Chapter 49 - Fight or Flight

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Daemon POV

This time, racing through the woods wasn't satisfying. It was nerve-wracking and quickly paced, my wolf still holding back though to run with Matias. The entire time it took us to get there, maybe a little under fifteen minutes, thoughts of what could possibly happen raced through my head. Would she be dead already when I got there, our pack warriors having already killed her? Or are they only fending her off to let Matias decide what to do?

My mate's wolf would occasionally brush against me the whole run there, reassuring feelings flooding through our bond. It helped calm me down a bit, but it still didn't completely get rid of that feeling in my stomach. I wasn't scared of her, no, I knew I could take her now. I was more concerned that she would hurt someone. That she would injure or even kill someone from my new pack. But I also knew that deep down, she wasn't really that strong as a sane wolf. She was strong enough to leave bruises, but she wouldn't be able to take on the warriors from this pack. The most she would be able to get in is a scratch. Maybe two.

When we finally reached the western border, it was dead silent. No birds, not a rustle of the trees or surrounding bushes to indicate other creatures, even the wind seemed to have stopped. Multiple pack warriors stood, spread out around the rogue wolf standing deathly still in the middle of all of them. It was a grayish wolf, wolf strands of fur here and there to signal the wolf's age. Red, burning eyes met mine, immediately locked onto me. I knew it was the woman who I was once forced to call my mother.

The wolf snarled, baring its teeth at me as white foam slowly formed and fell from her mouth. Matias's wolf growled back, but the rogue didn't even spare him a glance. My wolf bared its teeth, taking a threatening step forward.

And I could see the restraint snap in the rogue's eyes as she launched forward at me, mouth open wide, sharp death glinting dangerously.

I didn't waste any time as I countered her attack, sidestepping as she flew past me, before sinking my teeth into her flank. She howled in pain, trying to snap at me, but I released her and stepped back with a warning growl. She didn't take the hint though, and limping slightly, launched forward again in an attempt at an attack.

I let her reach me this time, not stepping out of the way, but her teeth never even grazed my dark fur. Instead, I caught her by the neck, applying enough pressure to keep her still and for it to be painful, but not to kill yet.

I didn't want to kill, but I knew I wouldn't have a choice soon.

The wolf whimpered in pain, not even being able to open her mouth with the grip I had on her neck, paws coming up in an attempt to scratch me away. I snarled around the blood and fur that filled my mouth, but the wolf kept pawing at my legs, yet I felt nothing. No scratch of nails trying to dig into my own legs, nothing. Either she wasn't actually reaching me, or something else was going on here.

I didn't bother to draw this out any longer. I didn't want to be the one to kill my mother. I didn't want to be the one to kill anyone, but that ship had sailed a long while ago. If it meant protecting me, others, my pack, and my mate, I would kill one thousand times over.

So with a final clamp of my jaws, I felt the rogue's neck snap under the pressure and felt as the paws stopped clawing at me, and her body went limp beneath my jaw.

I dropped the carcass as soon as I could, but stood there and stared down at the dead wolf. I could feel the warmth of her blood on my fur and muzzle, could see it still leaking from her neck. The glossy eyes that now stared up at the sky, lifeless forever. I could hear the other wolves shifting from paw to paw, then their scents slowly retreating. One stayed though, my mate. He stayed with me for the five minutes or so it was that I stared down at the dead body, not really thinking, just looking.

It was different, killing all those doctors and killing this woman. Because those doctors had no significance, but this woman? Don't get me wrong, I hated her with everything in me, but it was still strange, to have killed my own mother.

Yet at the same time, it was releasing. I no longer had to worry about her coming for me again, or giving people my information, or trying to ruin my life. I was free from her clutches once and for all, both physical and mental.

I was free.

A human hand ran through my thick fur near my head, and I turned my head away from the rogue to look up at my mate. He smiled softly down at me, before squatting down next to me.

I tilted my head, pressing my wolfy forehead to his human one. I felt his breath against my fur, calm and even, warm and soothing.

"It's all done now, we don't have to worry about her anymore. You don't have to worry about her anymore." He stated, his voice a whisper yet so loud at the same time. So calming and reassuring, everything I would ever need and more. I let loose a breathe, closing my eyes and savoring the feel of his hands slowly working through my fur, rubbing circles into the skin beneath my black pelt.

We stayed like that for only a few minutes before Matias pulled away and I opened my eyes. He stayed squatting down beside me, and I just now noticed he was naked. If I had been human, I probably would be blushing. He seemed to notice my train of thought, and laughed out loud, carefree as if there weren't a dead wolf mere inches from us. He ruffled the fur on my head before standing, and I turned to look away. He chuckled again before his voice broke the silence,

"Let's head back. I'll get someone to come to deal with this." I nodded, and Matias shifted back into his wolf form and pushed himself into my side. I huffed, breathing in his wolfy scent and sighing.

As we began the walk back to the packhouse, my wolf talked to me.

That wasn't even a challenge. I rolled my eyes internally, not even bothering to comment.

I didn't care if it was a challenge, all I cared for right now was that it was done and over with, and she would never be back in my life.

My pack, me, and my mate were safe now. Or at least as safe as you could get being a werewolf.

Only a few more chapters left. Sorry if this one kind of sucks, I'm not very good at writing wolf's fighting. :/

Thanks for reading though! <3

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