Chapter 52 - Winding Down

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Daemon POV

My face hurt from smiling, my feet from dancing and walking and not being able to sit down, and my body and head from the overall party. But I was still up and moving, and I wasn't going to be done anytime soon, not that I minded too much. The party was still in full force, people still finding things to talk about and sticking around even longer. 

I hadn't stuck around Matias the entire time. I talked with some other people when he moved on, sometimes. I made friends with a couple more lunas, including one of which was male like myself. I'd traded phone numbers with a few of my new friends, promising to keep in touch and to contact them if I ever needed anything, and vice-versa. I looked forward to it, to be honest. I wasn't used to having a whole bunch of friends, or any at all, and now I had more phone numbers than I could keep track of, and more names in my head than I think I would ever be able to remember. 

It was around ten-ish that the little kids went to bed, and Matias found me with a very sleepy Jamie in his arms. I smiled as they approached, excusing myself from a conversation, and meeting them halfway.

"I was going to go put him down, do you want to come with me?" Matias whispered, and I could just barely hear him above the noise of the party.

"Of course," I nodded, and we quickly exited the area. Once back in the house, the walls cut off the majority of the noise, but you could still hear the muffled talk and music.

Taking the elevator up to Jamie's small room, I opened the door for my mate, and he walked in and gently set the sleeping boy in his bed. Jamie's little face scrunched up and a small whine escaped his lips when he lost contact with Matias, and a small smile spread across my face. Matias chuckled softly, before sitting down on the edge of Jamie's bed, and started to brush through his curly hair with his fingers. I watched, leaning against the wall, as Jamie turned into the touch and his face un-scrunched. 

Matias glanced over at me, raising a brow, and my smile grew as I pushed off the wall and walked over to the two. Sitting down on the edge of the bed as well, I placed my hand in Jamie's smaller one, and his fingers immediately curled around mine. Matias continued his motion of petting through Jamie's hair for another few minutes before his breathing evened out, and his hand slowly went limp in mine. When we were sure Jamie had fallen asleep, we quietly stood and left his room. we stood outside the door for a few seconds, just looking into each other's eyes. At some point, Matias's hands ended up on my waist, and I was leaning into his chest. My eyes were closed as I breathed in his scent, and one of his hands moved softly up and down my back. I could fall asleep right here if I really wanted to.

"Do you want to head back out, or should we call it an early night?" Matias whispered in my ear, and I smiled.

"We should at least go back out and say goodnight. It is technically my party," I chuckled and he hummed. 

"Maybe," was all he replied before we stood there for about another five minutes, content in each other's embrace. 

Daemon? Where you at?  I jumped and pulled away from Matias at the sudden voice in my head, totally having forgotten that I now have the mind link with the pack. 

What? I replied, looking up at my mate who was smiling down at me.

Where are you? Y'all just disappeared! Sam, I figured out, said again. 

We'll be back in a second. I shook my head and laughed, before grabbing Matias's hand and leading him back downstairs. 

"Welcome to the mind link." Matias smiled at me, squeezing my hand. I squeezed back, looking up at him as we stepped into the elevator. 

"It's about time, I guess. I don't know if I'll ever get used to it though," I said, shrugging. Matias chuckled, before pulling me into his side and resting his hand on my shoulder.

"You will, I promise. It's a lot easier too," He replied, a soft smile on his face. I shrugged again and the elevator dinged. We stepped out, walking back towards the glass doors and back out into the yard. 


Hours later, much longer than we had originally planned, Matias and I collapsed into our bed, both releasing a sigh of relief. We laid apart for a few seconds, but facing each other, before I inched forward, pressing myself against my mate. He hummed as he dropped an arm over my waist, the other arm under his head like a pillow. I placed both my hands on his chest, rubbing gentle circles into the muscles there. 

"Did you have fun? How do you feel?" He asked softly, his hand gliding up and down my side. I hummed and nodded.

"I did, and I feel amazing," I whispered, not wanting to break the peaceful silence with being too loud. Matias leaned forward, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I'm glad," he said back, then pressed his forehead to mine. "It'll take some getting used to, but you'll come to love the abilities that come with being a Luna."

"I think I will, yea," I replied, looking into his eyes. We stared at each other in silence then, not needing to say anything more. Eventually, my eyes fluttered closed and I felt Matias pull me closer to him, our bodies flush. He placed another kiss on my forehead, then my nose, then a soft kiss on my lips.

"Goodnight, love. Sleep well," He whispered and placed one last kiss on my lips. I hummed in response, too tired now to try and open my mouth to speak.

Snuggled together, Matias and I fell asleep peacefully. No worries about my rogue mother, no worries about someone coming back to take me away from my mate and my pack. No worries about anything, other than the typical adult things we would have to start doing again.

Thinking one more chapter and then an epilogue. 

Thank you for reading!

Feel free to point out grammar or spelling mistakes, just don't be an ass about it <3

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