Chapter 17 - Oh, come on!

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Matias POV

I'm not going to lie and say that leading my mate around the packhouse wasn't at least a little awkward, but I was still enjoying it. All good things come to an end though, obviously, and my free time with the skittish mate came to an end when one of the border control warriors burst into the room.

"Matias! We have a problem." He looked frantic, eyes wide and hair disheveled. His clothes were in disarray like he'd just thrown them on. I snarled at him in my head, but not out loud because it wasn't really his fault if something was actually wrong. Daemon went stiff beside me, and I could just barely feel his wolf through our bond.

"What?" I asked, my voice firm, trying to hide the disappointment of being interrupted.

"Rogues, at the border, a lot of them," He rushed out, eyes darting to the glass wall behind us, looking at the people outside. I stood up straight at the news, turning my head to glance out the window.

"Get everyone inside and down to the bunkers. Link whatever capable warriors you can and get them outside ready to fight. I'll handle the rest." I stated, and the warrior nodded before rushing over to the door and throwing it open, shouting for everyone to get inside. I turned to Daemon while he did so, looking him in the eyes.

"You'll go down with the rest of them. Stay there until we come to get you all." My voice held the tone of no argument, and Deamon realized that, yet he still chose to talk back.

"Why can't I help?" He asked, and I could tell that he didn't actually care if he got to help, he just wanted to argue.

"Because you can't, and I need you here safe." I sighed, raising my hand up and running it through my hair. I glanced at him again, just as he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, whatever." He grumbled as he crossed his arms, turning on his heel to follow all the people starting to head downstairs. I growled under my breath, my wolf and I not really liking the tone he'd given us. He turned his back to me and started to walk off in the direction of where everyone else was going. I sighed as I watched his retreating form, running a hand through my hair before pivoting and stalking towards the glass windows and door. I stepped to the side as a mother rushed her kids into the house, giving me a worried smile. I nodded, before stepping out of the house once the doorway was clear. I stood on the porch and took in a deep breath, my wolf alert and on guard as he took in the state of the environment around us. The air was still, birds quiet, and just barely in the distance, I could hear the growls and snarls of the rogues and my warriors. With narrowed eyes, I shifted in a fluid motion. Bounding off the porch, I rushed through the field and into the forest, dodging trees and other objects that could snag on my dark fur.

After about a minute of running, I slowed down to a stalk, the noises of the battle ahead of me getting louder. I slowly crept forward, before seeing what I'd come out here for. Three rogues and two of my wolves were fighting, my wolves easily holding off the rogues despite being out-numbered. With a loud snarl, I launched onto the rogue closest to me, latching onto his nape and pulling. In an instant, the wolf was dead, my muzzle dirty with his blood. My two warriors finished off the other wold, turning to me and nodding, before darting off to help somewhere else. I stayed for a minute, glancing down at the two bodies at my paws. With a disgusted snarl, I stepped over them and continued my way through the forest.


Daemon POV

Being in this damn panic room or whatever the Hell it was, was going to drive me crazy. The crying kids, the mother's trying to shush their children, and then on top of that the not-so-blatant stares I was receiving. I was huddled in my own little corner of the room, annoyed at those around me. I was fully capable of being out there to help, but nooooo, Mr. Alpha just has to have his perfect little mate safely tucked away. I'm surprised I didn't get my own stupid panic room.

Grumbling under my breath as another child screeched, and trust me I was not the only one annoyed. The teens of the room could apparently hear the cries over their earbuds and rolled their eyes every time. I agreed with them, although I wish I had my own set of goddamn earbuds. I could not sit here anymore. This was going to drive me crazy, and it wasn't even because my wolf was freaking out about knowing that his mate was out there and in possible danger.

With an annoyed snarl, I stood, immediately silencing the mother's trying to soothe their crying children, who only started to cry more at the lack of attention. I glared at them and averted their eyes as I walked to the metal door that kept me in this stupid room. One of the warriors guarding the inside of the room stopped me though, latching onto my shoulder with his hand. Growling, I slapped said hand off, turning on him with my teeth bared. He looked conflicted, dark eyes scanning me with hesitation. I stared back with an icy glare, not breaking underneath his gaze.

"I will go where I want when I want and right now, I'm leaving," I growled lowly, and he flinched.

"Sir, we can't let anyone leave until the Alpha gives us the clear, Especially you." He stated, hesitance still lacing his voice. This guy was a warrior for fuck's sake, he was twice my size and all muscle, and he looked like he was going to fold like a card table beneath my glare.

"Your Alpha is not mine. He cannot keep me in here unless I'm in chains or passed out. So with that, I will be leaving, and you will not stop me." I snarled with finality, turning my back to the warrior and pulling on the lever to open the door. I stepped out into the long, dark hallways that hid beneath the pack house, and confused the two warriors that guarded the outside of the door.

"Sir," One of them started, but I brushed him off and continued to walk away from the room. I could handle my own if I came across a rogue. I kept walking away from the room, ignoring the yelled curses from the guards. I stomped back up to the main floor, grumbling the whole way about how stupid this was. I guess it was my stubborn pride that blocked out my howling wolf as I flung open the glass door and stepped outside, breathing in the fresh air. It was eerily quiet, not going to lie, but you could still hear the occasional howl of pain and wrath in the distance. I shuffled around the blankets and pillows to the edge of the porch, watching the forest the whole way for any sign of danger. My wolf was on high alert too, not liking the idea of being outside but not wanting to cower away like I knew he really wanted to. I stepped of the porch, eyes darting between the trees and the tall grass, knowing that a wolf could easily make it through the grass if they were small or steathly enough. The breeze blew just in the right way that you wouldn't be able to tell something was stalking through it. And despite me watching my surroundings as best as I could, something- or someone- still got through.

"Well, well, well," A low voice snarled, from directly behind me.

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