Chapter 27 - People

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Outside POV

The wolf had control. Daemon was pushed to the back of his mind, watching out of a set of eyes that weren't really his, but at the same time were now technically a part of him. He didn't really mind that he wasn't in control though, the wolf wasn't doing anything to harm him. In fact, at the moment the wolf was just wandering around. Neither of the two knew where they were, and they didn't know how to get out of here, or which direction they had to go. So they just wandered the forest. They knew that some people had come back to the facility, he watched them enter with an amused huff, then listened and, if he had been human, laughed as they screamed at the carnage. They'd rushed out of the building and left, screaming and crying.

He figured someone would come to investigate eventually, so he waited. He waited for someone to come for him, and while he wandered around the forest, he prayed that someone would be his mate. Even if it wasn't Matias himself if it was someone from his pack that would be good too.

Daemon didn't know how long it had been since he escaped, he didn't know what day it was, and he didn't even know the time. It was good that he could follow the sun now though, at least, because now he actually knew that days were passing. He was bored though, and so far it had only been about four or five days.

He hadn't done much of anything those four days, besides try and get his body back. What was weird about this wolf though, is it didn't seem to have a presence in his head; it didn't talk, it didn't growl at him or make any signs of recognition that it even existed. Yet for some reason, Daemon couldn't get back in control of his own body yet. He couldn't even control the wolf. So honestly, whatever the wolf wanted to do, could do. If he wanted to run away, he could and Daemon wouldn't be able to stop him. He hadn't yet though because if Daemon knew one thing that this wolf wanted, it was for Matias to come and find him. Daemon figured that maybe Matias and his pack had heard about this "research" center by now and that maybe they'd come and investigate, after all, this was kind of a huge blow to the werewolf community; Daemon figured at least. Wolves going missing and being experimented on? Technology and drugs that could change a person's inner beast? That was revolutionary, it could change how the supernatural world worked, especially the shifter species. Dameon just hoped that no one got their hands on this stuff, which lead him to believe that someone would come here soon to confiscate the stuff and that they would find him and he would be saved.

But like said, Daemon didn't have anything to do but wander, for now, sleeping under trees and hunting for any animal that was nearby. So far all he'd eaten was rabbits because that was closest to him. He hadn't even picked up a trace of deer living in this area, so he'd given up on the idea of a bigger meal. The rabbits weren't really fulfilling, but it was better than starving. and he was not going to eat plants.

At the moment, the wolf was hunting for a rabbit. Daemon was just watching through its eyes because once again, he couldn't do anything. It was starting to annoy him too, not having control of his own body. That and the fact that this wolf wasn't his.

Daemon watched as the wolf stuck close to the ground, sniffing out a trail he had gotten on. He could tell there weren't too many rabbits, but one was better than none. So he continued to follow the trail, and after what couldn't have been more than five minutes, he found his prey.

Pushing himself even lower to the ground, the wolf and Daemon watched the rabbit nibble on a piece of grass, ears twitching every few seconds. The thing didn't even have a clue. He tensed, ready to leap on the unsuspecting creature when its head shot up and the rabbit bolted. Daemon growled, immediately giving chase to his lunch. The creature bolted from side to side, long legs carrying it far, but not far enough. Within a few bounds, Daemon had the wiggling rabbit in his mouth, and with a satisfying snap, the creature was dead. Daemon huffed in satisfaction, before following his scent trail back to his campout, which was only a few yards away from the research building.

When he finally plopped back down in his spot, Daemon watched with boredom as the wolf tore the rabbit apart, pulling back the fur and spitting it out of his mouth, finally getting to the good stuff. It only took a few minutes until the rabbit was gone, and the wolf and Daemon were only partially hungry. He'd go out and hunt for more, but he knew there wasn't anything close right now. So instead, the wolf laid his large head on his paws, watching his surroundings.

The forest was decent, and it wasn't cold at the moment so that was an added bonus. Dead leaves littered the ground, along with other vegetation Daemon didn't care to know about. Twigs, fallen trees, other random logs, even a really old lawn chair. Daemon listened as birds chatted with each other, watched them fly in and out of trees. The birds paid no attention to the large black wolf though, knowing that it wasn't a threat to them.

The wolf followed one particular bird with his eyes, a large red cardinal. It seemed off, the way it was flying about and watching him. The other birds seem to avoid it too, leaving it to sit on its own perch, singing out to birds that wouldn't respond. Daemon continued to watch the bird, even when it flew to another tree, this time turning to watch the wolf too. The bird cocked its head, letting out a shrill chirp. The wolf snarled, raising a paw and slamming it down on the ground. The bird jumped, flying off into the air without another sound. The wolf just snorted, lying it/s head back down on its paws as it lazily watched its surroundings. Until he heard a noise.

Immediately, his head perked at the sound of footsteps and hushed whispers. Slowly, the wolf stood. Daemon was fully alert now, watching intently through the eyes of his beast as he stalked forward towards the noise. Was it probably a bad idea? Yes. Was Daemon also now a huge, threatening wolf? Also yes. So he continued forwards at the idea of finding someone who could maybe help him.

The wolf very carefully, slowly, and quietly made his way towards the voices. As he twitched his ears to pick up sounds, all he could hear coming from the people was whispers, before more shuffling of feet was heard. The wolf only had to take a few more steps before he saw the people.

It was a group of a bunch of random people he didn't know, but he knew they were shifters. Werewolves, they smelled like. He watched them suspiciously, keeping an eye out for any of them that moved or looked around. They seemed to be waiting for something at the moment, and Daemon decided he would wait with them. Although they hadn't figured out he was here yet. This confused Daemon, because he thought maybe they would have smelt him by now, but they showed no sign of knowing he was there.

Daemon watched through the wolf's eyes as one of the men pulled out a ringing phone, saying something into it, before telling his men to gather around. He pulled the phone away from his ear, and pushed the button, before saying,

"You're on speakerphone, Matias." The wolf's, and Daemon's, heart skipped a beat. His mate. His mate. He needed to talk to his mate.

The wolf didn't even think before he stepped forward, immediately drawing all attention to him. The wolf let out a whimper as the men all stared at him, tense and ready to protect each other. Daemon, on the other hand, was fighting to get control of his body again, to be able to speak. To talk to his mate.

The wolf let out another whimper as the man talked into his phone again, saying something to his mate that Daemon wasn't focused on right now, still trying to get the resisting wolf to give him his body back.

"Matias, I think it might be him," Was what Daemon didn't hear as he fought against the wolf. Matias, on the other hand, was trying not to break every single damn traffic law as he raced for this wolf that could possibly be his mate.

Double update because it was done and why not. :)
(I had to edit it)

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