Chapter 53 - Putting it all Together

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Daemon POV

You know how when nearing the morning hours, and your body subconsciously knows you need to wake up soon, you're sort of like...half awake? I was currently in that state, and that was the only reason I heard our door quietly squeak open. I didn't think much of it though until a very loud squeal sounded through the room, and a small body was flung onto me and Matias.

We both grunted, then groaned, as said small body proceeded to wiggle its way in between us with little giggles. I opened my eyes, blinking away the sleep and confusion, and opened them to find Jamie curled up innocently in between us, blinking up at me with wide, childish eyes and a smile that could rival the brightness of the sun.

"Good-Good morning!" Jamie shouted, voice filled with energy and child-like happiness. I couldn't help the sleepy smile that spread across my face at his words, raising my hand and ruffling his hair. He giggled loudly, before ducking his head away from my hand and looking at my mate, who was very slowly coming to consciousness. I watched with a smile on my face as a devilish look took over Jamie's face before the little boy pounced on my mate. Matias let out a very loud "oof" noise, the wind being knocked out of him, and Jamie laughed loudly before scrambling off of Matias.

Jamie made it safely off the bed, and away from Matias's hands that were now searching for the small child. My mate pushed himself up, playfully glaring at Jamie who was hiding on my side of the bed. I snorted and Jamie continued to giggle, grabbing my hand and trying to pull me in front of him to protect him.

"I had nothing to do with this, don't drag me into it!" I laughed as Jamie's giggles got louder as Matias threw the blanket off his legs, dropping them slowly off the bed with his head still turned to look at the little boy.

"You might wanna run little dude if you don't wanna be tickled," I whispered the Jamie, who giggled even louder, released my hand, and dashed for the door.

Sadly, he did not make it and was now a victim to my mate's relentless tickles. I shook my head with a smile as Jamie's laughs became more hysterical, and out of breath, his screeches probably echoing through the whole house.

After a few minutes, Matias finally relented, picking up a heavily panted Jamie in his arms and dropping him on the bed next to me. Matias just smiled, walking back over to his side of the bed and sitting down. Jamie lay limp on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, his face red and breathing still ragged.

"Poor kid," I mumbled, and Matias snorted, before placing a hand down on Jamie's head and pushing some of his curls back. Jamie found the energy in his to glare up at my mate, and stick his tongue out at him. My eye's widened, and Matias cocked an eyebrow.

"Would you like to be tickled again?" Matias asked, raising his hands and wiggling his fingers. Jamie squeaked, and quickly threw himself on me, burying his head in my neck, his little arms scrambling to find a hold on me. I laughed, bring my hands up and holding him, rubbing his back gently.

"Leave the poor kid alone." I rolled my eyes at my mate, and he smiled innocently. Jamie continued to cling to me until Matias placed a hand on his back.

"I won't tickle you, Jamie," He said, smiling softly as the little boy in my arms moved his head from my shoulder to glare at my mate again.

"Nobody should ever-should ever be tick-tickled." He mumbled with pouty lips. Matias smiled wider, before ruffling Jamie's hair.

"Nobody should touch-touch people's ha-hair too!" Jamie cried, shaking his head to remove Matias's hand from his hair. Matias and I both laugh, and even in his little pouty mood, Jamie cracked a small smile too.

"I'm sorry," Matias said after his laugh died out, and Jamie nodded curtly, removing his hands from me and crossing his arms over his chest.

"No more tick-tickles," he glared at my mate again, but his eyes held no true malice. Instead, it looked like he was trying to fight back a laugh. Matias could see this too, and raising his hands in surrender, he replied,

"No more tickles, got it, little dude."


The day had passed quickly, but it had definitely been eventful. I had voices popping in and out of my head the whole day, people asking me questions, or if they needed help with something. Everyone seemed to really enjoy being able to talk to me through the mind link now, and I couldn't say that I didn't enjoy it a little bit. It was nice being able to contact people on a whim and know what was going on in the pack.

We had spent most of the day either with Jamie, doing things around the pack, in Matias's office, or hiding in a closet or corner somewhere to get a little alone time. By the end of the day, I could say we were thoroughly exhausted. I was more tired right now, after my first official day as the pack's Luna, than I was after workouts with the warriors. Even as exhausted as I was, Matias and I both still had things we needed to talk about with each other.

Finally in our bed after finishing our nightly routine, Matias was propped up on the headboard while I lay my head in his lap. His hands gently ran through my hair, fingernails scraping my scalp, and if I were a cat I would totally be purring right now. We had thrown a movie on the TV, but we weren't really watching it.

"So," Matias started, and I shifted my head in his lap to look up at him. He smiled softly down at me, adjusting his hand so he could keep playing with my hair.

"I was thinking maybe we could our own house, not in the pack house." He seemed hesitant to say it, and it did surprise me. The Alpha couple didn't usually live out of the pack house because if something were to happen it would be easier for them to be there right away, but sometimes they would have their own house away from the pack house.

"I've already talked it over with my parents, and it wouldn't be super fair away at all. They agreed that it is a good idea, and even said they wished they had maybe done it too. We would still have our room here, and we wouldn't stay in the house all the time, but maybe just for weekends or when we want to get away and have some alone time." He finished, and I smiled, pushing myself to sit up. His hand fell from my hair, and relocated in my own hand.

"I think that would be a good idea, yea," I replied, and I brought my free hand up to carress his face. His smile widened, and he squeezed my hand.

"Awesome, we can start looking for a house as soon as tomorrow, if you want. Or we can look for property and build our own," He suggested, and I nodded.

"We can start looking soon." I agreed, laying my head down on his shoulder. We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, watching the movie, before I broke the silence.

"It think," I started the words suddenly caught in my throat. I had no doubts about this topic, I 100% wanted to do it and follow through, and I knew Matias would more than less likely agree with me, but it was still a tough topic to bring up.

"I want to," I cleared my throat before continuing, and Matias looked at me with a hint of worry in his eyes. "I want to adopt Jamie."

Matias blinked, before a wide smile spread across his face, and he pulled me over into his lap, hugging me tightly. I didn't try to stop the smile that spread across my own face either as my ate hugged me tightly, obviously agreeing with my idea.

"Yes, yes, yes. I want to, too." He pulled away, but still kept his arms around me, and smiled up at me. His eyes were filled with happy tears, his smile wide and joyful as he revealed all his teeth to me.

"We should do that, yes." He said again, before burying his head in my chest. I laughed, shifting my weight to straddle him, and placed my hands on the side of his head, placing a kiss in his hair.

"I'm glad you agree," I whispered, and I couldn't stop the small tear that fell from my eye, the happiness overwhelming me.

He wanted to start a family with me, and we both had the perfect candidate to start this next adventure in our life.

Only the epilogue left now. Thank you so much for sticking around this long <3

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