Chapter 43 - The Truth Comes Out

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Daemon POV

I was shocked. Yet at the same time, it made sense.

If word had gotten out that I was back at his packhouse, it would make sense that those people had known where to find me then. Especially if someone told them I was here.

Matias was fuming, glaring down at the smiling woman.

"Explain," He snarled, his voice low and filled with malice. I gripped his hand, gently rubbing circles into it with my thumb, hoping to calm him down maybe a bit. He had the right to be furious though, no doubt about that.

I was mad too, and confused, but I didn't need him killing her before we got information.

"How do you think they knew he was here? How do you think they knew who to target?" She sneered, the smirk still plastered in her face like she had won something.

"You think those dumb rogues are smart enough to do anything without inside help from the packs, or other packs?" Matias's eyes narrowed.

"You're trying to tell me that someone in my pack betrayed me?" Matias growled, his hand squeezing mine even tighter. She just shrugged.

"That's a possibility," She smiled at us, "but I know I told them he was here." Her eyes shot to me and she scowled.

"Shame that the experiments actually succeeded though," She rolled her eyes, slumping back against the wall. "I'd preferred maybe they'd fail. But of course, that stupid doctor did one thing right for once and now they're all dead. Though I suppose he still failed because you're not a mindless killer right now." She sneered at me, growling a little.

"Shut up," Matias snarled back, and she glanced at him and rolled her eyes. The way she could blatantly ignore the commands of and Alpha was weird. How she didn't cower away as any other normal wolf would.

"Why did you even bother? Three years and you couldn't take the hint?" She cocked an eyebrow, shuffling back further against the wall. I gripped Matias's hand tighter as I opened my mouth,

"I'm glad he fought for me. It's more than you ever did." She just rolled her eyes again, shaking her head.

"You deserved much worse. Fucking useless child," She mumbled that last part, but we both still heard it, and Matias loosed a loud growl. I shuttered a little, and my mother flinched back, at the power that radiated through the noise.

"You do not talk to him like that. He has more use, significance, and importance in his pinky finger than in your entire body." He leaned forward, power and anger coming off him in waves.

"And you're going to be discarded like the lying, manipulative, trash that you are." Matias's eyes burned gold, his voice slowly becoming more animalistic as his wolf pushed through. My mother glared but didn't speak back. Her lip pushed up a little bit in a sneer, but that was it.

Matias snarled one last time before he turned, and pulled me along with him out of the cellars.

He dragged me all the way back up to our room, Sam giving us a questioning look as we exited the cellars, but not saying anything. When we reached our room, he immediately pulled me down onto the bed on top of him. Wrapping his arms around me, holding me secure to his body, he sighed, nuzzling his face into my neck. I laughed softly, bringing an arm up to brush my fingers through his short hair.

"I'm sorry. Nothing she said was even remotely true, you're so amazing and everything to me and this pack." He whispered, his arms tightening around me. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in, and snuggled further into his neck.

"I know," I whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his skin.

"Good," he flipped us over, now pinning me to the bed. I grunted as he flopped on top of me, surprised that he didn't just squash me altogether. I giggled and tried to move my arms out from under him so I could push him off, but that didn't really work.

"Matias," I whined, squirming some more in the attempt to move my mate off of me. I felt him smile against my neck, where his face was still hiding, and his arms moved just enough for mine to be released.

Even with my arms free to push him off, he did not budge. Eventually, I just gave up and let them lay limp at my side. After a few minutes, Matias chuckled.

"Giving up so soon?" He picked his head up, and propped it up on his hands, his elbows propped up beside my head. I rolled my eyes, still not moving my arms. He smiled, bright and cheeky, down at me, before leaning down at kissing my nose.

I raised my eyebrows, unamused, before I finally moved my arms, only to cross them across my chest. Matias scoffed, smiling with that playful glint in his eyes.

I didn't even have time to scream properly before my body was being assaulted by his hands.


He was fucking tickling me.

Between screaming, gasping for air, trying to wiggle out of his grasp, and yelling "stop", I had officially worn myself out.

He eventually did stop, but I still laid there for an extra few minutes panting and gasping for air. He flopped down beside me this time, not on me, with a chuckle, and threw his arm across my chest.

"You...are the devil," I sighed, after finally having regained my ability to breathe. He just laughed, pulling me closer to him and placing a kiss on my cheek. I rolled my eyes but turned on my side so my face was buried in his chest, and his had rested on top of mine.

We lay in silence for a few minutes, just savoring the moment and not thinking about how we still had things to do and responsibilities, including the actual devil that was in the cellars right now.

I pulled my head away from his chest, looking up at him and meeting his eyes. I smiled softly as I brought my hands up and placed them against his cheeks, gently gliding my thumbs against his cheekbone.

"I love you. And I regret ever having run from you and what you've given me. I was stupid and scared, and I should have just listened and understood that you weren't going to hurt me," I whispered, quiet but firm. He smiled, pressing into my hand.

"You're everything to me, this pack is now everything to me. And that encounter with that woman did not change any of that," I closed my eyes, leaning up and pressing my forehead against his. "I'm not going anywhere, and even with all the shit that has gone down recently, I have not changed. I am still me, and I still love you. So, so, very much, Matias."

I opened my eyes, meeting his, which was currently filled with tears. He smiled as I looked at him, a tear dripping down his cheek. I brushed it away immediately and pulled my head back.

"I love you too," He whispered, before he closed the space between us that I had just opened, and kissed me.

He pulled back only for a split second to whisper,

"And nothing will ever change that."

Before his lips were back on mine, kissing me passionately.

Early update. I will still be updating on Tuesday, or at least trying to. :)

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