Chapter 13 - Confrontation

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Matias POV

It took everything in me to get those words out. His eyes went wide, his body tensing slightly as he stared at me. His hair was a mess on his head, his hands gripping the dark comforter underneath him. His eyes were slightly puffy and red, signs that tears had been there at one point. I wanted to pull him into my arms, wipe away any sadness that had come, but I knew I couldn't do that. He is scared of me, and it breaks me on the inside.

I held his eyes for only a few seconds before he lowered his head, hair falling in front of his face in a tangled mess. I took a quiet step forward into the room, the floorboards not making a sound against my weight. I kept doing that until maybe a few feet from the bed, Daemon finally spoke.

"Why," His voice cracked, and I could hear the tears beginning to form in his eyes from that one word, "Why me?"

I nearly fell apart at my core with those few words he spoke. He was shaking on the bed, his hands fisted even tighter into the sheets. I could hear his rapid intakes of breaths, shaking and trying his hardest not to sob. I closed the distance in between us, and let my self-control go, pulling him into my arms.

I wrapped a hand around his back, the other coming up to thread through his hair, and he immediately broke down into me. His hands released the sheets and gripped my shirt, and his face buried in my chest as he sobbed for an unknown reason. I softly ran my hand down his head in a petting motion, smoothing out the frizziness of his hair.

"It's ok, let it out," I whispered into his hair, pressing my lips lightly into his head. He continued to bawl his eyes out into my shirt, his hands clenching and unclenching sporadically. He didn't make a move to push me away, or push himself away, and my wolf was gleaming at that fact.

After a few more minutes of whispering comforting words into his hair and kissing his head as lightly as I could, his sobs died down to quiet sniffles, his hands long since fallen away from my now crumpled shirt. No words were spoken between us, and the fact he hadn't pulled away yet was comforting to me. Maybe he was starting to come around, but I knew with the mindset he had had for the past three years, that was unlikely.

"Why didn't you reject me?" His frail voice finally broke the silence, cracking on each word he forced out. I could easily tell his wolf was fighting him, trying to get him to not ask that question, trying to get him to crawl fully into my arms and stay there. The struggle was clear on what I could see of his tear-stained face. I tilted my head to the side slightly, lifting my hand to caress his cheek and try to get him to look at me. He flinched away though, squeezing his eyes shut. I dropped my hand, my heart falling slightly with it.

"I would never. Why would you think that?" I asked quietly, my voice as soft as I could get it. Daemon started shaking again, his small hands clenching and unclenching around the sheets. I didn't know what to do, he was falling apart in front of me and I couldn't do anything to soothe the worries flying around in his head. After a few seconds of silence, or as silent as it could get with his sniffles and choked back sobs, my mate whispered in the smallest of voices,

"I'm no good. I'm not strong, or pretty, or worth it," My heart was breaking with each word, my wolf howling in my head. "It'd be better if you just got rid of me." He mumbled so quietly that a normal person would not have heard him, but I obviously wasn't a normal person.

Before I could even think twice, my wolf has taken over and growled. Daemon's head shot up as his wide, tearful blue eyes connected with my now gold ones. I watched as his eyes flashed a silvery color for just the briefest of seconds, before returning to their normal shade. By that time, I had reached out and snatched his arm, forcefully pulling him into my chest. He gasped as I held him to my body, my hand securing his head to my chest as the other was locked around his lower back. A small whimper barely made it past his lips as I buried my nose in his hair again, my wolf releasing a low growl again.

"Don't. Ever. Say that. Again." My voice was low and gruff, the effects of my wolf being in control. Daemon started shaking in my hold, hands pushing weakly against my chest to try and free himself. I only tightened my hold, snarling softly with a hidden warning behind it. He stopped pushing against me, his hands falling defeatedly at his sides. I breathed out a sigh of relief as my wolf gave control back to me.


Daemon POV

I hated it. I hated this so much. My wolf was wagging his tail, begging us to fall ever so obediently into this man's arms. But I couldn't. Because besides my wolf's stupid nagging, was that little voice in my head that actually spoke reason. Reason that told me I was good enough, that he would get bored of me so quickly and throw me out like everyone else did. Nobody tried to contact me, my parents never cared, I have no friends, so why was he going to be any different? He was an alpha for fuck's sake, he was probably going to be worse. I let these thoughts swirl in my head and I stayed still in his arms, silently freaking out at every breath he took or shift in movement he made.

After too many minutes of being this close to him, he finally released his hold on me, shifting away but not off the bed. I stared at my hands, which sat limpy on my lap, as I avoided his burning gaze and whatever was going to come out of his mouth. I heard him sigh, then shift around some more, before he finally stood up. I watched his feet and legs as they shifted to stand directly in front of me, and I unintentionally tensed up. Once again, I heard the faintest of sighs escape past his lips, before he took a step back. I continued to stare at my hands.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I would ever force you to do anything you don't want to, and I would never, ever, think of rejecting you." His voice was soft and sweet, exactly the words that should have calmed me and made me jump into his waiting and loving arms. Except they didn't. Because all I heard, was lies. I sat in silence, not responding like he would hope I would.

"You can stay here for now," His voice was still soft and caring, not annoyed like peoples voces usually got when I ignored them, "I'll have someone bring you food and whatever you may need. I assume you know how to work the TV so you can do what you want with that," He paused, "I'll have someone bring you some clothes and toiletries. Bathroom is through there," I assume he pointed to where the bathroom was, which I had seen when I'd woken up, but I still did not dare to look up. There was silence for a few more seconds, before I heard another sigh make its way out. I felt slightly guilty that I was making him sigh and making him upset and stuff, yet at the same time, I didn't care.

"I'll come check on you occasionally. But," I could hear the sadness practically oozing from his voice, "if you don't want to see me, I won't come in. Ok?" His voice was so soft. So caring and warm and loving and everything anyone would ever want to hear. But I didn't reply. I just stared at his feet, my wolf fighting tooth and nail to get me to reply, to get me to even acknowledge the man that stood in front of me.

"Ok." I heard him whisper, before I watched his legs carry his feet across the floor, and then stop by the door, before walking out the door, and shutting it behind him.

And a single tear escaped past my eye, slowly falling down my flushed cheek.


AHHHHHHHHHHH. Thank you, thank you, thank you so so so much for the reads and the votes and the comments. It means so much to me and I get this stupid smile on my face everytime I see the read count go up, or someone interacting with my story. I love that people are enjoying this and taking their time to read it.

Once again, thank you so much, and I hope you're enjoying the story! <3


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