Chapter 7 - Don't give up

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Matias POV

I sat in my office, bored out of my goddamn mind. My work was mostly done, the rest of it stuff I didn't have to do for a while. I sighed, spinning around in the chair like a child.

I was Alpha now. My father had decided that it was time, and I had taken over the position a year ago. We were both hesitant with the whole ordeal because of a certain someone. Someone I hadn't seen in three years, and I still didn't know where said someone was. We had people on the lookout, other packs willing to help. Yet there was still nothing on where he was. All we knew was he was probably in another country. Which only made matters worse.

I growled as my wolf grew agitated. After all these years, he still wanted to drop everything and find Daemon. I wanted to too, but I couldn't. I had the pack to take care of now.

I groaned as I heard a knock on the door. It door opened and Sam stepped in. Her eyes gleamed in amusement at my childlike position on this chair. My head was hanging off the back, my legs spread wide, and my arms limp by my sides. She crossed her arms, defined muscles flexing over her chest. She had gotten taller, now hitting around 6'3, only about two inches shorter than me. Her hair was still fluffy, shorter than it normally was as she had just gotten it cut. She was 18 now, finishing her last year of high school. I gave her a look and she snorted.

"What are you up to?" I asked, breaking the silence. Her face grew serious, and she dropped her eyes to her feet. I immediately sat up straight, the atmosphere of the room changing. She sighed, looking back up at me.

"They found him."

My world stopped. My wolf went silent, the continuous pacing in my head ceasing. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, blood rushing. It was silent for a minute before I finally spoke.

"Where." My voice came out in a hoarse whisper.

"Ireland." She replied. I was rooted in my chair, my thought process non-existent as I tried to process the information. I didn't know what to say.

"A member from a pack around there was in the area and saw him. They reported it when they got back to their pack." Sam said, her voice soft. I nodded. My wolf had finally regained its "mind" and was scratching and howling to be let free. To get on a plane and go find my mate right now. I couldn't do that though; I have a pack to run. Sam seemed to know what was going through my head because she immediately spoke up.

"You leave in a week. Andy will help run the pack and you can take someone with you if you like. If not you can go alone." She said. I nodded.

"I'll go alone," I said, my voice still hoarse and low. My wolf snarled in my head, not liking that I had to wait a week. We know where he is, we should find him now! He growled, pacing back and forth like normal. I shook my head at his antics but reciprocated the feelings. I looked back up at Sam, smiling slightly.

"You and Andy can run the place while I'm gone. I trust you." I stood from my chair, looking down at the paperwork that I knew I wasn't going to get done now. Sam nodded, walking over and placing a calloused hand on my shoulder. I looked at her, a small smirk playing at the edges of her lips.

"You'll be fine. Go rest for a bit, call Andy in here to finish this up or something. I sure as shit ain't doing it." She snorted. I chuckled, a deep sound that seemed to bounce off the walls. I waved her off with a nod and she slapped my shoulder once before turning and leaving the office. I braced my hands on the desk, dropping my head with a heavy sigh. I was happy yet terrified and the emotions ran rampant in me. I dropped back into my desk chair, rubbing my head. For what felt like the billionth time, I sighed. I closed my eyes, leaning my head back on the headrest. My mind went back to that first day that I saw my mate standing in that crowd. If I'd known what would have happened, I would have grabbed him and never let go. I never even got to feel the sparks that come with the first touch of your mate. My wolf was anxious and restless more now, begging me to let him take control and get to our mate. I held him back by a thin string though, even if I agreed with him.

I spent the rest of the day restless, my leg bouncing up and down relentlessly. I went to sleep that night and tossing and turning, dreaming about that first time I had seen my mate, and all the different ways things could have turned out.


A week couldn't pass fast enough. I was stuck in my head the whole time, barely able to get any work done. When I boarded the plane in the morning, my hands were shaking and I could barely hold onto my bag. It was a private Jet that the pack owned for overseas meetings or treaties. I spent the entire plane ride staring out at the clouds and nervously bouncing my leg. What if he ran again? What if he wasn't actually there?

My wolf was pacing in my head like normal, anxious to finally see our mate again, and not really liking the fact we took a plane. He'd never really liked planes, he'd much rather run or take a car. I rolled my eyes at his pacing, knowing it was mostly because we were on a plane. I closed my eyes briefly, thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Or right. I didn't know.


Before I knew it, the plane was landing. I stood the second I was aloud too, grabbing the carry-on that I barely touched, letting the crew deal with my other bags that were somewhere else. I rushed off the plane and into the waiting car, slamming the door and the second my other bags were thrown in the back, the car was off.

As much as I wanted the car to go faster, I didn't feel like getting pulled over, so I waiting not so patiently in the back seat as we drove through the streets. I was told the ride would be at least an hour or two before we got to the little town that my mate was hiding in.

My leg bounced practically the entire way as I just stared out the window. We passed some small towns and stuff, but it was mostly fields and rolling hills. It was pretty, I'm not going to lie, but I wasn't really in the state of mind to admire the scenery.

We finally started to get closer to where my mate was, and my wolf could tell. He could feel the bond getting stronger, and was howling in my mind with joy. Hopefully, we'd get to Daemon before he figured it out though, and ran again.


We stopped in a small town the car parking on the side of the road to let me out. The member of the pack here who had found my mate stood waiting for me on the sidewalk. He was a tall man, not as tall as me, with broad shoulders and long hair pulled back at the nape of his neck. He was tan but still light, his green eyes gleaming in the setting sun. He nodded back at him and we exchanged no words as he started walking, and I followed him.

We walked for maybe five minutes before my wolf knew. He knew where my mate was, he could smell Daemon now, and I was so close to losing control and my wolf taking over and hunting my mate down. The man could tell and hurried his pace. In two minutes we stood in an alleyway across from an apartment building. My mate was in there. That I knew.

And it took everything in me to not run to him when I saw him step out onto a small balcony.

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