Chapter 3 - A New Perspective

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Matias POV

I was only here in the place of my father. He said that it'd be a good learning experience and that maybe I would find my mate. And then the second I arrived on the pack's property, I knew my mate was here. My wolf was alert and aware, and there was this feeling in my stomach. They were here.

There was still a day before the party, and I sat bored in the packhouse, scrolling through my phone. My bodyguards stood around the room, some sitting, some standing. I didn't see the point in even having them, considering I could handle myself pretty well. And nobody would be stupid enough to challenge me, considering I was the next Alpha of one of the strongest packs in the world. I was bored out of my mind, my phone not really that entertaining. Plus, knowing that my mate was here set my wolf on edge, wanting to go out and hunt them down and claim them. I didn't care if it was a boy or a girl, I just wanted my mate. My dad would prefer a girl, along with probably the rest of my pack, but I just wanted to have the one person in the world that was mine. 

A door opened, and I briefly glanced up to see some teens walk in. One of which was the son of the Alpha here. Looking down at my watch, I noticed it was 3 o'clock. So schools out. I wonder if my mate is in school? 

"Hey man! What's up?" He waltzed over to me, a stupid grin on his face, I stood, plastering on a smile, and grabbed his hand. 

"Nothing much, y'all just get out of school?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. I didn't necessarily want to talk to this kid, but I didn't really have a choice. Also considering that I was currently staying in his house. He nodded, turning to talk with his friends about said school stuff. I sat back down on the couch, pulling my phone back out. He and his friends went to one of the game consoles near the back of the room, making a ruckus and being loud. I sighed, rolling my eyes as their game started up and they only got louder. And to think one of these kids was turning 18 tomorrow. 


Today was the day, the reason I was even here. I was going insane thinking that I might get to see my mate tonight. Everyone had to be at this stupid party, even neighboring packs showed up in hopes their children or themselves might be this idiot's mate. My mate would be there. My mate will be there. I stood with the other Alphas, along with the Alphas family of this pack. I was anxious as he announced it was time to make an appearance. Then the second we stepped out of the house and into the very, very large yard where the party was being held, I saw them.

It was a guy, standing near the back of the crowd by the trees. I immediately connected eyes with him and him with me. My wolf was ecstatic, jumping, and yipping happily in my head. I didn't listen as the other Alpha stopped talking and we all dispersed into the crowd. I immediately made my way towards my mate, who hadn't moved. 

He was adorable. Large blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a small frame. He wore a dark blue shirt that was rolled up to his elbows, black skinny jeans that showed off his legs, and plain tennis shoes. 

He was looking around frantically, beautiful blue eyes wide in worry. But it didn't seem like a good worry. Then his eyes landed on me, and he tensed up. I stopped in front of him, extending my hand. He just stared at it like it was something he'd never seen. His hands were shaking slightly as if he was scared of me. 

"Hey, I'm Matias," I said, and he just kept staring at me. I didn't have a problem with that, but it was kinda annoying he wasn't responding. I lowered my hand, rubbing the back of my head. 

"Hello?" I nervously laughed, waving my hand in front of his face in a joking matter. He blinked and seemed startled.

"No."  He blurted. 

"No?" I asked,  confused. His eyes were still wide, and he seemed to contemplating something. I could almost sense his wolf in distress, begging him for something. He stumbled back, and I froze. 

"No, I-I. No." He took a few more steps back, and as I reached a hand out for him, he turned and ran. 

"HEY!" I yelled, ready to take off after him. People were watching, and just as I was about to take off, someone grabbed me. I turned to see a woman standing there, a mad expression on her face. She looked up at me, offering a tight smile.

"We're so sorry about that. He's my son, I can take you back to our house to retrieve him." She said sweetly. I gave her a close-lipped smile in return, nodding my head. She motioned to a man who came forward, face grim and unhappy. The lighting showed a faint blush across his face, meaning he was most likely drunk. I looked back to the woman, who resembled my mate the most. Wavy blond hair fell down to her mid-back, dark blue eyes narrowed with anger and annoyance. She was a normal size female werewolf, at least six foot. Her husband the same, with light brown hair and blue eyes. It was strange considering my mate was smaller than the average teenage male werewolf. Not that I cared. 

I followed the two in silence back to a shiny white car that was in the driveway. They got in the car and I followed, cramming myself in the back seat. 

"We are truly sorry for the behavior of our son. It was uncalled for and he will be reprimanded." The woman said, voice cold and hard. I didn't like the meaning behind that sentence, and I didn't really receive a good vibe from these people in general. I looked out the window as the woman sighed.

"What's his name?" I asked quietly. 

"Daemon." She replied. I closed my eyes briefly, wondering what could possibly be going on in my mate's head. Why would he run from me? I mouthed his name to get a feel for it. It felt nice to know the name of my one and only. The only problem though, my one and only didn't want me. I opened my eyes as we pulled into a driveway. A large, pristine white house met my gaze. 

It was defiantly upper class, with a perfectly manicured lawn and garden near the front. Marble pillars and stairs led to the front door which was a large, dark mahogany color. These people were defiantly well off. I stepped out of the car, Daemon's mom running to the front door, his dad passed out in the front seat of the car. The dude must have been really drunk. I heard her call out his name angrily, and then a second later I heard something hit the ground around the back of the house. I froze. I rushed to the back just as I saw him take off with a large duffel bag in hand.

"DAEMON!" I screamed, running after him. It was too late though, and when he hit the treeline I lost sight of him. I kept running though, trying to follow his scent, but it eventually got lost. I stopped, panting slightly as tears slowly filled my eyes. Then, his scent vanished completely and I fell to my knees. I clenched my fists and jaw, hitting the ground once. He ran. My mate ran. My wolf howled in distress and anger, pacing and snarling, begging to be let out to continue the chase for my running mate. I held him back though, not wanting to deal with him right now. 

I stood slowly, turning and walking back through the woods to the house. When I reached it, his mother rushed out, asking a million questions a minute. I brushed past her, much to her dismay, and walked all the way back to the packhouse. I met the Alpha at the gate, and his expression was grim.

"His link broke off. He's been disconnected from the pack." He deadpanned. I looked over his shoulder, not wanting to meet his eyes. He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"If he comes back, we will inform you. If you wish to chase after him and you find him, he's all yours. Until then, just enjoy the party." He patted my shoulder and walked away. I just stood there, focusing my gaze now on the ground, fists clenching and unclenching. 

He wouldn't get away from me that easily. I was going to have my mate. I wouldn't take no for an answer. 

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