands floated down to my shoulders and she gently pushed my back, looking at me as I dropped my head, avoiding her sympathetic gaze. She was so nice, and I didn't even know who she was. I assumed she was probably Matias's sister though, with the way their skin tone was the same shade and their build and way of talking.

She lifted one hand from my shoulder, putting it under my chin and lifting my head to look her in the eyes. Watery blue met hazel brown, and I held her stare.

"Just talk to him, ok?" She whispered, giving me another gentle smile. I averted my gaze, going back to looking down at the floor as her hand dropped from under my chin. I didn't reply to her suggestion, but it did sit in my head. Maybe if I talked to him things could be cleared. Maybe he could tell me I was ok, that he wasn't going to ditch me. But I didn't know. I really didn't know.

"Sam?" My head snapped up to the very man we were speaking of himself, standing in the doorway with a confused look on his face. Sam awkwardly coughed, straightening to her full height, which was freaking tall. She walked across the room, stopping to lay a hand on his shoulder before leaning t whisper something in his ear. I didn't hear what she said, but Matias's eyes immediately flickered to me, and I dropped my head to stare at my lap again. I could just barely feel the faintest of a blush rising on my face.

I heard the woman, Sam, walk out of the room but did not hear another set of footsteps walking away. Instead, they were walking towards me. I felt a dip in the window seat beside me and glanced over to see him sitting next to me. He leaned back against the window, looking straight forward into his room. I fiddled with my hands as silence consumed us, awkward yet not.

"Sam likes to meddle," His voice finally broke the silence, startling me a bit. I jumped slightly and saw him turn his head to look at me, an amused smirk growing on his face. I glowered at my hands in my lap, angry at myself for being startled by his low voice.

"I'm sorry if she bothered you." He finished. I didn't say anything, but instead very subtly shook my head no. He seemed to notice though because he perked up a little bit.

"What did you guys do?" He asked, amusement just barely hidden in his voice. I couldn't stop the light blush that coated my cheeks this time, remembering the previous moment of me crying into Sam's shirt. It was embarrassing. A loud, boisterous laugh echoed through the room, his hands clutching his stomach. I turned my head away from his laughing figure, the blush on my face only deepening.

"I...I'm sorry." He finally said after he'd calmed down, a few happy sighs escaping past his smiling lips. I glanced over, my eyes darting to his dark eyes that were still a little watery from his laughing fit. His lips were stretched up into a smile, laugh lines around the edge of his perfectly sculpted mouth. My wolf was wagging his tail, barking happily in my head at the happiness our mate displayed. And I couldn't help the very, very, small smile that tilted the corners of my lips up. Matias saw it too, tilting his head to see my face better when he realized I was staring. I immediately averted my gaze, cheeks unbelievably red by now.

"Hey," He breathed out, and I saw his hand coming towards me. I flinched away, turned my head in the opposite direction. I didn't want to be touched right now, and it was a habit to turn away when I saw a hand coming at me. Because usually that hand was followed with a slap, or a punch, or being kicked to the floor and degraded. I heard a soft sigh, then rustling, and finally, the pressure beside me disappeared as he stood up.

What I wasn't expecting though, was for his tall frame to be kneeling in front of me, dark eyes staring into mine. I stiffened, my eyes widening in shock as he gave me a soft, loving, smile. My heart started to flutter at the look, the blush that had just freaking disappeared, back again to lightly dust my face. He laughed a little, his cheeks pushing up under his eyes as he smiled.

"I'm not going to let you go, I'm not going to hurt you," He whispered. He didn't make a move to touch me, only let his arms balance on his legs in his crouched position.

"I'm going to show you how to love, and I'm going to love you with everything I have. I promise." His words rang through the room, my wolf going silent at the words, and my heart seemingly stopping. I stared into his eyes, not afraid to look away this time. All I saw in his shining brown eyes, was the truth.

And I couldn't help right then but thinking that maybe, maybe I would be ok.

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