Chapter 12 - I can't right now

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Daemon POV

My eyes finally fluttered open after who knows how long. Honestly, I wished they'd stay closed though. My vision was still blurry and slowly clearing as I moved my stiff neck to examine the room. The first thing I noticed was the heavy blanket covering up to my neck, it was extremely soft and warm, and it just made me want to close my eyes and fall back into my head. I didn't though, instead of turning my attention to the rest of the room.

It was a spacious room. A large, black futon sat in a corner, a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall with a bulky shelf full of games underneath it, along with an Xbox. It was really tidy, all the games perfectly in place and nothing left out. A mahogany dresser sat a little ways away from that, golden handles glowing in the little bit of sunlight streaming through the dark curtains, all the drawers closed with some knick-knacks sitting on top of the dresser. No clothes lay scattered on the floor, which was also a dark mahogany color, and next to the bed sat a large, plush-looking, white rug. I saw two doors on opposite sides of the wall, one propped open slightly revealing a bathroom. I couldn't see into well enough, so I just diverted my attention. I looked back down at the blanket covering me, wiggling my body around sightly to regain the ability to even move my body. It felt like every single limb was asleep, and that I was forever not going to not be able to move.

After about five minutes of wiggling, giving up, then wiggling again, I was finally able to move my arms and throw the top of the comforter off my chest. Fresh air assaulted my torso, and I sighed in relief at the cool feeling. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, before slowly shuffling my arms back, and pushing myself up onto my elbows. I groaned as I shifted my body back to lean against the headboard, already feeling tired again. I didn't know how long I was out for, but I was obviously out long enough to be this freaking weak. I mean, I knew I was small and obviously not anything other than a lower-rank wolf, but I didn't think it was this bad. It could be worse though, I could be a full-blown runt. If I was though, I don't think I'd be alive right now, and wouldn't have been able to resist the pull of the mate bond. I dropped my head back against the headboard with a groan, hitting it slightly but ignoring the pain. My eyes continued to glance around the room, taking in small details, like the little wolf figurine, how cliche, that sat on the cabinet that held the video games, and the pair of socks blending in with the carpet beside the bed.

My attention drifted over to the curtains keeping the sun out of the room, and at that moment I really wished they were open. I wished I could see outside while I was confined to this bed, weak and unable to stand because I was that pathetic. I took a deep breath, and my eyes widened as I finally realized just where I was. How the fuck had I not noticed this when I woke up?

This room smelled heavily of my mate.


Matias POV

I'd paced around the house about fifty times now, wanting to storm into my room and hold my mate. But I knew if I did that, and he woke up, he'd probably freak out again, and with his record, most likely pass out the second I put a hand on him. I'd only peaked my head in once, to see if he was up yet, and my wolf had nearly taken over at the sight.

My mate was covered in my blankets, surrounded by my scent, and basked in the small amount of light streaming through the curtains. His hair lay like a messy halo around his head, spread across the pillows. His face was calm, not scrunched up or scared or being overflow by tears. His plush lips were slightly parted as little breaths escaped them, and it took everything in me not to give into my wolf's urges and go over there and kiss him. So instead, I turned from my room and walked away, locking the door from the outside.

So here I was, pacing around the house wondering when I could go back up. Sam and Andy sat in the living room with a bunch of other wolves, snickering at me every time they saw me walk by. I had literally nothing to do, and working on the pack's paperwork was defiantly a no-no right now with how distracted I was. My wolf was urging me to just go back and stand outside the door like the creep he was, just wanting to be near our mate. I understood where he was coming from, but that would just send me into even more of a frenzy, and I don't know if I would be able to stay out of the room.

Around maybe three o'clock was when it finally happened. I had been sitting on the couch, anxiously bouncing my leg while Sam and Andy continued to laugh at me when I heard a loud thud come from upstairs. My head snapped up at a speed so quick I'm surprised I didn't give myself whiplash. Sam and Andy must have heard it too because their laughing ceased, and they looked up to where the noise had come from as if they could see through the walls.

Daemon was up.


Daemon POV

The second the realization that I was in his room, in his bed, and under his covers, I flipped out. I struggled to through the blanket off me, my weak limbs roaring with the effort before I had managed to kick it down to my feet and swing my legs off the bed. My bare feet touched the soft carpet that sat in front of the bed, the feeling tickling my feet. I knew it was a bad idea when I pushed myself to stand up, but my clouded mind didn't really think of that until I had hit the floor.

I froze, knowing that my falling would have alerted every werewolf in this building, that I was up. Shit shit shit! I scrambled to stand, my legs not quite wanting to work with me though. Honestly, I looked like a child trying to take its first steps. Tears of frustration built up in my eyes and my shaky legs tried to hold up my weight, and I hit the floor once out of my anger. A tear escaped from my eye, and I angrily swiped at it to get rid of it. I took a deep breath even though it was difficult, and very carefully pulled myself back up onto the bed, using my arms to pull myself up. I could very slowly feel my legs starting to regain feeling, and I felt stupid that I had been weak enough to even lose feeling in them. I was finally seated on the bed again, my breathing heavy as I tried to fight back tears when the door burst open.

My head snapped up to look at the intruder, only to see my wide-eyed mate and two strangers standing behind him. I started shaking as his eyes met mine, wide and full of an emotion I chose to ignore. I wasn't going to get lucky this time and pass out, no, this time I'd actually have to face him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out, and he just stood there looking like a fish. I would have laughed if I wasn't so petrified. The two strangers behind him looked at each other, then back at him, before slowly backing away and out of sight. I briefly glanced at them as they disappeared from sight, before my eyes flickered back to Matias, still standing in the doorway like he was frozen.

His eyes were dark, and I swear I saw them flicker gold for a second. His wolf was near and that probably wasn't good for me. I could feel my wolf panting and begging me to go to him, howling and whining in my head. I wanted to snarl at him, but I couldn't because of the way my mate had my eyes captured in his.

This time when he opened his mouth, words actually came out.

"Please don't run from me."


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