Chapter 28 - Going Home

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Outside POV

Matias basically flew out of the car once it was parked, rushing into the woods and sprinting. While Matias was running as fast as he could and trying not to shift, because a shift on his part right now wouldn't be helpful, Daemon was slowly getting back control of his body.

The men that had found him were carefully watching as the wolf whimpered and whined, falling to the ground with a howl as a bone in his leg broke; He was definitely shifting. Daemon didn't even feel the pain as the wolf's body started to reform, the only thought in his mind was that his mate was coming here, he would see his mate again. Once upon a time, this would have been a perfect time to run away, but now? Daemon didn't want that. Daemon wanted his mate, and he wanted to see Jamie again and make more memories with the two. He couldn't live without them. He was questioning how he ever did.

Matias was almost there, he could hear the howls and whimpers of the wolf that could be his mate, he could hear the men and their hushed whispers, he was almost there. And when he broke into the clearing where they were, he froze. The Alpha that was meeting him there came up to him, saying something to Matias that he didn't hear because his focus was currently on the shifting wolf. The shifting wolf that he now, for sure, knew was his mate.

Daemon looked up when his mate's smell hit his nose, and there he stood in all his glory. His short hair had grown a small bit since he'd last saw him, brown waves ruffled slightly. His eyes were wild and glassy with unshed tears, bronze skin flushed from how fast he had run to get here; what would have been a twenty to thirty-minute run for a human was less than ten minutes for Matias. Daemon whimpered, stumbling towards his mate slightly before another few bones broke, and he howled out, falling to the ground. Matias shoved the hand on his shoulder off, rushing forward to the crying wolf. He fell to his knees in front of him, tears slowly starting to fall from his eyes as he pulled the wolf's head into his lap. Gently, he lowered his head to the wolf's, placing a small kiss on the creature's forehead.

"It's ok, just let it happen. You're ok now, I've got you." Matias whispered out, his voice breaking ever so slightly. He slowly pets his mate's head, gently running his fingers against the black fur as Daemon whimpered again, more bones breaking as his body slowly began the shift back to his human form.

Daemon was trying to speed it up, but his wolf was holding him back, knowing that if he sped up the process they'd only get hurt. Daemon just wanted to be able to truly touch his mate again, to feel his lips against his own; to finally apologize for his stupidity and all the shit he had put Matias through. He knew he'd fucked up, missed out on years he could have spent happy and learning to love himself, and now that he had been torn away from Matias? He couldn't do that again. Never again.

So Matias sat there, a mix of happy tears and sad tears, for the pain his mate was going through, falling down his face as Daemon slowly, and painfully shifted back. The other Alpha and his men let the two have their privacy, leaving the area to investigate but staying within earshot in case they needed help.

Finally, after another twenty minutes of agonizing torture for both of them, Daemon with the shifting process and Matias with seeing his mate in pain, Daemon was human again.

He panted in the arms of his mate as Matias let out a sob, pulling the boy up into his arms more. Matias held his mate's head to his chest, burying his nose in Daemon's hair, which had also grown a bit longer, and was currently a mess. Both were crying, Daemon raising his weak arms up to try to grip Matias's shirt. Despite only being in his wolf form for a few days, Daemon felt like he didn't even know how to move his fingers anymore; he felt like a newborn baby, to a degree.

"Ma-" Daemon tried to speak but his voice gave out from his extremely dry throat, and something else he couldn't place at the moment, and Matias shushed him almost immediately.

"It's ok baby, It's ok," Matias whispered, running one hand up and down his mate's bare back, the other smoothing his hair out. Daemon loosed a small sigh at the contact, another tear slowly falling down his cheek as he rested himself against his mate. Matias kissed his head again, pulling him tighter and closer to him, never wanting to let him go again.

The two sat like that for a while before Matias realized that Daemon had drifted off. His breathing was evened out, eyes closed peacefully. Matias took this time to survey his mate; he was paler and thinner than he was when he was taken. His hair was thin and dirty, knotted together and down to about his shoulders now. His cheeks were slightly sunken in, along with his eyes. Matias sighed again, running his thumb gently along Daemon's jawline.

Matias POV

I had finally found him. He was in my arms, sleeping. He looked like crap, there was no denying that, but he was still beautiful to me even at his worst. I couldn't stop the new round of tears as I laid him gently on the ground, before pulling my jacket off and laying it over his lower regions, tying it so it would stay in place. I stood up, holding him in my arms bridal style, his head limply resting on my shoulder, when the other Alpha stepped back into the clearing with a nod.

"I'm glad you found him, Matias." I nodded to him, giving him a tight smile.

"Thank you, Dan. For helping." I replied, and he gave me a nod back.

"Get him home, we'll take things from here." With that, Dan went back to find his men. I looked down at my sleeping mate, admiring him silently. With a soft sigh, I leaned my head forward and gently kissed his temple, before turning on my heel and starting the walk back to my car. It would be slightly longer now, as I wasn't going to run, but the extra weight was no problem at all. I would carry him anywhere, as long as it meant he never left my side again.

After about thirty minutes of walking as carefully as I could, we made it back to my car. With a small sigh, I gently released my arm that was holding up Daemon's legs, leading them down to the ground as he leaned against me in a "standing" position. I still held him up though, holding him tight as I opened the passenger door. I moved him into the seat, positioning his legs and pulling the seatbelt across his chest. I reached back into the back for a spare blanket, grabbing it draping it over him. His head dropped towards me as I did so, his lips right in front of mine. I smiled, giving him another forehead kiss, then standing up and closing the door. I walked around the front of the car to my door, getting in with a silent sigh. I looked at my mate once again, smiling as I saw his relaxed form. I didn't want to have to imagine what he had been through, because if I knew? I don't know what I would do.

Pulling the seatbelt across my chest, I started the car. I let it run while I linked Sam, placing my hands on the steering wheel and leaning my head back.

Sam, I got him.

It took her a minute, but when she responded it was at a mile a minute.

Oh my God, is he ok? Where are you? Are you on your way back? Do you need anything? Should we get everyone out of the house?

I snorted, my sister's rambling amusing me.

Sam, it's fine. Calm down. We're on the way back now, you don't need to clear the house but try and keep people out of the way. I'm going to start driving now, tell mom and dad, I'll link you when I'm pulling in. I replied, looking over at my sleeping mate once again. I smiled when a piece of hair fell in his face and his breath kept blowing it off. With a quiet chuckle, I leaned over and tucked it behind his ear.

Alright, I'll let them know. Drive safe. Sam replied before the link was cut off. With a nod she couldn't see and another small, tired, sigh, I began the drive home. This time, with my mate safe beside me.

Forgive the poor author for that cliffhanger last chapter

It needed to be done, hope this makes up for it. :)

Love y'all. :)

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