Chapter 20 - A Friend in the Hallway

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A/N - Thank you so much for your patience! Enjoy the chapter. :)

Damon POV

Things finally, actually felt like they were getting better. I wasn't as afraid of Matias anymore, and he even gave me little kisses sometimes that left my stomach feeling fluttery. It was weird, but I didn't mind it. I liked he didn't push me, didn't force me to be around him if I needed space. He'd leave me alone for a little bit, and come back and check on me. I could see that it killed him to leave me alone when I was hurting, but he did and I didn't even know what to say.

But those times were few and far between now, and I wasn't scared to let him know what was on my mind when I was thinking the things I did. And he never hesitated to soothe my fears the best that he could.

Besides the tears that came occasionally, and the nights I spent on his bed in his arms, crying to him that I was scared he'd leave me any moment, I enjoyed anytime I could get with Matias. We had this game we liked to play sometimes, or well...I did. It was basically hide and seek, and when he got done with all his Alpha duties, I would hide from him and he had to look for me. Whenever he found me, I'd be in a fit of giggles as he threw me over his shoulder, laughing at me. I'd pound on his back, kicking around and screaming at him to put me down through my laughter. He never did but me down, but when we got back to his room, he'd throw me on the bed and just...flop. Right on top of me. And I let him. Sometimes he'd curl his arms around me, nuzzling into my neck or chest, and I'd blush every time he did so, gently returning the gesture, threading my fingers through his soft hair. Sometimes though, he would seem all sweet and caring, but then he'd do something awful. Something that had never happened to me before I'd met him. A devilish deed. He would tickle me. And I couldn't stop him, because he was laying on top of me and he weighed a ton, so I was subjected to torture while he had his fun. It was awful.

Currently running from those devilish fingers, we were playing our little game of hide and seek. I was, as quietly as I could, racing through the hallways to find a new closet to hide in. I was so engrossed in my search for a place to hide, I didn't even realize that someone was coming at me, until I ran right into them, tripping over the obviously smaller being. Trying to keep my balance, I awkwardly flailed my arms before I eventually fell. I groaned before pushing myself up, looking back to see what the reason for my falling was.

There sat a small boy, a nest of curly brown hair sitting atop his head. He was sitting up, clutching his knee with his small hands to his chest, pouty brown eyes threatening to spill tears. The pale skin of his face held a flush the spread to his ears as he rocked back and forth, trying not to cry, a small dinosaur plushie gripped in his other fist. I immediately stood to start running away again, but couldn't bring it in me to leave the boy sitting alone and in pain. Instead of turning tail to run from my mate, I approached the boy, crouching down to his level. His head tilted up, and his wide watery eyes met my own. I held back a wince at the look. I wasn't a huge fan of kids, but I also wasn't completely cold-hearted.

"Are you ok?" I asked quietly, hesitantly. He just watched me, his rocking had stopped and his mouth had popped open a little bit. I cocked my head slightly as we just start at each other in silence, he seemed to entranced or something.

"Hello?" I asked, sitting down from my crouched position. He blinked for the first time, shaking his head slightly before a blush coated his face and he dropped his gaze to stare at his hands.

"I-I'm-I'm...Sor-Sorry." He stuttered out, seeming to be stuck on his words. I watched him, confused as to why he would be sorry. He pulled his small dinosaur plush up to his chest, hugging it with all his might. A small smile found its way to my lips as I watched him.

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