Chapter 5 - Thinking

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Matias POV

I followed my mate's scent for as long as it was there. It was fading quickly and was barely there even as I ran through the woods the next day. I followed it though, and it faded completely in the middle of the edge of a highway. I'd lost him. He was gone. My wolf was furious yet sad at the same time but determined to get our mate back.

I had returned to my pack shortly after my mate had run, returning pissed off and easy to rage. My father inquired about it, but I brushed him off, telling him I needed to rest before I explained whatever the Hell had just happened. I slept fitfully that night, my wolf was restless and still agitated.

I awoke the next morning to a banging on my door, my father yelling at me telling me it was, "Time to get my lazy ass out of bed!" I grumbled as I threw my warm covers off, my bare feet hitting the cold, wooden floor. I stomped into my closet, grabbing a set of clothes before stomping into the bathroom and washing up. I took my time to try and calm down, my wolf still mildly pissed off.

"We need to go find him." My wolf snarled. It didn't actually speak, but you get the idea. I agreed with him, but I couldn't drop all my duties right here and now to find someone who didn't want to be found. I ran my hands down my face as the water sprayed it, growling as I became annoyed. I turned the water off, drying my body off quickly before wrapping the towel around my waist. I stepped out of the stall, dropping the towel and hastily throwing my clothes on. I left my room and jogged down the stairs and into the large living room, walking through it to the kitchen. I found my Father in the kitchen with my mom and little sister. Nobody else was in the kitchen, no cooks or cleaners, just my family. I plopped myself down next to my sister, ruffling her short hair. She snarled at me playfully, swatting at my hand. It cheered me up a bit to mess with her.

My little sister, Samantha or Sam, was 15. She had cropped short hair, which was thick and fluffy and fun to play with. She was tall and fit for her age, her naturally dark complexion these days was kissed by the sun because of how much time she spent outside. A true warrior as she would become. Our pack was inclusive, and the woman could do what they wanted. She had amber eyes like our mothers and light brown hair. She took the most after our mother, while I took after my father with a few of my mother's features. I goofed around with her while my parents talked before my father asked the question I was waiting for.

"How was the party?" He asked me, not looking up from the bacon he was frying. I clenched my fists, the night's events replying in my head.

"I found my mate," I whispered after a few seconds. My family froze, quiet for a minute. Then my sister squealed and my mother released the biggest smile I had ever seen. Sam jumped on me, bombarding me with questions that I chose not the answer.

"Who is she? Is she pretty? Is she short? Is she strong?" Etc.

My eyes were downcast, and my mother picked it up very quickly. She gave me a sad look, reached out, and grabbing my hand before squeezing.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" She asked in that calm, motherly tone that just made you want to curl up in her arms. I sighed and explained the story to them. My father stayed silent the whole time, my sister growing agitated as the story went on, and my mother sympathetic. I had my head bowed when I felt my father's large hand clasp my shoulder. I looked up into his dark eyes, to see a spark of sympathy. He gave me the faintest of smiles before saying,

"We'll get him back. Don't worry." I smiled sadly at his words, nodding. Samantha sat quietly at my side, eyes directed at her hands that were folded in her lap. My father went back to making breakfast, my mother cutting fruit on the island while humming. They started up some small talk, talking about their agendas for the day and meetings and stuff I would have to learn eventually. Samantha looked at me, amber eyes filled with pity, a hint of rage, and determination.

"I'll help you find him." She whispered. I smiled at her, ruffling her hair again. She laughed, swatting at my hand again. Breakfast went on normally after that, the topic of talk staying away from the other night's disaster.


I stood in the middle of a training circle, shirtless, and gleaming with sweat. A man slightly smaller than me lay on his back underneath me, my foot resting on his chest, which was also rising and falling quickly. He snorted as I removed my foot and held out a hand to help him up. He took it, smiling as he stood. His skin was significantly paler than mine, a white creamy color while mine was on the darker side. He had the same amount of muscle as me, only an inch or two shorter than me. He was my best friend and would be my Beta.

"So, heard about your little fiasco the other night." He snickered. I rolled my eyes, punching him on the arm with more force than necessary. He faked a cry of pain, rubbing his arm.

"Fuck off, Andy." I grumbled playfully. He snickered again, punching my arm back.

"Don't worry about it dude, you'll be fine." Andy slung his arm over my shoulder, leaning against me. I scoffed and pushed him off, not wanting to be hotter than I already was.

"You only say that 'cause your mate didn't run off the second they saw you." Andy just shrugged, because he knew I was right.

He'd found his mate shortly after his 18th birthday, a pretty girl who went to the school we attended. She was a petite woman, thin brown hair with hazel eyes. A very loving woman and she was a perfect fit for Andy.

"He won't last long before he comes crawling back, don't worry about it, dude." Andy slapped my shoulder, walking off back towards the packhouse to clean off. I stood still in the clearing, staring at his retreating figure.

He could be right. Daemon could come crawling back, begging for forgiveness and my love. Or he couldn't. He could fly to the other end of this world, and stay as far away for as long as possible. He wouldn't though. I will find him. My father had already talked about contacting foreign and out of state packs to locate him.

I turned on my heel, looking out into the woods. It was calm, serene. Birds chirping, not afraid of the beasts that lived among them. I could hear the footfalls of small critters, and patrolling wolves. I closed my eyes, picturing what it'd be like to roam these woods with my mate. Stopping at the waterfall near the back of our property, goofing around with him and splashing each other in the water, sitting back when we were tired out. Then I'd pull him onto my lap, nipping at his neck as he arched into me...

I shook my head out of the daydream, not really wanting to have to deal with the...consequences of my thoughts. I growled, turning away from the woods and stalking back to the packhouse. Father was off on business with mom, leaving me to run the place for a few days. I basically already knew how to be Alpha, but father didn't want to step down yet and was sort of waiting till I found my Mate. Well, I'd found him. And he's gone again.

I stomped into the pack house straight up to my room to shower. It was a quick, cold shower, rinsing myself off before having to go back to my fathers office to do some pack work. I sighed again as I left my room, throwing on some sweats and a sleeveless tank top. No socks. I hated socks. I entered my father's office, sitting in his chair and starting on the work he'd left me. Going through it mindlessly as my thoughts always drifted back to one person.



Hiiiii. It's me, Sudsbudz. I'm sorry these chapters are so short, especially the ones in Matias's POV. I'm not very good at writing him, cause this story is more planned/focused in the POV of Daemon. Thanks for reading though! and bare with my short chapters, I'm not used to writing super long chapters.

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