Chapter 4 - Take off

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Daemon POV

I sat on the bus clutching my duffel to my chest. I'd run all night, as far as I possibly could. As the sun came up, I hit a town and boarded the next bus. I was currently on the road to who knows where just sitting there and staring out the window. It'd been at least two hours, and I figured I should probably get off soon, as the driver was throwing me strange looks through the mirror. I sighed, looking down at the expensive watch that still sat on my wrist. We stopped at another bus stop and I stood, ready to leave. As I walked, the bus driver stopped me.

"Hey, kid. Where you going?" He asked me. I turned to look at him and shrugged. He narrowed his eyes on me.

"I have no right to stop you, but you be careful out there." I nodded, stepping off the bus and it drove away. I grabbed the handles of my bag and took off, walking through the city. 

It was a nice one and if it hadn't still been so close to my old pack I'd consider staying here. It was a small city, more like a town, with a few larger buildings. I was walking around on the sidewalk in a little shopping area with lots of small shops and bakeries. It smelled amazing, to say the least. I kept walking as children and their mothers rushed past, some people talking outside and catching up on the latest news. I walked past a particular bar and a few of the men outside yelled at me.

"Hey! You!" One called out, pointing at me. I looked over my shoulder at him and raised an eyebrow. He and his group started towards me and I froze up. The one who called out to me was in my face now, his eyes hostile and cheeks flushed. He was drunk. Great.

"What do you think you're doing here boy?" He asked, words slightly slurred. I didn't react, turning my head away to look at the men standing behind him. All were flushed and had angry eyes, all middle-aged men, all nicely built.  

"I don't know what you're talking about, sir," I replied, voice strong but quiet. He shoved me back harshly and I stumbled but kept a tight grip on my bag as to not drop it. 

"You know where you are kid? You need to leave. Now." He snarled, his friends backing him. I nodded, stepping away. I quickly walked away from the angry men, watching the ground as I went. I obviously wasn't supposed to be here according to those men, and I didn't want to be here anymore if that's how this town worked. As I walked, I started to notice more people looking at me that I hadn't noticed earlier. I was walking faster now, my nerves spiking at each unfamiliar gaze. I reached another bus stop, getting on as fast as I could. I sat near the middle by the window, watching as the town disappeared into the land. It was a nice town until I became unwelcome for some reason. Maybe I was unknowingly in a pack, or it was a marked rogue territory. Then it hit me. I'm a rogue now.  I balled my fists up in my lap, fighting back tears. Yes, I wasn't really fond of my pack and my parents weren't the greatest, but I was still part of a pack. Wolves needed a pack. Realizing it now, I could feel that bond that used to be there gone. It was empty where it used to be. I sighed, swiping at my eyes to clear them of any water.

I was rogue now and I wasn't going back to my pack. I wasn't going back to wherever he was. 


I eventually got off the bus after another few hours, landing in a larger city this time. It was dark out now, and the street lights were on. I walked through the city quietly, all that was heard was the dying chatter of birds, drunken laughs and yells, and an occasional cricket. I stopped at a bench and sat down, dropping my bag by my feet but still keeping a grip on the handles. I didn't trust city people to not try and mug me. I closed my eyes, tilting my head back with a sigh. I was finally gone from the pack. Just not in the way I wanted to be. I heard someone walk past me, two someones, followed by laughs and whispers. They walked past, but then I heard someone come running at me. I opened my eyes to see a girl standing before me, and what I assumed was her friend standing a little ways away giggling. I cocked an eyebrow at the girl in front of me. She was pretty, a small figure with long blond hair and bright green eyes. She had plump but small lips, a cute bunny nose, and long thin fingers. She wore a short skirt, with a skimpy tank top revealing her chest. 

"Hey, are you new here?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled. She stuck her hand out for me to shake, but I didn't. Her smile faltered as her hand fell. 

"Um, I'm Mariah. Are you staying long?" She asked again. I shook my head before mumbling, 

"No." She smiled at me again as she played with a ring on her finger. 

"That sucks, my friend thought you were cute." She pointed behind her at the other girl who hid her face in her hands. I gave a small smile to both the girls.

"I'm sorry, I'm only passing through and won't be staying long. You are both very cute girls though." I stood, grabbing my bag and waving to both girls as I walked away. I heard them giggle and run off and I smiled to myself. If only someone like that had been my mate. 

I walked for a little while before finding a small motel that was cheap enough for me to stay in for the night. I walked into the small room and immediately flopped down on the bed. I groaned into the mattress, tired and worn out. I flipped over onto my back, staring up at the ceiling with my arms spread across the bed. Closing my eyes, I drifted off unintentionally into a peaceful and dreamless sleep. 


I woke up early, my brain used to having to be up anyways. I groaned, stretching out on the bed, my limbs extending over the edges. I wasn't a big guy, but I was kinda small for a werewolf of my age. Speaking of, I hadn't heard from my wolf since I left. I could still feel him, but he seemed quiet. Dormant almost. I focused on him, and he seemed to push me out. I frowned. Great, my wolf was pissed off at me now too. I let out another sigh, sitting up with a grunt. Light spilled through the flimsy curtains, staining the already stained carpet with brightness. I blinked at the intrusive lights, rubbing my eyes with my hand. I stood, stretching my arms above my head before bending at the waist and touching my toes. I stood with a satisfied groan, stalking off to the small bathroom for my morning activities. 

After about ten minutes I exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist, my hair still dripping slightly. I dug through my bag grabbing some pants, boxers, and a shirt, and threw them on. I quickly grabbed my bag, exiting the motel, and walking towards the nearest bus stop. I stopped someone on the way, asking where I was and where the nearest airport was. I was still in Oregon, closer to Washington now. There was an airport a few hours away. I thanked them and went on my way, getting on the bus that would send me to the airport. I dropped my bag by my feet, sighing and letting my head rest back on the headrest. I balled my fists up in my lap, stress taking its toll on me again. Thoughts raced through my head, my wolf silent throughout it all. I knew he was still there. He was just...ignoring me. I rested my head on the window, closing my eyes for a second, just listening. 

I could hear the tires as they rotated on the road, I could hear the music a person a few seats away, with their earbuds in, was playing, I could hear the silents breaths of another person that was asleep. I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears. I could hear my breaths. I could hear the silence of my wolf. I felt like I could hear everything. I opened my eyes and looked out the window as we passed cars on the highways. I sat like that for the next hour or so it took to get to the airport. Then when I got there, I purchased a ticket and went to wherever was the farthest away from here that was possible. 

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