Chapter 35 - Peace and Parents

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Daemon POV

A week had passed, and everything was slowly returning to normal. Jamie still slept in the room with us, clinging to my arm practically the whole night. It was cute until I wanted to turn over. Matias had resumed some of his Alpha duties, along with routine border patrols with the upped security. Any time he wasn't in his office, he was with me. Sometimes I was in his office with him though, watching over his shoulder at what he was doing, or even sometimes offering my input. Matias liked to, lovingly, complain that my presence was a distraction. I would just roll my eyes and ask if he wanted me to leave, to which he would immediately reply "no". It was great, the feeling that nothing had even gone wrong, that I was never taken away or anything. 

The pack was still slightly on edge, but they were also returning to their normal routines and habits, but still keeping an eye on their surroundings and their kids. I usually spent my days playing around with Jamie or watching him as he messed around with the other kids, who seemed to pay attention to him now. When I'd asked him about that, he'd just shrugged. I was overjoyed he had kids to play with his own age now, but it seemed a little suspicious that they had all of a sudden taken a liking to him. I tried not to dwell on it though. Maybe they had a change of heart. Usually, when I sat and watched Jamie play, some of the parents would talk with me about their kids or what they were doing. They'd ask me questions too, along the lines of how stuff was going with Matias, when the mating ceremony would be, his parents, blah, blah, blah. That one question always got me though. I still hadn't met his parents. They had left to go back to their vacation house, which was I don't even know where, to get some things before coming back.

I would be meeting them soon though because according to Matias, they were on their way and would arrive no later than tomorrow. 


"They are going to hate me," I stated, staring at myself in the bathroom mirror. Matias sighed, walking into the bathroom and wrapping his arms around me. He pressed a small kiss to my shoulder, then my neck, then just below my ear.

"They do not hate you." He whispered, his eyes locking with mine in the mirror. 

"They have every reason to, do they not? I ran away, I broke your heart, I did all that other stupid shit that I don't even want to talk about," I started, breaking eye contact and staring down at the sink.

"Daemon." His voice was commanding, and I immediately stopped talking. I looked back up, but he spun me around to face him. His eyes were dark, but not angry, as he placed his hands on the sides of my head.

"They do not hate you. They have actually been dying to meet you." He says, squeezing my face a little bit. I hummed, looking at his eyes, then down to his lips, then back up at his eyes. He smiled, before leaning forward and giving me a small peck. His hands dropped from my face as he took a step back. Turning on his heel, he walked out of the bathroom.

"Besides, if they hated you, they wouldn't be coming to meet you." He stated from the room, and I sighed, turning back to the sink.

"They're still going to hate me," I mumbled under my breath as I grabbed my toothbrush.

"No, they're not!" He yelled back. 


I stood in the main living room, trying to stop from fidgeting with my hands. Goddess, I could not do this. They were going to hate me, there was no way they weren't. Matias was outside right now, helping them bring in some bags, and had told me to wait here. If I didn't want to disappoint him even more, I would have bolted back up to our room. But that would just delay this meeting, and probably make his parents hate me even more, and like I said, piss Matias off. I didn't want to piss him off anymore.

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