Chapter 29 - Safe, Right?

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Here you go :)

Matias POV

After an hour on the road, with Daemon only fidgeting in his seat once the whole way, I finally hit the backroad that would take me to the packhouse. I sighed, happy that we were finally back in a familiar area. I slowed down on the bumpy road that would take me back to the packhouse, and when I was about five minutes out, I linked Sam quickly to tell her we were close. She gave me a word of affirmation, knowing I was driving so she didn't keep the link open.

I kept my eyes on the road, only glancing at Daemon every few seconds. He had slept the whole way, within reason, not even budging when I had to stop and get gas. I didn't care though, that I couldn't talk to him right now, I was just so, so, so happy that he was back with me. That he was safe right now, in my car on the way back to his home. Our home.

With a soft smile and a happy sigh, I pulled into the driveway. Parking the car, I watched as Sam rushed from the house as I unbuckled my seat belt, stepping out of the car just as she reached it. She jumped on me, immediately giving me a tight hug. I wrap my arms around her with a short laugh, patting her on the back as she pulled away. She immediately looked over my shoulder to see Daemon, and her face softened when she did.

"Oh jeez," She sighed, looking back at me. She cocked an eyebrow, resting her hands on her hips.

"Are you ok? Everything all good?" She asked. I nodded, giving her a small smile.

"Alright, let's get him inside." She stated, before pulling me to the passenger side and opening the door. I took over from there, unbuckling Daemon and pulling him into my arms, making sure to keep the blanket draped over him. Sam walked ahead, opening the door for me when we got there.

Stepping back into my house, I realized that Sam must have cleared everyone from the area. There wasn't anyone in the main lobby, and it was relatively quiet.

"I had them all go out back, for now, set up a barbeque or something. They understand." She whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder. I just nodded, turning and heading for the elevator doors. Sam didn't follow this time, instead, she called out after me,

"Link me if you need anything." I hummed in response, before pressing the button for the elevator. It dinged, and the door opened immediately, and I stepped on with a grateful sigh. I was back home, with my mate, and everything was going smoothly.

I looked down at him, smiling softly at his relaxed face. He looked like he was finally catching up on the sleep he hadn't gotten in weeks, and to be honest, he probably was. He was off guard, he knew I would protect him, and so he slept. He didn't fear for anything, it was like he knew he didn't need to wake up. The elevator pinged again, the doors opening onto the floor that held my room. I stepped out of the contraption, beginning the short walk to my room.

When I reached it, the door was already open slightly. I pushed it open further, before stepping in and softly closing it with my foot behind me. My room was warm and comforting, and I let loose another sigh as I headed for my bed. Reaching it, I gently lowered Daemon onto the part the was uncovered. His head rolled to the side, but other than his soft breaths, no other movement occurred. I pulled my comforter over him, and I couldn't help the rush of love and satisfaction that ran through my chest at the sight of my mate in my bed, surrounded by my scent again. I sat on the edge of the bed, just watching him.

It was almost like the first time I saw him in my bed. His hair was a mess and spread around his head like a dirty halo, his face was pale though, and sunken. I brushed a finger down his cheek, cupping the side of his head softly. If I hadn't known better, I almost would have said he leaned into the touch. But I knew he was passed out and incapable of moving his head at the moment. I sat there for a while, gently stroking his cheek and hair, running my hands through his hair softly to try and detangle as much of it as I could. He didn't move or make any sign that he noticed I was here, his breathing continuing on steadily and softly, blowing against my hand every now and then. As much as I wanted him to wake up, to be able to talk to him and hold him, I wanted him to get his sleep. I wanted him to relax after all the shit that he had gone through because of me. Because of my lack, rogues got past my patrols and into my packhouse, threatening everyone there. It was hard to stop them when they had that weird tranquilizer thing, but it was still my fault they got that far. I was distracted and careless, and because of that, my mate suffered the consequences.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, and I quickly swiped it away. I couldn't cry right now. I had to be strong for him, I had to protect him better this time. I wasn't leaving his side ever again.


Daemon POV

Floating. I was fucking floating. Again. I was getting kind of sick of this floating bullshit. At least this time I knew I was safe though, back with my mate. Unless it was all an illusion. Unless I was still strapped to that table, getting those shots that were doing something to me. I remember shifting though, I remember killing all those doctors and stuff. So there was no way that it was all a dream, right? Right?! I was sure that wasn't a dream. There was no way something as vivid and real as me killing a bunch of people could have been a dream. But those drugs they were giving me, those wouldn't have made me have lucid dreams, would they? I couldn't imagine something that real. There was no way. I couldn't!

I didn't know. I didn't freaking know and it was starting to freak me out in my floating headspace. I could keel the floating feeling fade, I could feel myself start to wake up. I could feel my heart rate pick up as I started to panic, not knowing if everything that had happened had all been a dream. I didn't know if I was just cruelly tricked by my brain, that I wasn't back home and safe with my mate.

Matias, I saw him. I know I did. He held me as I shifted back, he held me when I got control of my body back. He was there, I know he was. He was there, right? Please tell me he was there. Please don't have let this all have been a dream. I can't do this anymore, I can't keep living if that was all a trick of my mind to make me think I was safe. I can't keep going without him. I can't, I can't, I can't.

I wasn't floating anymore. My eyes were open, everything was blurry, and I could feel the tears running down my face. I could feel my mouth open and close in a silent scream that wouldn't come out. I couldn't breathe. It felt like my head was underwater as I tried to move, as my body refused my command to do so. Something heavy was over me. I could just barely hear the sound of shouting, of footsteps rushing towards me and getting louder, louder, louder. I couldn't see though, or smell anything (not that I would recognize anyone but Matias by smell anyways), so I didn't know who was coming at me. I could only see color and blobs. And right next to this blob was another blob of white. White, the color of a lab coat, a lab coat a doctor would wear.

No, no, no, NO, NO, NO! I couldn't be back! I couldn't, I can't!

I didn't realize when the wolf took over. One second, I was panicking, unable to breathe or think over my brain's racing thoughts, and then the next I wasn't in control anymore. The wolf only said one word as he took over my body, his face flashing in my mind as he forced me to still and for the tears to stop flowing, as he forced my body to shut down again. One word, in an unearthly deep voice. One word, before I passed out all over again, except this time I wasn't floating. This time it was just dark and cold.


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