Chapter 46 - Training

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Daemon POV

I regretted agreeing to train this morning.

I love my mate, I really do, but when he started gently shaking my shoulder to wake me up, I wanted to do nothing more than lock him in a shed and go back to bed.

Begrudgingly though, I woke up with many curses and groans. I know, it's only 6:30, but that was still stupidly early for me. It always had been.

Matias just chuckled, though, kissing my lips and dealing with my grumpy morning side.


We eventually made it downstairs and had breakfast with a few of the other people that were going out for training.

When we got outside we had to walk a little way into the forest, before reaching a large clearing. The area was mostly compact dirt, with a few weeds pushing past the dirt here and there. People were already warming up, stretching while talking with other pack members, and a few heads turned when we walked out, friendly smiles greeting us. One man, in particular, came up to us and slapped Matias on the shoulder when he spotted him.

"Finally decided to join us, huh?" He asked a smile spread wide across his face. He was only a few inches shorter than Matias, his skin a slightly tan color but still much lighter than my mate's. His sandy brown hair was shaved on the sides and longer on the top but looked like it had recently been cut. His eyes were green, and filled with amusement and energy. He overall looked like a very fun man, but I didn't really like the fact he was currently hanging off my mate.

Matias rolled his eyes, and pushed the other man's arm off, much to my enjoyment.

"Hello Andy, yes I'm back to join the training," Matias smiled, looking around at the crowd. The man, Andy, smiled even wider at my mate, slapping him on the shoulder once again.

"Let's hope you haven't gotten rusty, dude." Matias rolled his eyes again, before looking over at me. Andy also looked over at me, and his eyes lit up.

"Hey," He stepped around Matias and stood in front of me, offering his hand out. "I don't think we've actually met yet, surprisingly. I'm Andy, Matias's Beta." I shook his hand hesitantly, offering him a slight smile.

"I'm Daemon," I replied, looking over at Matias. Matias smiled at me, before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side. Andy smiled.

"Oh yea, I know. I think everyone knows you, you just don't know everyone." Andy shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. I nodded too, looking around and at the crowd.

"That's partially why he's here, to get to know some more people," Matias stated, and I nodded, still looking at the crowd and what people were doing.

"That as to let his wolf out for a bit." Matias squeezed my shoulder and I returned my attention to him and Andy. I nodded again, glancing at Andy and then Matias. Matias smiled at me, his eyes shining with excitement. I gave him a small smile back, before turning my head back to Andy as he began to speak.

"No problem. We usually start with some human-orientated workouts before switching over to the wolves" Matias and I both nodded, and Andy smiled.

"Let's go get started then!" Andy turned on his heel, walking back over into the crowd and yelling, drawing their attention. He started listing stuff off, warmups, and then what the workout would be. Everyone seemed ready to start, bouncing on their toes and smiling at each other. I looked at Matias, who was smiling brightly and also very eager to start. He looked down at me after a couple of seconds though, and his smile grew even wider. He dropped his arm from my shoulder and grabbed my hand instead.

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