Chapter 31 - By Your Side

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Daemon POV

The second time I opened my eyes I knew I wasn't actually awake. I only knew this because when I went to move, I moved without a problem. Almost like I was flying or something. It didn't alarm me when I looked around either, seeing as I was outside. Once again, the only reason it didn't alarm me was that I actually knew where I was; still stuck in my own head. 

Looking around, I realized I was outside Matias's packhouse. Everything was brighter though, almost like in those stereotypical dreams that people have when they meet someone who's dead or something. Oh shit...I'm going to meet someone who's dead, aren't I?

"Not dead." 

"Holy fuck!" Spinning around with a rapidly beating heart, I came face to face with a very familiar-looking wolf. Its eyes were blue and purple and fur insanely black, seemingly glowing as it stared me down. I was taller than the creature, only slightly, but I still felt like this thing was glaring down at me. The wolf snorted at my reaction, not moving as I scrambled back away from it. 

"What the fucking Hell are you?!" I rushed out, eyes wide, but surprisingly not in fear. I knew the wolf wasn't going to hurt me, but I was still surprised to see it. This never happened with my old wolf. 

"That's because I'm not your old wolf." The wolf spoke, but its jaw never moved. Almost like it was speaking directly into my head. Which wouldn't surprise me, considering we are in my head. 

"He's technically dead now," a pang of hurt wen through my heart at the wolf's words, but I didn't let it show. 

"And I've taken his place." The wolf's voice, at least I think it's his voice, was low and rough. Deep, almost like Matias's. Matias

"Are we home? Or was it all some sick prank?" My voice is quiet, I can barely hear it. The wolf does though and snorts in response.

"We're back with our mate. We're safe." He responds, shuffling on his feet. Slowly, he sits back on his hind legs, shaking his head slightly. 

"So next time you decide to wake up, maybe don't go crazy." He rumbles, eyeing me with a weird look. I look down at my hands, fiddling them together as a small flush rises on my face. 

"I...I didn't know. I'm sorry." I murmur, not looking at the wolf. My wolf. 

"It's fine. Just know that we're safe, and not in harm anymore. We won't be in harm ever again." The last part is growled out, more animalistic than it is human. I didn't look up, just continued to stare at the grass beneath my feet, shuffling them around. 

"How do you know?" I whispered, and if it weren't for the fact that it was a wolf, he probably wouldn't have heard me. But he did, and immediately after the words left my mouth, a very loud snarl came from his. 

"Because I am not weak." His voice was grave, deep, and threatening. I flinched back, glancing up at the wolf. The purple and blue eyes were glowing so bright it looked like if I got any closer, they might burn me. His teeth were bared, a low rumble building in his chest and spilling from his mouth. 

"Sorry, alright," I mumbled, looking away from the wolf and over to the woods. He didn't respond, but the low growl slowly faded away. After a few seconds, the wolf spoke again.

"You're free to wake up whenever you want. I won't talk much, but I'm still watching most of everything you do. Let Matias take care of you, let him do his job this time," He snarled and I flinched. "Try to be a little more conscious of the shit you're doing from now on, I'd rather not have to take over and kill people again." His voice slowly faded out, and so did the scenery. I didn't try to hold onto the "dream", instead, letting my new wolf's warnings, and advice I guess, sink in.

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