Chapter 38 - Marked

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Sorry it's late, totally forgot to update. Enjoy!

Daemon POV

I woke up to the feel of lips pressed against my neck, a nice tingling feeling shooting through my body. I hummed tiredly as I blinked my eyes opened, adjusting to the sun filling the room. I gently rolled myself over, and a flash of pain starting in my hips traveled through my body. I hissed, letting my body go limp. I heard a chuckle and looked to my mate, laying on his side and using his arm and hand to prop his head and body up. I rolled my eyes as he leaned down and placed a kiss on my nose, then my cheek, then my lips. I hummed in disapproval as he pulled away, and he snorted.

"Goodmorning, Love," He whispered, using his free hand to brush some hair from my face. I hummed in response, my throat kind of sore from just waking up and being semi-dehydrated. He chuckled again as he shifted, laying down by my side.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly, still playing with my hair. I turned my head to look at him and smiled, reaching one of my hands up to touch the now healing mark on my left shoulder. I sighed as another tingle of pleasure shot through me, closing my eyes and cuddling into Matias. He let out a small laugh before wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close, placing a kiss on the top of my head. We laid like that for a few minutes, no words needed to be exchanged to know how we felt. That, and even if we did need words, we now had a link for that too.

"We should get up and moving, I'm sure Jamie and Sam are waiting," Matias mumbled into my hair, his hand slowly moving up and down my hip, leaving warmth everywhere it touched. I hummed in acknowledgment but made no sign that I was going to get up and move. I felt shuffling beside me before Matias's arm was no longer on my side. I sighed in annoyance as he moved away from me, wanting him back in the bed with me. I popped an eye open just in time to see him coming at me.

I squealed as he picked me up bridal style, and I wrapped my arms around his neck so I didn't fall. He laughed as my grip tightened.

"I'm not going to drop you, babe," He said through his laughter and I scowled at him, swatting the back of his head.

"Owwww, that was mean," He whined, looking down at me in his arms. I just gave him a dead look, not believing his words at all. He snorted and continued the walk to the bathroom, and I let my head fall back off his arm, going limp and making it "harder" for him to carry me.

"Babe, you don't weigh that much." He snorted as we reached the tiled floors of the bathroom and he set me down. I scoffed, turning on my heel and walking to the sink.

"I'll have you know, I weigh plenty." I retorted, knowing that I really didn't. I probably weighed as much as a 15-year-old werewolf kid. Actually, they'd probably weigh more than me.

"It doesn't matter how much you weigh," Matias snorted as he walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist again and resting his head on mine. I rolled my eyes as I wetted the toothbrush and squirted a decent amount of toothpaste on it. I shoved it in my mouth as he stepped away, placing a kiss on my head as he began getting the shower ready.

As he stepped into the shower I watched through the mirror, smiling slightly and rolling my eyes when he winked at me. I spit, and rinsed out my mouth with water, before turning and walking back into the room. I gathered the clothes I'd need after the shower before plopping myself on the bed and waiting for Matias to finish. After a few minutes, Matias walked into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist and I couldn't stop the blush that traveled up my neck. He smiled at me as if he didn't do anything wrong, which I guess he didn't, but still. I averted my gaze away from his muscled chest and walked back to the bathroom to shower.

"Love you!" He called as I stepped under the warm spray. I smiled, rolled my eyes again, before calling back out,

"Love you too, dummy."


"Oh. My. GOD!" Matias and I both flinched as Sam squealed, launching herself at me and squeezing me into a hug. I laughed and patted her back, and Matias just rolled his eyes.

"I'm so happy for you!" She pushed away and looked at Matias, a wide smile spread across her face. She released me and went over to him, punching him in the arm before pulling him into a hug. He rolled his eyes again and patted his sister on the back before she pulled away.

"When is the ceremony?" She asked, looking at Matias and then me. I just shrugged, not knowing. Matias also shrugged, also apparently not knowing. Sam proceeded to roll her eyes, and placed her hands on her hips, tapping her combat boot against the floor.

"Since you two are obviously both incompetent when it comes to this, I'll plan it." She smiled again, and Matias's eyes went wide at the offer.

"Uh," He started, a small douse of fear flashing through his eyes. I was confused.

"How could that be a bad thing?" I asked, genuinely not getting why he seemed hesitant to let her do this. Matias sighed as a wicked grin spread across Sam's face, this one holding a secret that was about to be revealed.

"She...She throws really...extravagant...parties." Matias mumbles, scratching the back of his head. I cocked an eyebrow, still confused.

"They're wild!" Sam squealed, hands fluttering around in the air, "Booze, games, lots of delicious ass food, late nights, it's gonna be amazing!" She shouted, and I watched amused as Matias rubbed his forehead with his index finger and thumb. I stepped over to stand by him, crossing my arms over my chest and bumping him with my hip. He looked down at me and his gaze softened, a small smile pulling at his lips.

"It can't be that bad." I laughed quietly, and Matias groaned as Sam cheered. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

"They really are that bad. It's insanity, especially for initiation and welcoming parties." Matias watched his sister, who was still smiling like a kid in a candy shop, with a grimace on his own face. I rolled my eyes and smiled, nudging him with my elbow.

"It'll be fine." I laughed, leaning my head on his chest. He sighed and gestured to Sam.

"It's all yours, I guess," He caved, and Sam whooped, jumping into the air.

"You won't regret it, Promise! It'll be the best party you've ever been to!" Sam exclaimed, and I grimaced, suddenly remembering the last time I was at a party. Matias noticed and squeezed me gently.

"It's ok, I forgive you." He whispered, leaning down and kissing my head. I sighed, smiling gently at him.

"Still. That's not how that night should have ended. I wish I could go back and do it differently." I whispered back, Sam babbling on about something she was going to do.

"It's in the past, and we're here now. That's all we need to worry about," He replied, squeezing me again. I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Besides," He looked back to his sister, "now we just have to worry about whatever the Hell she is going to do." We both laughed, and Sa, stopped her babbling to question what we were laughing about. Matias ruffled my hair, before dropping his arm from my shoulder and taking my hand.

"Nothing." He replied, and Sam just shrugged, before launching back into all the plans she had.

A/N- Yes, I know it sucks, I didn't write the smut. Please respect my decision not to, as I am not currently comfortable with writing stuff like that. Maybe in later books there will be, but I do not believe that as of now I am qualified/experienced enough to write something like that.
Thank you.

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