Chapter 47 - Free Running

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Daemon POV

My wolf had control of our body, and I wasn't going to lie and say it wasn't nice to take a break from having control.

Running side by side with my mate was also a euphoric feeling. This was the first time our wolves had actually met, and brushing up against up every few seconds as we ran through the woods was an amazing experience. His wolf seemed to enjoy it just as much, panting and yipping with joy like a pup. It was cute, to say the least.

We ran with all the other wolves, darting past trees and jumping over logs, just letting our animals take over and be free. I don't ever remember doing this kind of stuff with my old pack, but that is also probably because I didn't take part in the training.

Matias stayed by my side the whole time, and we never slowed. My wolf was full of energy from not being released in so long and could have easily outrun Matias if he wanted to.

Eventually, he made this fact known to my mate. When we came to the halfway point where we would start rounding back to the field to continue training, my wolf spoke to Matias through the bond.

Race you back, Matias's wolf looked at us out of the corner of their eyes, before darting off with no warning. My wolf eagerly gave chase, and we caught up in no time.

Matias's wolf looked surprised as we easily ran alongside him, my wolf gave him the best wolfy grin he could before easily surpassing our mate.

As we ran, we passed many of the other wolves ahead of us too, and they looked at me with surprise and amazement as I ran past them.

It only took a few minutes for me to return to the field, and I was the first one there. I sat patiently in the middle of the field as the first of the wolves began to return. The first few to break the forest looked surprised to see me sitting there, but didn't shift to say anything. After a few minutes, and a few more surprised wolves, Matias's wolf broke through the woods, panting. He spotted me and jogged up to me before dropping down at my side, resting his head on the ground.

My wolf snorted, before leaning our head down to lick at Matias's wolfy face.

That wasn't much competition, my wolf snarked through the bond playfully. Matias huffed, snapping up at my face. We pulled away, standing up with a short bark, before immediately lowering into a play arch. Matias's wolf eyed us, before huffing and slowly standing up.

Right as he finally got to his feet, we pounced.

Matias's wolf let out a startled yelp as we tackled him to the ground, pinning him down with our body, chuckling through the bond at the surprised look on his face. Matias started kicking at our legs and stomach to get off of him, and we obliged, jumping off, and immediately starting to paw at him as he flipped onto his stomach. He growled playfully, nipping at my paw whenever it came within distance of him. When I launched myself at him again he was ready and launched himself right back.

We wrestled around for a bit until the rest of the wolves had returned and training actually had to start. Matias filled me in on what we would be doing since I still didn't have the pack link, and my wolf eagerly began with the rest of the wolves.

We were basically just mock fighting, with guidance here and there. Matias would tell me important things, guiding both me and my wolf through spots to target, how to protect ourselves, watching for weaknesses, etc. It was overall fun for my wolf, and I was just glad we were done with the human part.


Training seemed to fly by, and when we were finally done, my wolf didn't want to be. He was still full of energy and didn't want to be done. Matias noticed this, huffing in amusement as my wolf whined at him, pawing at his face to keep going. Matias obliged, and we kept playing and mock fighting until everyone has left. After everyone was gone, Matias shifted back into his human form, breathing heavily as my wolf continued to wag his tail in his playful arch. Matias just laughed, pushing our head away when I went to snap at him. He stood and walked over to a tree, pulling out a pair of shorts and slipping them on. Walking back over to me, he sat back down on the ground in front of me.

"We should at least go back and have lunch," Matias sighed, placing his arms behind him to lean back on them. My wolf huffed, whining softly. I could tell he didn't want to shift back because he didn't know when he would get to be out again. Matias smiled softly at us, reaching out to gently sift his fingers through the fur on our head. My wolf leaned into the soft touch, coming closer and laying down, resting our head on Matias's lap.

"They have training every day of the week but Saturdays and Sundays," Matias's started, and my wolf's ears perked up. Matias smiled down at his, his hand still gently petting our head. "We can keep coming if you want." My wolf picked his head up and nodded eagerly while I groaned.

Yes, it was good for me, but that didn't mean I wanted to do it. Matias seemed to see the internal battle in my wolf's eyes, and he chuckled.

"Daemon doesn't like that idea, does he?" Matias asked my wolf, who nodded again, and Matias laughed. My wolf watched Matias fondly, placing our head back in his lap.

We sat like that for a few more minutes once Matias's laughter died out, and we just watched the woods around us, listening to the birds who had slowly begun to come back because all the wolves were gone now.

Eventually, Matias sighed, patting my head gently before he shifted to stand up. My wolf picked up our head, cocking it as Matias brushed off the wolf hair on his shorts.

"We should head back, get some lunch and other things done," Matias smiled as my wolf huffed, placing his head back down on the ground. I gently pushed for control but my wolf relented.

I don't want to, he grumbled, to both Matias and I. Matias smiled knowingly, and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"You'll get to come back out tomorrow and play some more. But I wouldn't mind the human Daemon back for now, please?" My wolf looked up at Matias offended that he didn't want to spend more time with him. Matias snorted, reaching down to pet his head.

"You get the point, you big lug." Matias snorted, and my wolf nipped his hand at the insult. Matias just laughed as my wolf rolled his eyes, before finally giving me back control.

As I shifted, Matias waited patiently until I was done, and when I was he had somehow manifested a pair of shorts for me in his hands. I gratefully put them on before Matias pulled me into his arms, placing a kiss on my head.

"Nice to see you again," I hummed as I took in my mate's scent through my human nose, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Your wolf is a bit of a drama queen, huh?" He asked, fully aware that my wolf could voice his opinion on that.

Excuse you? My wolf piped up, just like expected, and broadcasted his own thoughts through the bond. Matias looked surprised that my wolf had talked to him through the bond link, and I was a little surprised he did that too. I didn't think he could talk to Matias unless he had control of my body, or was in wolf form.

"Joking, joking," Matias pulled away from me and raised his hands in surrender. My wolf huffed, before going silent again. I just rolled my eyes and smiled, before grabbing Matias's hand and pulling him towards the path that leads back to the pack house.

"Let's go get some food before you insult my wolf anymore, please," I stated and Matias chuckled.

"Yes, darling," was his reply.

The rest of the walk back was spent in comfortable silence, just us and the birds.

I hope this chapter makes sense. It was kind of weird to write, especially since their wolves don't really have names.

Thanks for reading anyway! <3

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